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Everything posted by HERP DERP DERP

  1. A peek at the so-called chauvinist's profile might answer your question.
  2. To make a big deal of mr. Farshtey's rather two-dimensional and archetypical female characters is a bit silly considering that every single male villain he introduced in the later years was personality-wise basically Takadox, and most of the later additions to the OOMN cast were just the same bloody guy with some different superpowers. I think you could swap any of Botar's and Trinuma's gritty wise-cracking oneliners and broody threats and no-one would really notice.Everyone was starting to become a stereotype of themselves. It wasn't really a gender issue, more a general writing issue.
  3. Yo homie.

    Wait, who are you.

  4. Also, The Question wants to say this: "It's not very nice to attack a person verbally when he cannot obviously answer anything. Also, nice way to misinterpret my rant."

  5. Gasp! Forum mentioned! POHUAKI SMAAAAAAASH

  6. You did? Wow! Happy birthday!

  7. I'm speaking for The Question when I say that his "miserable fanboy filth" rant was a joke. And way too many people fell for it.

  8. It looks like the vulture fell right into the trap. Ha.

  9. but that makes so much sense

  10. My cellphone? In my pocket?

  11. Doesn't mean he can't still make comics even if he's banned.

  12. Yes, I like my obscure movie references. And...?

  13. Aye, truly show your opinions and you may be banned! Turn into a mindless fanboy, and you'll be spared... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may ban our accounts, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM! (

  14. You are my favorite Tarantino movie, id you know that?

  15. So you like Watchmen, Lost and David Bowie too.

    Welcome to the Awesome Club.

  16. I really need to try that.

    I'll go do it now!

    *5 minutes later*

    it's hard to type with only three fingers.

    it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts

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