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Brappy Hour

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Brappy Hour

  1. Brappy Hour
    I want to personally thank Jedi Master J. for purchasing the remaining BrickFair shirts. Which was A LOT of shirts.
    Now I can start planning on shirts for this year. I'm going to try to lower the price for the shirts for this year, and hopefully more people will be able to afford them.
    Speaking of BrickFair. I recently registered and paid for BrickFair VA. Plus I was able to reserve a room. Can't wait.
    P.S. I realized that my name changed back on it's own. I guess it wasn't meant to be?
    Thanks for reading, Raptor.
  2. Brappy Hour
    Bionicle Raptor's Top 10 Worst Godzilla Monsters!

    That's right! In honor of Halloween, The Godzilla Top 10 has returned! But this year. Instead of my favorites though, we'll take a look at the ones that failed to impress. So check back for Bionicle Raptor's Top 10 Worst Godzilla Monsters!
  3. Brappy Hour
    Well. For those who were generous enough to stop by and take interest in my cereal box project. It is complete.
    Here is the whole box. Click Here
    It shows the sides, back, bottom, top, and of course the front.
    Please feel free to comment and add your opinion!

    Mechagodzilla II
  4. Brappy Hour
    I thought it would be fun to show you the steps of making a project in my graphics class.
    The idea this time was to make a cereal box design and make it fit onto a box to make it look like it was an actual cereal product. The first steps for any project of course was to think of an idea of what to use for a cereal product. Also, a name would have to be catchy and make people want to buy the product.
    Here's the ideas I came up with: Link
    Which idea made it to the next step? Check back here tomorrow to find out!

  5. Brappy Hour
    Continuing from yesterday. The final idea chosen from my class mates and I was Halo's. The next part of the project was to create a rough draft image of the product label.
    Here's mine. Click Here
    Follow this story and more as the week progresses!

  6. Brappy Hour
    Today's update includes the rough logo to be placed on a background along with items that will eventually be used for the cereal box in later production.
    Here it is: Clicky
    Going to a Boy Scout event this weekend. So I'll post the next step on Sunday. B)

  7. Brappy Hour
    I came back from my Order of The Arrow trip today. Last night I was nominated and chosen along with a few others to receive the rank of Vigil Member, the highest rank you can be in the Order of The Arrow. It's a great honor to be nominated out of the many members of my lodge, and being recognized for the work and duties I do for it. It's a great feeling, as well as a awesome surprise.

    I won't be getting the rank till later this year of course, but it's exciting enough to know you're getting it.
    Here's the next part as I promised. It's the final image for the cereal box cover. Click Here

  8. Brappy Hour
    Hello everyone. It's good to have BZP return. I sure hope everyone is doing well, and I hope everyone is also adjusting to the changes well.
    Perhaps I could/should recall how my life has been, but I just wanted to say a quick hello.
  9. Brappy Hour
    Hi everyone. I want to apologize for my lack of activity here, and the people I feel I've neglected. It's just been a rough time for me lately.
    Forum wise My trading topic died, which may be because there aren't as many people who want to buy/sell/trade as there was in the golden years. I'm not sure whether I should open a new trading topic or not. Sometimes it makes me feel like an animal living near a shrinking watering hole in a drought.
    I want to apologize for not keeping up with the blogs I follow. Especially Takanuvia's. I'm super sorry.
    I myself haven't written an entry on any site in a while is, because well.... I feel as though I don't have anything to say. Once again I feel that nervousness and tension about writing how I am and how I feel. Should I do it for myself, for others, of for both? Will good come from doing so?
    One thing that has perked my interest is the continuation of the Bionicle story, and the little bits and pieces members are finding and piecing together. I fear though that the Bionicle story will never be fully complete, and feel some regret in having so many side plots and characters we love and enjoy that may never have a resolution or ending. It's bothered me a lot lately.
    Anyway. If you ever want to chat, trade, or play on Xbox Live, just shoot me a PM.
    Still have plenty of shirts left from BrickFair 2012. Don't be shy in asking to buy one.
    Thanks for reading, Raptor.
  10. Brappy Hour
    Just wanted to write an entry here, so to let you know what has been going on since I last posted.

    Bionicle news:
    I acquired the Bionicle sets needed to make the Stars combiner. It's bigger than I thought it would be, but there still was a number of parts left over.
    Halo News:
    Got Halo Legends this week (Two Disk Edition). I have mixed opinions about it. Like the certain types of animation used and that you wouldn't be able to understand most of the stories unless you were a hardcore Halo fan, and you would have needed to read some of the novels to understand. I may write a review soon if I have the attention span to.

    Gaming News:
    Xbox 360 is broken, so I had to pay $99.99 to send it in to get fixed. I pray that it returns soon and in time for the Halo Reach Beta.
    Bought Pokemon Soul Silver, and it's eating up most of my time now (as Pokemon games usually have). Spend most of my time training the ones I have and battling in hope I may be able to create my favorite team later after I have beaten the game.

