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Brappy Hour

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Brappy Hour

  1. Brappy Hour
    Today marks the day I made my seconed trading topic last August. Which means Bionicle Raptor's Trading Post 2 has been around for a whole year!
    34 pages, 1324 posts, and 25762 views. This topic has helped me so greatly. I've made so many trades and gotten so many items, it's unbelievable!
    Thank you so much to all the people who have traded with me and have kept my trading topic alive for this long, and hopefully for a good while longer!

  2. Brappy Hour
    Hello everyone. It seems my little shirt operation hit a snag today. I finished printing all of the shirts, but later when I washed them in the school washer, a lot of shirts lost paint and became faded. Thankfully I kept another load of them. So not all of them are ruined. Apparently some of the shirts had not been heated all the way, so the paint did not stick and came off in the washer. I was so mad and disappointed. But I made sure to re-heat the ones that weren't ruined, so that they wouldn't fall to the same fate. I feel the most awful that I won't be able to get as many shirts out to those who want them as I wanted, and the whole size of XL was lost. But I have a plan, and a surprise.
    Shirts for sale are now categorized in this manner:
    Normal BZP shirt: Picture
    9 Small
    9 Medium
    9 Large
    BZP Faded Edition:
    These shirts will be heated again and sold to those who like it's design, but no two faded shirts are the same. Picture
    The inventory of these shirts will be posted when available.
    And Introducing.......
    The BZP Staff Edition!: Picture
    Only four shirts were made today, and I'm not too sure if I can make more.
    1 Small
    3 Medium
    That's all for now. Let me know what you think.
  3. Brappy Hour
    I just thought of this just now, and wanted to say something before I forgot.
    It seems quite apparent that in this realm of blogging that there are different types of blogs in general. Blogs that give snippets of information, entertainment, complete nonsense, and blogs that actually tell about peoples lives.
    Some seem so.... well..... weird or indescribable that you don't want to read them, but for some reason you can't stop checking back once in a while to see the next concoction of insanity they have created.
    Then there are the more well known member blogs. Whether they have a position here at BZP, or they appear a bit too much in forum topics. In this situation a member could post a blank entry and it would get ten replies. Why? I'm still figuring that out.
    I'm not saying I don't do any of things, and I certainly don't think I'm popular. It's just I feel that to get your opinion known or to even be noticed. You must be popular, have a high role, or just do things out of the ordinary.
    You can't be a Average Joe because even though you might have something really interesting to say. No one cares, because you're not important to them.

  4. Brappy Hour
    Bionicle Raptor's Top 10 Worst Godzilla Monsters!

    That's right! In honor of Halloween, The Godzilla Top 10 has returned! But this year. Instead of my favorites though, we'll take a look at the ones that failed to impress. So check back for Bionicle Raptor's Top 10 Worst Godzilla Monsters!
  5. Brappy Hour
    Hey everyone. I've been thinking of going to BrickFair for quite a while, and it's a high possibility that I may go next year in 2010. I was thinking of what I could do while I was there. So I was thinking of bringing a video camera and filming a good amount of the event. Maybe even interview and have fun with some BZP members as well.
    What do you think about it? If your thinking or are sure your going to BrickFair, let me know what you think.

  6. Brappy Hour
    Since hardly anyone looks at this blog, I was wondering.
    What would youexpect out a blog? I see lots of different people using different techniques, but how can I attract readers?

    A pic for those who stopped by. 

  7. Brappy Hour
    Ebirah swam out of the ocean in Godzilla vs. The Sea Monster, and returned in Final Wars. As you can see, Ebirah is a GIANT LOBSTER.....
    Other than that my biggest complaint is, when I thought of Godzilla vs. The Sea Monster. I expected an interesting monster with tentacles or a shark monster. Not a giant lobster.
    On a side note. Just because these monsters are on the list, doesn't mean I hate them. I like Kamacuras, and Kumonga is cool to. But just think of all the other interesting and cool monsters Toho could have created, instead of super-sizing animals.
  8. Brappy Hour
    Yes. The shirts are done, and they look splendid. No! You can't see them yet! It's a surprise! But please make sure to bring $10, because that's how much one costs. Plus it's first come first serve, so please hurry your hiney and buy one A.S.A.P.
    On a serious note. As the title implies, I had a seizure on Sunday. Not as bad as it could have been, but it hurt all the same. The worst part is that it felt so sudden and without warning, it makes me worried that I may have one at BrickFair. I'd hate for that to happen. Not for me, but for you guys. Me making a scene and messing up the place. So I'm praying that doesn't happen. Also I'm changing my amount of medication, so that will help too. Epilepsy sucks.
    All that aside. I do look forward to seeing you all, and to have even more fun than last year!
    As always, Thanks for reading
  9. Brappy Hour
    Bionicle Raptor's Top 5 Godzilla Enemies! 


