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Doctor Norik

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Blog Entries posted by Doctor Norik

  1. Doctor Norik
    We still need 1 more player. Please. It'll be fun.

    Prepare yourselves for the greatest whatsitamajigger of foreverness! I present....
    Started by a subsitute History teacher, this wild fad at Norik's school has wildly escalated to frame him and his friends as "nerds". Now YOU can join the fun as I introduce-- STICK BLOG BATTLES!
    This all began as a simple game of paper "Battleship", as tought by said teacher, where one draws a territory, a base, and some ships. You then take turns moving your ships along the battlefield on suicide missions to destroy the enemy base. Then, one day, a week later, Norik said: "Hey, wouldn't this be awesome with stick figures?"
    Yes. Yes it would be.
    As the Battleship game is impossible online, the Stickman Wars' original rules allow for Blog adaptations.
    Step one: We need 2 players, both of whom have access to MSPaint, Photoshop, Fireworks, or some other art program.
    Step 2: A playing field is required of 600x400 pixels.
    Step III: The two players make their terrain.

    Step Quatre: The two players create bases.

    Step Cinco: The bases will be covered with five dots, representing the health of the base.
    Step 00110110: Create turrets with 3 health dots.

    Step Zibn: Make your army of Stickmen, and administer the health dots*.
    *Note that there is a max of 15 health dots for your troops.

    Remember, the troops can be anything from from human to robot to alien to Dalek.
    Step Otto: Administer weapons. There are only a few available weapons (for fear of total ownedage), so we've made a handy list of weapon combos, as each stickman can have (at max) 2.
    Gun -- Grenade
    Gun -- Sword
    Grenade -- Sword
    Bazooka -- Grenade
    You can have a max of:
    2 Bazookas
    Unlimited Guns
    3 Grenades
    1 Sword
    You can also customize weapons, for example:
    Sword? Make it a lightsaber!
    Gun? How bout a lazer!
    Grenade? Why the heck would you want to customize a grenade? They're awesome.

    Okay, that's it for preparation-- now onto fighting.
    Step Echad: You'll need some tools of measurement for moving and such.
    Movement/Jumping: Anywhere along this scale:

    Step Two (to heck with the different languages): Shooting.
    You can shoot anywhere on this scale:

    The arc represents grenades.
    Step 3: Falling.
    If you fall (you'll see how you can in the next step), you can only survive if the fall is less than:

    Step 4: Affecting the terrain.
    With every shot of a gun, grenade, or bazooka, you affect the battlefield.
    Example: If you shoot a guy with a bazooka, he loses an immense chink of health and the field around him is damaged.
    (One more thing. For every turn you shoot/move, you'll need to put a dotted line of where you shot/moved. The line disappears the next turn).

    Step 5: Damage.
    Every time you hit something, it tales away dots (health), effectively damaging said object. In the state of stickmen/turrets/bases, no health = dead, and the remains of said stickman/turret/base will remain there, dead, until the end of the game. With terrain, hitting it will damage it by emoving chunks of it. In the case of floating platforms, too much damage to it will cause it to fall, and that in turn will damage any terrain/troops underneath. If an object falls on someone, it removes 5 dotes (except in the case of a base/turrets). If that player has more than 5 dots, they are rendered unconcious for 2 of your turns. If a player is on said falling object, the lose 1 health and are knocked out for 1 of your turns. If an object falls on a turret, the turret loses 2 health dots. If an object falls on a base, it will lose 1.

    Each weapon does a different amount of damage.
    Guns: 1
    Bazookas: 4
    Grenades: 3
    Swords: --dead--
    Falling objects: 5
    To attack with swords, you must be this close to an enemy:

    Step 6: Winning.
    You win by destroying the enemy base. In the case of bases, each weapon does 1 damage.
    In the event that every enemy troop is destroyed, you will win be default.
    ~El Tournament~
    One: Norik -- MatoranBuilder
    Two: ~Captain Laughin'Man~ -- .:Sgt. Panda of the 60's:
    Three: Toa Huki. -- Hooziwutzit: toa of thingamabobs
    Four: Neo Blademan Seed Destiny -- Player 8
    Five: Norik -- Two
    Six: Three -- Four
    Seven: Five -- Six
    Open Slots: 1
    Okay. Who wants to play?
  2. Doctor Norik
    I went to see I Am Legend with my parents (mistake). They got freaked out and left early. And, you know, I couldn't stay behind by myself, so they dragged me along too. Well, the first 48 minutes were great.
  3. Doctor Norik
    The Mesopotamians - They Might be Giants
    I switch favorite songs so frequently that I thought it was only right to post them here.
    We've been driving around
    From one end of this town to the other and back
    But no one's ever seen us
    (No one's ever seen us)
    Driving our Econoline van
    (And no one's ever heard of our band)
    And no one's ever heard of our band
    We're the Mesopotamians
    Sargon, Hammurabi, Ashurbanipal, and Gilgamesh
    Then they wouldn't understand a word we say
    So we'll scratch it all down into the clay
    Half believing there will sometime come a day
    Someone gives a dang
    Maybe when the concrete has crumbled to sand
    We're the Mesopotamians
    Sargon, Hammurabi, Ashurbanipal, and Gilgamesh
    The Mesopotamish sun is beating down
    And making cracks in the ground
    But there's nowhere else to stand
    In Mesopotamia
    (No one's ever seen us)
    The kingdom where we secretly reign
    (And no one's ever heard of our band)
    The land where we invisibly rule
    As the Mesopotamians
    Sargon, Hammurabi, Ashurbanipal, and Gilgamesh
    This is my last stick of gum
    I'm going to cut it up so everybody else gets some
    Except for Ashurbanipal, who says my haircut makes me look like a Mohenjo-Daren
    Hey, Ashurbanipal I'm a Mesopotamian
    Sargon, Hammurabi, Ashurbanipal, and Gilgamesh
    We're the Mesopotamians
    Sargon, Hammurabi, Ashurbanipal, and Gilgamesh
    "Hey, man, I thought that you were dead
    I thought you crashed your car"
    "No, man, I've been right here this whole time playing bass guitar
    For the Mesopotamians"
    We're the Mesopotamians
    Sargon, Hammurabi, Ashurbanipal
    Sargon, Hammurabi, Ashurbanipal, and Gilgamesh
    We're the Mesopotamians
    Sargon, Hammurabi, Ashurbanipal, and Gilgamesh
  4. Doctor Norik
    Oh, muffin.
    How thou art the epitome of deliciousness.
    With thine gently burnt crust pressed against
    The soft interior of thine form.
    I hold thou in mine hand,
    Tenderly clutching thine bottom wrapping,
    With gentle movement I unwrap thee,
    And take a bite.
    A man steps up to me and shouts;
    Bewildered I stare.
    A crumb tumbles from my mouth.
    "MURDERER!" shouts the man,
    "Of course, you jest, kind sir." I say,
    Mouth full of muffin.
    "This is not murder, it is simply edible."
    I brought out another muffin;
    "Here. Take a bite."
    The man eyed me suspiciously then put it in his lips,
    Then he smiled and begged my forgiveness.
    I told him;
    "Too late. You have upset me. So I laced that there muffin with poison."
    The man was going to shout, to scream, or to wail,
    But words could not pass through is throat,
    For the muffin had killed him.
    And I smiled.
    Oh, muffin.
    How thou art the epitome of deliciousness.
    With thine gently burnt crust pressed again
    The soft interior of thine form.
    I stepped over the body and walked slowly away,
    Never turning back even once.
    And the muffin,
    Beautiful muffin,
    Thou taste good.
    - Excerpt from "The Muffin of Death", by William Shakespeare, Written in 2004
  5. Doctor Norik