    BrickFair, the shirts that I might have to make, and building the Rahi Nui are kinda put on hold for now.
    Lots of changes in school too, but you wouldn't want to hear about that.
    Note: Going to start a marathon about a graphic design project next week. So stay tuned.


  11. Brappy Hour
    Not too excited about Hero Factory from these pics, but I'm always excited about new figures.
    2.0 eh? Couldn't think of a Toa Nuva-ish name LEGO? Tisk tisk. You'll loose points for that.
    I'm disappointed that Stringer and Bulk were shoved off to the sidelines. I liked them more than the other Heroes actually. I'm guessing we won't be seeing them next year even in the story. Stormers alright. He looks like a mini Kopaka. Evo and Nex look interesting. I think it's the first time black isn't around. But hey, purples back! After what, ten years?
    The Rookies? Goodness. They look awful. How could they make such cool helmets in 2010, and make such ugly ones in 2011? Furno's got goggles, Surge looks like he's wearing headgear from a Jackal Sniper, and Breez looks like a medieval dark knight.
    Like this year. The villains look much more fun to build. But also like this year, their names are uninspired. Jetbug. Lol. Reminds me of Stinkfly. Fire Lord isn't as cool as Von Nebula. Doesn't have that cool of a name either. (Even though Von Nebula is a silly name.) If you haven't noticed the theme for the baddies is fire. Just making sure.
    Why are they still using Thornax Launchers?
    That's my first impression. Opinion may change over time.
    Thanks for reading.

  12. Brappy Hour
    WARNING: This review has a good amount of nitpicking. Please don't take my opinion too seriously.
    The Heroes were a mixed bag of hits and misses. How about positives first? I thought that the personal armor decals were a cool idea, and I like the new armor and how they connect to the new joints. I think what everyone is most excited about is the return of the color Purple. Which we haven't seen since 2001. The weapons seemed weird to me. Shields with spikes and tubes? Alright. Breez and Surge are the only two heroes with two hands. Another things that I'm wondering is why the heads and Hero Cores aren't see through anymore. It's kinda saddening to see them go. The headgear doesn't seem necessary, especially when you can't even recognize Breez as a Female anymore. My biggest problem is the random armor placement. This is probably the most random armor placement I've ever seen. My guess is that someone complained so much about how uniform the sets were, and how the Heroes in 2010 looked the same that designers thought. "You want diversity? You got it!", and slapped different armor all over the place. So the only Hero we have that looks close to subtle is Stormer. One more thing is that there's little poseability with the shield weapons. The biggest problem is Furno's right arm. You can't move it up. You have to twist it around to where you can't see the decal anymore. Who thought that was a good idea?
    Pretty silly names, but interesting ideas I suppose. They look fun and cool on the box, but sadly there's more to these sets then meets the eye. First of all these Villains aren't even close to being as cool as the 2010 Villains. All of them are a mixture of red, black, silver, and gunmetal gray. Not really any new or interesting weapons. Just claws and flames jutting out of armor. New armor and evil Hero cores I guess, are sprinkled all over. Plus for some reason the Thornax Launcher has been resurrected once again as the Magma Blaster. Nitroblast and Drilldozer have two arms that make just one arm. Not only is this unnecessary, but it limits the one arms movement. The new heads are double sided too, so I guess if you wanted to make different villains in other colors you could. Nitroblast, like Furo has a arm that is unposeable. Armor just covers it in a way that it barley moves.
    So yeah. The villains this winter kinda suck. Jet Bug's alright though.
    Fire Lord:
    Why does every head boss of any LEGO action figure series have to be black? Makuta, Lord Valdek, Von Nebula, and now Fire Lord. Just armor on the side of the legs, and big spot left on the front. No new weapons, and badly placed armor. Probably the worst Titan set ever.
    These new sets seem almost like a joke. I know LEGO can do better than this. I guess they were just testing out how the new joints and armor would work for kids and builders. I just wish they wouldn't have done it this way. It seems that these sets were made for MOCers more than kids or collectors. What with all the new parts and colors.
    I don't hate the new sets, I had fun building them like I always have building LEGO and are posing them as I'm writing this review. I'm just disappointed. They look good (most of them), but that doesn't mean they play or pose good. I hope that the summer sets will be a step up from this.
    Thanks for reading.
  13. Brappy Hour
    I decided to purchase the dvd and see for myself if the successor for Bionicle could have a entertaining movie. Well the movie is episodic, obviously for the reason to make it for tv more than a home movie release. Even if it's not. The Hero Factory movie feels a heck of a lot longer than any Bionicle movie.
    Just like in The Legend Reborn, the animation was great. What I love the most of all is how close the characters in the movie represent the toys. When I was a kid and watched the first three Bionicle movies, I always imagined how they would have turned out if they had actually animated them like the sets. To my surprise I feel no need to do that with this movie.
    The voice acting was also surprised me to an extant. The Hero's voices were good choices, but the villains seemed generic and stereotypical. Thunder is strong and dumb, so give him an Russian accent! Yeah... The voice that surprised me and that I never expected was Meltdowns. His voice and actions portrayed him as a smart villain, whereas I thought he would be more on a Devastator intelligence level. My biggest interest was Mark Hamil as Von Nebula. It was an interesting choice, but why him? Whenever I heard him speak. All I could think of was the Joker from Batman The Animated Series. So a hit and miss on voice acting.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «The story? Well it seemed to mostly involve Furno's adventures to impress Stormer, and everyone else making references to the Von Ness mission. Ooooooo. What happened on this mission? Well Von Ness ran away when the ###### hit the fan and a giant Bionicle MOC was blowing stuff up. So that makes him a rouge? That makes no sense. He would be more of a wimp than a rogue. The final battle was disappointing too. All that happens is that the villains run out of ammo, and Von Nebulla gets sucked into his black hole staff. That's all. Oh yeah, and Furno becomes the team leader of the rookies.  
    My biggest complaint is Surge. He's just an annoying clone of Berix. Same look, same helmet, same annoying character and voice.
    So what does all this add up to? Well I enjoyed this movie. I liked how the characters developed, as well as the Hero HQ talk. Of course there was a lot of annoying things like Corroder's laugh, and how no one could hit the broad side of a barn. But hey, it's a kids movie advertising toys. So don't knit pick your brains out. Alright?
    Well that's my two cents. I hope you enjoyed this review, and thanks for reading.
  14. Brappy Hour
    Recently I have been wondering if I should change my user name. I was told by my friend that Bionicle Raptor wasn't too original, and that kinda made me sad. I envy all the staff and all the other members who somehow came up with such awesome names. I'm just not that creative is all.
    I have another name in mind, but I'm not sure. Would you rather me stay as Bionicle Raptor? Or just Raptor? Or something different entirely? I'd really like to know what you think. I know a lot of times people look at my blog and don't comment, but if you could spare a minute I would be grateful.
    Speaking doubting my creativity, here's a Hero I made using Hero Recon. I suppose it's a Hero representation of myself. Perhaps if that had more colors and part options I'd be more satisfied. What do you think of it so far?