    Godzilla has fought a LOT of different monsters in his twenty eight movies. Some awesome and scary, and some out right ridiculous! 
    So for the spirit for Halloween I wanted to make a countdown of my top five favorite enemies of the King of The Monsters. A new monster will be revealed every day leading up to the final number one favorite on Halloween night!
    So stay tuned! The countdown starts tomorrow!
  10. Brappy Hour
    I can safely say that I've known Nukaya and Senjo for a while, and consider them to be very good BZP friends. They have always treated me with great respect and have answered all of my silly questions.
    I always knew from their awesome personalities, creativity, and determination that they would be successful and rise above others. What I didn't know was that this would happen so soon!
    I'm not being a suck-up. I'm really happy that they got these positions, and I can't wait to see what they have to bring to the table.
    Congrats you two. You deserve it!

  11. Brappy Hour
    Well pre-ordered exactly. I pre-ordered Jurassic Park The Game made by Tell Tale. Usually I'm not a fan of PC games in general usually because those games tend to lag on my computer.
    But this is Jurassic Park we're talking about, and I'm a serious JP fan. (If you haven't figured that out already). So I shall venture forth into PC gaming!
  12. Brappy Hour
    Last night, I had a dream that I was at BrickFair again. I was having lots of fun, and I was getting to know all the people I met before better, it felt so real! but then....... We were stuck in a motel, defending ourselves against Necromorphs..... I was really nervous, and scared for everyone. Black Six was in charge. Everyone wanted to leave and try their best and get away, but I tried to urge them to stay.... Then I woke up.... Thank God.
    I guess that's my punishment for playing too much Dead Space 2.
    If you don't know what a Necromorph is, then consider yourself lucky.
    Sorry if I creeped you out. I just had to tell someone.
  13. Brappy Hour
    Wow. I haven't wrote anything in a short while. I missed you all.
    So yes. I went to my OA Fall Fellowship this weekend. Lots of preparation of the camp is needed, since we're hosting The Dixie Fellowship next year. So my troop decided to renovate one of the camp staff cabins so that we'll be able to have a nice place to stay during the event.
    We spent the whole day hauling old furniture out, dumping out the mouse nests out of the drawers of dressers. Also tearing up the rugs, and cleaning the floors. We also had to pull out a million nails that were jutting out of the walls. (Man, the camp staff treat camp property like rubbish.) And yes. Yours truly had the pleasure of kicking down some unneeded walls to make more room. Other jobs included cleaning gutters, spray painting the fireplace black, and cleaning widows.
    Next time we'll work on painting the inside!
    That's all for now. Thanks for stopping by!
  14. Brappy Hour
    So as the title implies. I'll be leaving soon for BrickFair, and hopefully I'll be there right on time to get the room when it opens.
    See you on Thursday.
    Can't wait? Well how about a random video to pass the time!

  15. Brappy Hour
    Hey guys. I'm continuing my plans to go to BrickFair this year, and I was wondering how much money I would need.
    Like if I were to stay in a hotel, cost for food, admission to BrickFair, extra money to spend for random memorabilia.
    Also, did anyone have to take a taxi from their hotel to the event, or can you just walk?
    I have so many questions!

    Mechagodzilla II
  16. Brappy Hour
    I had read the The Chronicles of Narnia series in middle school, but it seems I had forgotten a great deal of what I had read back then.
    The story to me moved pretty fast, and I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing. The characters were alright, but not astounding. I think the remaining two main characters had a decent amount of character development, but a a lot of it seemed that it was about not being jealous of their older brother or sister. The cousin was annoying at first (I'm guessing he was supposed to be), and of course his character develops as well. Everyone else like Caspian and Aslan were cool but I can't really think of much to say about them. The overall theme of the movie was conquering your fears. Other than that it felt like an island hopping adventure. Each island presented a different challenge that brought the threat of death to our heroes. It felt a little like a video game.
    The effects were pretty darn good. Characters like minotaurs and other mythical creatures I felt blended in well. So the animation stood out for me. Also the settings and props were nice too. It reminded me of a Harry Potter setting. Like when they use a green screen background.
    Anyway. My final impression is that the movie was fun and enjoyable, but not very memorable. It feels like it was a story told before, but perhaps those stories were based off of stories like this one. I don't think I would I would have seen it if I weren't invited, but I'm glad I was. If you go to see this movie, I hope you enjoy it.
  17. Brappy Hour
    I've been pretty lonely when playing Halo 3 ODST, all my other friends are either busy or playing other games. So I was hoping to find some fellow ODSTs on BZP. Also anyone who wants to play Halo 3.
    If you could please give me your gamertag for X-box Live either here or through PM that would be great.
    Willing to help others get achievements, I also need to get Endure for my last Vidmaster.
    Don't worry, I don't swear or talk trash, in fact I don't talk too much anyway. Also if you look at my stats at Bungie.net, you'll see that I'm more than qualified to rely on for tough situations.

    Gamertag: Bionicle Raptor  

    Please don't feel shy. Make yourself known! And thanks for reading.  

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