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Posts posted by Roki

  1. Elements have been a topic of intense and frequent discussion since the very early days of Bionicle and BZPower, they’re pretty much a mainstay of the S&T forums.  The addition of new elements and comparison with existing elements to justify their inclusion is something that is brought up time and time again. Before the great forum outage, there was a topic named “Official Elements Discussion” which was a mecca of theories, proposals and debates.  I’ll see if I can dig up a link to the topic in the archives, as it’s an interesting read and went for over 250 pages from memory.

    The thread really took off once additional elements began to become canonized in the Legends books, typically by Greg describing in passing a cameo or death scene of a Toa of a previously unseen element. Everyone wanted to contribute to canon and to speculate on which element would be added next.  
    There were a few proposals that kept popping up repeatedly:

    • Kinetics – Movement based element based around manipulating speed and energy of attacks and using enemy’s strength and speed against them. There was a lot of people who wanted this, and a lot of those who didn’t including Greg who believed that the concept behind it was too difficult for kids to grasp onto.  Though after many fans petitioning him about it there was a BZP official Poll on whether the fans wanted it added or not. Majority voted against it (Think it was around 57%-43%) and thus it remained uncanon.
    • Vacuum – After the 5th Bohrok-Kalement became canon, the Vacuum debate wars reached a pretty intense peak with lots of people taking sides on whether it should become and element or not.  Quite a few people disliked the idea whilst others came up with many interesting and creative uses for vacuum based elemental usage.  This went on for a long time as Greg never really said No outright. From memory he said that he believed it didn’t have enough versatility to have a range of applications on its own to be made an element but was open to debate and ideas for how it could be expanded upon.  Debate somewhat ended when the “Subpowers and NTE(Non-Toa Elements)” approach emerged.
    • Acid – Similar to Vacuum, acid was thrown around frequently as a new toa element, however Greg was firm that he didn’t think that Lego would ever approve of having a ‘Good Guy’ character throwing around acid as a power. With the appearance of the Acid Elemental Monster in Lessovik’s Karzhani induced dream, acid became confirmed as the first official NTE.
    • Void – After Vacuum got shut down, there was a lot of talk about Void being introduced as and element which would have access to many of the fan theorized powers that Vacuum would have. The proposals went through several iterations, one that stands out in my memory was made by Surrelity to have a Void as a neutral morality element based in between light and shadow.  Greg said no at this point as he’d said that Psionics was to be the last new element.
    • Crystal – Frequently suggested but shut down by Greg many times as it was covered by Stone( Lightstones and naturally occurring geode crystals) and Ice (Crystalline Protodermis is controlled by Toa of Ice inside the MU).
    • Lava – Dismissed as it’s a combination element of Fire and Stone/Earth as shown by the Piraka in the books.
    • Psionics – Proposed frequently and eventually canonized by Greg at the end of the MU arc.
    • Organics / Biotics / Healing – Also showed up a fair bit, many theorycrafters had fun attempting to make them mesh well together. Sometimes Acid was lumped in with this group too.  From memory, Greg’s stance was that the different abilities and powers that were included in these theories generally worked better as individual powers.

    I was a much more active poster and contributor in those threads than I am now and submitted quite a few proposals myself.

    I feel like it’s a bit too late to go adding in new elements to canon now, but I’m always up for discussion of new potential elements and finding ways to explain and justify the interesting variety of elements that exist in the canon.


    - Roki 

    • Upvote 3
  2. What I want to know is why Bionicle of all things? How was it chosen to suddenly be a meme theme?

    From what I've gathered, there was somewhat of a war going on of which meme would become the "Meme of the month" for the me_irl subreddit, someone posted a meme referencing this picture from a few months ago. This sparked a bunch of nostalgia from the posters of the subreddit who began to make all of the Bionicle crossover memes currently on their page.


    - Roki


    • Upvote 2
  3. They do seem to be popping up all over the place today, particularly me irl, who appear to be having some form of meme of the month war.
    Haven't posted any myself yet, but a few of them have given me a good chuckle.



    • Upvote 2
  4. The mask of creation was made by the great beings as one of the first parts of the matoran universe.
    I would be plausible that it would be made out of elements from the 'real world' such as gold combined with the godlike 'magical' powers of the great beings.
    This would explain only the Great beings know how to create another. 

    Having a competition for a solid gold one in real life would be rather great.

    - Roki

    • Upvote 1
  5. That's okay, that makes us wiser now... right?


    Does anyone else think that Bionicle might be exploring space in the new story? After 2010 onwards it's been touched upon via the giant robot bodies being able to soar through it. It may provide an avenue for... aliens of all things? Or whatever constitutes as such in the Bionicle world.



    That moment when you realize that you're now a Turaga.


    - Roki

    • Upvote 6
  6. October 9-12, 2014.  And, yes, we should add September 19 as a special Bionicle day or something.

    It's already kinda International Talk like a Pirate day.

    We probably don't want to compete with those guys, I hear they're pretty cut-throat.



    Nuva symbols makes me more hyped. All the hype.

    NYCC can't come soon enough. I want to discuss sets!

    As keen as I am to discuss sets, I can't wait for Lore more.


    - Roki

    • Upvote 3
  7. Guys, the :"writings" on the mask are the Nuva symbols. Just thought I should point that out.

    A few people mentioned this in the other News topic, It makes sense as Artakha created the Nuva Symbols.

    I'd assume they are part of some sort of runic language of creation, possibly the writing of the great beings?


    - Roki




    What are the whispering voices in the background of that video?  Any thoughts?  Maybe the Great Beings?


    Artakha perhaps.


    Or maybe the mask is calling to you.


    - Roki



    Maybe just atmospheric whispering to add to the mystique.


    /killjoy mode.


    I'm fine with atmospheric whispering, the recreation of the 2001 mysterious feel is something that I believe a lot of former fans out there are chasing again.


    Regardless of what it is, it's a step in the right direction in my opinion.


    - Roki

    • Upvote 1

    I hope we have some new blood on the story team; it already seems Greg isn't as involved as he was before, which is one thing on my wishlist granted.

    If Greg isn't involved then there's undoubtedly new blood, seeing as he's one of the only members of the old story team who was actually an accomplished writer. Someone's going to have to bear the bulk of the task of writing the new story.


    I wouldn't be surprised if Greg isn't writing because the new story will be told primarily through a TV series or similar medium which Greg lacks experience writing for.


    I'm fairly sure you're spot on there.

    Assuming Hero factory is over, I think BIONICLE will definitely have a TV series. Potentially starting with a one off movie for the relaunch.


    - Roki

    • Upvote 2
  10. Gathered friends, listen again to our legend... of the BIONICLE.

    The Mask of Creation looks great, I love the aesthetic.

    How long before we start to decipher the runes upon the mask and on the base?


    - Roki

    EDIT: Looking closely, the runes appear to be the same language as or runes very that are very similar to the the nuva symbols.

    EDIT 2: Just remembered that the Nuva symbols were created by Artakha so it does look like they are looking at paying at least some tribute to existing lore.

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