  15. Brappy Hour
    Yeah. Just got home.
    Sorry I left early. Everyone else I was with wanted to go, and I had no say in the matter.
    I was hoping to say goodbye to everyone, but no one was around. Did anyone even notice I wasn't there later today?
    Anyway. I'll post pics tomorrow, and talked about other junk.
    I'll let you get back to your Staff Member Slumber Parties now.
  16. Brappy Hour
    Hello everyone. I'm writing to show you all how I made the BZP shirts I'll be selling soon. I've divided them into steps so no one will get confused.
    Step One: Place your screen on the holder that you will be using to print the paint on the shirt. Picture
    Step Two: Place your shirt on the shirt holder, be sure that the shirt is completely smooth and have no wrinkles when placed on the base. So to prevent misprinting of the t-shirts. I of course I made this mistake a few time, but it's not really noticeable. Picture
    Step Three: Place the screen on top of the shirt and put paint on the screen. Picture
    Step Four: Spread the paint across the screen fairly, covering up the hole image. Then use the squeegee to press hard and down on the screen about two or three times. Picture
    Step Five: Lift the screen and inspect the shirt you just printed on. Picture
    Step Six: Dry your shirt in the belt heater at 315 degrees about four to six times. Picture
    Step Seven: Wear and enjoy! Picture
  17. Brappy Hour
    Since hardly anyone looks at this blog, I was wondering.
    What would youexpect out a blog? I see lots of different people using different techniques, but how can I attract readers?

    A pic for those who stopped by. 

  18. Brappy Hour
    Well pre-ordered exactly. I pre-ordered Jurassic Park The Game made by Tell Tale. Usually I'm not a fan of PC games in general usually because those games tend to lag on my computer.
    But this is Jurassic Park we're talking about, and I'm a serious JP fan. (If you haven't figured that out already). So I shall venture forth into PC gaming!
  19. Brappy Hour
    Well, more like avoiding it. Remember me and toa of life were dating? And we exchange lots of heart felt words, and I expressed how much I loved her?
    Well she broke up with me.....
    .....> .....> .....> .....>
    My apologies if this isn't too happy cherry.
  20. Brappy Hour
    How fun trading was. It's been so long since my last trade in the Buy/Sell/Trade forum. So hopefully I can keep the fun rolling and obtain some awesome stuff.
    Thinking about all of this re-kindkled the love I have for Bionicle. Which in turn makes me a tad sad that it's not around anymore.
    Why haven't you made a BZP shirt design yet? Yes. I'm talking to you. Stop procrastinating!
    Thanks for reading, Raptor.
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