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Status Updates posted by Katuko

  1. Haven't thought of it, but since you mention it... yes, it could very well be. Or my alternative form. Whatever you find suiting. ;)

  2. Game progress: Revised light beam to look more spiffy and be more effective. Testing item system changes.

  3. I dun' want to double post, so I edited in some new graphics etc. in my latest post of my game topic.

  4. Just wanted to say I really like the clean style you use in your art. Keep up the good work! :)

  5. BIONICLE Fighter v9.2 is live as of Feb 12th, 2010.

  6. I have no idea. The full script is almost finished... but then I need scenery, props, etc. I want this to be epic, so you won't see more than possibly a few clips for a long while.

  7. School has kept me busy and will be keeping me busy for the next week or so. Make sure you quote part of my post if you want a response in the RPG, so that I have an easier time finding it.

  8. New version of BIONICLE Fighter will be up this weekend, hopefully.

  9. New BIONICLE Fighter update is out. t has some new Toa abilities, and hopefully a fix for the settings problem.

  10. Happy New Year to you too! :)

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