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Posts posted by Rausaro

  1. Ooh. I see. I missed that part, I guess. But I realize what you're talking about, I remember seeing the eye, I believe.(And even if it's not what I believe it is, I'll be trying to catch up on Season 3 soon, which should have that part.)

    Hisagai states "Wait, there's something behind them [menos]!" in Aizen escape.
  2. I really really liked the player movement in BF3. It felt really fluid, especially the vaulting and stuff (right out of Mirror's Edge). I honestly didn't get to play those maps because I haven't been able to find any servers playing them. My favourite 2142 maps are Leipzig and Remagen. And even if they don't release some sort of 2142-style expansion for Battlefield 3, I would at least want some sort of current-era remakes of some of the maps (especially the two listed above).

    A EA Technical support person claimed in a chat that work was being started on a Battlefield 2142 sequel. Unknown if it's true, but I hope to see Battlefield 2143.
  3. 1. Yeah; that is a good point. Are there other factions with mysterious powers we don't know about yet? And further, is Don Kanonji a member of one of those? =P 2. I'm sure that we will at some point, along with that Spirit King that keeps getting mentioned. But first of all, well, something obvious has to happen. =P ... Also, who's Superchunky? *Has missed something, maybe*

    SuperChunky is a fan nickname to the massive cyclop hollow that appears in Soul society to rescue Aizen. You only see it's eye behind that of the menos grandes.... you get to see the actual super chunky when Wonderweiss summons it to attack the vizard in Karakura town.
  4. I'm a big fan of the Battlefield soundtracks...Specifically, Battlefield 2 and Battlefield 2142.

    Yeah, I really really liked 2142's soundtrack. Minsk was my most played song on my iPod/iTunes for a while. Haha, it's still #5.
    Minsk was good! I also like Belgrade and Verdun... and don't forget Wake 2142.
  5. Aside from the updates, I'm looking forward to the new Terminals. I'm also hearing rumors that the chapters released from "Glasslands" suggest that the Huragok are being recalled all across the galaxy by an unknown force. If this is true, could this mean a return of a hidden group of Forerunners?

  6. Rausaro: Yeah, however, that might be a mis-translation... We won't know for certain; however, he might have been referring to you-know-who's power level... And who knows what exactly is happening around there?

    That is a good point. I'm betting there's some other factions... if the fullbringers can go under the radar for this long... Likewise, do you think we'll ever see the Royal Guard, Zero Division? It's been hinted at, as Hiyori's former captain is now a member. Could it have been foreshadowing, like Ishida looking at Ichigo's badge long before he used it as a fullbring, or like Superchunky's appearance in SS long before the Vizard arc?
  7. Ah, I remember reading Redwall. I have them all up to Eulalia, and I think I read Doomwyte but I never did anything after that. I'll probably get around to rereading them in a couple years.

    @ Kothra: Doomwyte was ok... Sable Queen was good... Rogue crew took a very different route than the standard forumla, though. Otter Pirates, lol. @Lev: Pondicherri was mentioned on the news... I'll have to keep an eye out to see if there was another update. Personally, I hope another author picks up the series... I think it's one of those timeless tales that people of all ages can enjoy.
  8. Excadrill maybe, but apparently it's been banned in typical competitive play(Not official tournaments that means. =P)... Darmanitan's pretty good too, and can own people very effectively. =P And it's always fun to confuse people with Zoroark. =D

    Yeah... I still haven't beaten the elite 4 in this game. Do they still have EV booster items? I kind of gave up with EV training... I'm going to do most of it on my 'mons in my HG, and THEN transfer them.
  9. This topic is for discussion about the Anthropomorphic world of Brian Jacques's Redwall. I've been a big fan of his books since I was 13... :P I was wondering if there are any other fans out there. *Unfortunately, Mr. Jacques passed away in February of this year, but he still managed to finish "The Rogue Crew" before he died. There's also rumors of a partially completed book called "Pondicherri" involving a hedgehog that was never released. It's unknown if it will be picked up by his son or another author. So yeah...Discuss... :)

  10. Yeah, someone forgot to mention to that guy that everyone else Ichigo excluded had some limits on their weapons. =P But yeah, it's definitely a change of pace from 'Fight, START! *Two seconds later* Fight, END!', like a certain fight that literally had that happen. =P It's possible, or they just have an incredible wish to gain power that epically backfired on them. And yeah, I heard about it. Haven't read that chapter yet, but I'll try to soon hopefully. But I think it's kinda like what Terminus said. In fact, I'm trying to remember when Renji won a fight, outside the movies and maybe the fillers. =P Terminus: Yeah. I'm not opposed to filler myself, but they dragged the filler out way to long, especially when a certain something was supposed to happen immediately. But hey; at least it's started now. And I must say again; that new opening sequence is amazing. And the song is very good too.

    @Terminus: You need to read why he was training. He said "I'm been training these last 17 month so I can fight *you know who*. Shouldn't that character still be in Jail?
  11. Cool-aid: Well, I dunno... I mean, they haven't gotten to the biggest fight yet, and the fullbring powers are awesome. Plus, the current fight going on in the recent chapter sounds interesting, though 'that' character is kinda overpowered. =p

    That weapon seems like it's hacked, that for sure. Still, the way the rest of the fights are going down... Still... does anyone feel the fullbringers are being used? Also... did anyone catch what Renji said about his training...Specifically, WHY he had been training?
  12. I wanna play 2142 more than anything. :P I was gonna get BF3, but the beta on Xbox sucked.

    Supposedly, the actual Beta was bugged and they released an Alpha. Still, I enjoyed how real it felt, even with everything toned down. Love the IRNV x1 scope...do they have a increased scope for the snipers? As for 2142...Did you know they released Strike at Karkand 2142 and Molokai in the last patch? I think they're pretty sweet.
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