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Everything posted by Raptor

  1. Three years ago there were losts of people going by Raptor. Nick da Raptor, Kitty_Raptor, etc. But now, it's not anywhere near as popular.

    -Raptor, out.

  2. It's not as popular as it used to be, though I've had the name long enough to have just Raptor and not have to add anything else. Unlike on other sites...

    -Raptor, out.

  3. I new I shouldn't have left those with you!

    *Chases Trans*

    -Raptor, out.

  4. XD. I must have missed that fad. But yeah, I was the ORIGINAL Raptor.

    -Raptor, out.

  5. XD. Glad for you. I got a Promotion.

    -Raptor, out.

  6. Yo, Transman! How's it going?

    -Raptor, out.

  7. My comps been broken. Just got it fixed.

    -Raptor, out.

  8. Thanks. And yeah, I think we got it worked out. We should be able to move on.

    -Raptor, out.

  9. Yo! How's it going?

    -Raptor, out.

  10. What a coincidence. I'm not a Cyberraptor either, I just lead them. Nice to meet a fellow Raptor. And, hey Rhey.

  11. Hey TK! That SSB Comic is pretty cool. Any idea when the next issue will be up?

  12. Nah, I'm on AOL. PM me the AD Pass, and I'll try again.

  13. No, the window for BiS hasn't been loading right. I got a new Antivirus, but I haven't checked yet to see if it's working.

  14. Mine's still a toss up between Cloud Strife and Squall Leonheart.

  15. Cool. Thought so. Aerith was awesome.

  16. It's all Nid's fault! Don't worry DA, I'll get you hooked on Iron Man and Protoman Yet!

  17. I need to study my Raptor's more it seems...

    JP Rules!

  18. Not Much Force. I'm coming back to BiS too. I just need to get caught up with all the people who think I died...

  19. Velociraptors are only one breed of my vast army. But, they were my favorites, 'cause Jurassic Park and JP2.

  20. You used to have a citidel.. I think. You have a whole planet, and I only have a dirt farm? How does that work?

    Thanks for the tip though, I'll log that along with Washington.

  21. One Star? Come on guys... It' not that bad... is it?

  22. Raptor

    Nid = Ownage, Pwnage, or some othr age. If anyone doesn't agree...

    *Cyberraptors begin chomping at bits*

  23. Raptor

    So Moved...

    I was so moved by Nid's speech, that I decided to be a copycat and write my own. This is a thank you to everyone who has ever posted in the BZPRPG, but most especially to: VF, the first member I ever RPed with. He's the one who invited me to begin with. A good friend who no longer RPGs in the BZPRPG. I miss you bud. Marc Spector: Moon Knight(Formerly Evangelion Unit: 04.), for letting me join the Brotherhood of Darkness, as always sticking with me. Lyse became a good friend for Rakatan, and Marc even openly said once that Rak was the "Muscle" of the BoD. That made my day then, and it still does. Thanks so much Marc. Your'e a real friend. Johnny Blaze: Ghost Rider, for RPing with me despite my (obvious) problems. DA, you rule, and you always have. Nukora, for giving Blur a good place to turn, and for RPing with me, despite long distances between you being able to RP. Not to menion giving Blur his primary love interest, and throwing all kids of fun in there. You rule Nukky. Good ole Admiral Seraphim, for his comedy, and all his IM help. Thanks Sera. Dwin. Man, you rock, and you roll! Hikan, thank you so much for all your help, and for the fun with Aeunder. Thanks. And finally, sorry if I missed anyone, but there's one to go... Nid. Nid, you.....(Man I'm tearing up...) NID YOU ROCK, ROLL AND KEEP ON GOING!!! Nid, you brought me into the BoD, inspired my best character, and changed my life forever. I deeply, deeply enjoy your friendship. I never would have stuck around if not for you. So... Thank you, so much. Thank your Nid. Again, Thanks. -Raptor, out.
  24. Well, I might as well make some shameless advertising about my CoT RPGs. -Redwall RPG: A good solid RPG, that's been going for a loooong time. My character, Sickle, is the Badgerlord of Salamandastron. Join now, you won't regret it. Recent News: Sickle's wife Starstripe has had two little ones! Rauon and Sesara Boltstripe. Also, Sickle has been captured by Rodriguez! -One Piece RPG: Started by a buddy of mine. It's just beggining, but I have high hopes for it. My characters are Raptor, AKA Black Leg II, Valor the Shipright, Caran *Spit* Banes, and Xaran Ra, the Tornado. Recent News: Raptor has joined up with Kaen D. Doragon, as his First Mate and Chef. Last Stand RPG: I'm brand new to this one, but it looks pretty good. I can't wait to RP here more often. Recent News: Raptor(Yes, I re-use Names) has entered the scene, leading a pack of wolves... More to come!
  25. Raptor

    Super Arc!

    Well, this blog came about just in time! Now you guys can keep track of the progress with my Super Arc. For those of you who don't know, in the BZPRPG, I have been building up onesingle Arc since day one. Slaving over it, building it, forging and molding it into what I needed it to be. My work has almost come to fruition. After all this work, I'm only waiting on a few things. What's that? You still don't understand? Okay, how about a recap. Rexarda Shadowson, a Nogan(A race made by my good bud Nid), has betrayed the Brotherhood of Darkness(Who aren't near as dark as they seem. More Nuetral.) Rexarda joined the Exiles, a group led by the evil Verkai. In his mad dash to escape, he killed the Cyborg Rakatan Mark II, Toa Karatan and Turaga Shrieker. Karatan' brothers have recently heard of this, and are already working on gathering together for vengeance. Meanwhile, the three demons, Sever, Cleaver and Lanceler have been reborn, and are determined to cause as much havoc as they can. When Rexarda's best friend, Veritar, finds out about this, he determines to kill Rexarda, and the Demons. Meanwhile, Rexarda's old enemy-turned ally, Aeunder, has decided to kill Veritar for the sake of reclaiming the best friend title. Blur, one of Karatan's two living brothers, has taken an oath of pain to kill Rexarda. Blur, Rakana, Ace, Veritar, Rakatan and Xanak are all gunning for Rexarda, who will claim the prize? -Raptor, out.
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