    Title: Cloverfield
    Rated: PG13
    Movie opens: Rob with a camera, some time in April. Rob walks around an apartment building, revealed to be his girlfriend's place. She's naked in bed. Rob wakes her up, and they talk about random stuff for a while.
    Camera cuts to New York street, cameraman revealed to be Jason Hawkins, Rob's brother. His girlfriend, Lily, tells him about a surprise party for Rob that she's planning, as Rob is going to Japan to become vice president of Slusho. She tells Jason to document the evening and retrieve goodbyes from all of the partygoers. He begrudgingly accepts.
    Camera cuts to inside the party, where people are setting up. Jason walks up to Hudson Platt (Hud) and tells him to take over the camera. At first Hud is reluctant, but then learns that his crush, Marlena, is coming to say goodbye. He accepts, and Jason then give his speech to the camera.
    Cut to party, everyone's setting up, Hud's collecting several more speeches. Lily discovers that Jason gave the camera to Hud, but then Rob walks in.
    Hud interviews Rob, blah blah blah. 11 Dollar Guy does not say "You owe me 11 dollars." Hud walks over to Marlena, who obviously does not want to be there. She says a quick goodbye, but Hud persists on filming her. Beth walks in with a new boyfriend, and Rob is totally like "OMG WHAT THE HECK!". He fights with Beth, and asks Lily what's going on. When pestered by Jason as well, we learn that Beth and Rob, erm, "had certain relations", and have not spoken since. Jason and Hud drag Rob into a room where they confront him about Beth. Rob states that it was too awkward to talk to her.
    Loud roar.
    Everything shakes.
    Everyone runs to the TV, and the news reports that an oil tanker has capsized near the Statue of Liberty. No duh, this is a Tagruato boat. Everyone realizes that they might be able to see the tanker from the roof, and head up. Large explosion. Everyone runs down to the street. "I saw it it's alive it's huge!" was not in the movie. Statue's head flies down the street, and people are actually taken pictures of it with their cellphones instead of screaming and running. Hud turns around, and catches the monster crashing through some buildings. Marlena stumbles from the smoke and says that "It was eating it.". A building crumbles to the ground, and everyone hides in a convenience store. Huge cloud of smoke, rubble, and dust flies through the air. The windows to the store explode. Jason walks out, and everyone follows. People are all like "What was that?!". Hud realizes he filmed it, so they rewind the tape and watch.
    Camera cuts to Rob and Beth on their way to Coney Island.
    Back to the present, they all decide to head for the Brooklyn Bridge and escape Manhattan. At the bridge, Rob gets a call from Beth, who is trapped in her apartment. He tries to calm her down, but his cellphone dies. Most of the group stop to stay with Rob, but Jason is swept up with the crowd. He climbs a lamppost to get a better view of everyone else, and starts shouting to Rob. Suddenly, there is a roar. Everyone screams, Rob and Lily are shouting to Jason. He looks up, and sees a giant whip-like monster tail crash down on him, taking out the bridge. The rest of the group manages to run off the bridge, but Jason is dead.
    Lily is having a mental breakdown, and Rob is silent. Hud tries to comfort him, and fails. Rob then spies an electronics store, where several people are looting. Rob run into it, trying to find a cellphone charger. Hud films the local news on a TV in the store. The monster is visible hitting itself against buildings. Several crab-like creatures fall off the large monster and begin attacking civilians. Hud turns away. The group decides to get to Beth in her apartment, but encounter a military strike against the monster. They run into the subway and decide to walk to Beth's underground. About halfway into the tunnel, Hud realizes there's a light on the camera. He flicks it on, but can't see anything in the dark. Marlena looks down, and shrieks. Hundreds of rats are running away from behind the group. Rob turns on the camera's night-vision, and looks at the ceiling.
    "Run now!"
    Several crab monsters drop down and attack, wounding everyone and biting Marlena. They all run into a room and look the door. They all decide to try to head above ground. Rob opens a door, and the group finds themselves in a mall complex. They're suddenly ambushed by the military, who bring them to a sort of first-aid center. A dead man with no stomach (i.e. he was just a top half and a bottom half with blood in between) is wheeled by on a stretcher. A glass case with e dead crab monster is also carried past them. Marlena begins to bleed from her eyes, saying: "I don't fell very well, guys...".
    The army screams: "BITE! WE HAVE A BITE!"
    Two men in biohazard suits grab Marlena and drag her behind a curtain. Her silhouette begins to expand and expand until it explodes. Blood splatters the wall. Lily screams. Marlena is dead. Rob runs to a soldier and explains that they need to go find Beth. He tells Rob that at 6:00 AM, Manhattan will be destroyed in an attempt to kill the monster. They leave, and Hud is extremely shaken by Marlena death. They calm him down, only to get all worked up again when they see that Beth's building is slanting diagonally. The climb the building next to it and cross at the rooftops. The monster is visible being bombed by jets. Making their way to Beth's room, they find her impales by a metal rod. They pull it out and leave with Beth along their shoulders. She is still alive. In the hall, they encounter another small monster. ROb stabs it with a sharp chunk of metal. It dies.
    Crossing back and climbing down, they arrive at a helicopter pad, which promises them that they will be taken safely out of Manhattan. Lily is in one copter, Rob, Beth, and Hud in the other. While ascending, a flaming pile of rubble crashes to the ground. That was possibly Lily's copter. In which case, she is dead.
    Hud looks out the window and sees the monster being bombarded with missiles. It collapses into a building. Hud cheers, but the monster leaps up and swipes the copter out of the sky. They crash in Central Park.
    Several hours later, Hud wakes up. It's now daylight, and Rob is crushed under part of the helicopter. Hud and Beth help him out, but Hud forgets the camera. He runs back to get it, and looks up. The monster is directly above him. It stares at him for several seconds. Large orange sacks inflate and deflate on the sides of its head. Hud stands perfectly still. The monster then lunges, and eats Hud. After several seconds of chewing, the monster drops Hud from its mouth. Rob runs over to check on him, but it's too late. Hud is dead. Rob picks up the camera and runs with Beth under a small bridge in Central Park. Rob looks at the camera, and says:
    "My name is Robert Hawkins. Approximately 7 hours ago, some thing attacked the city. If you found this, I mean, if you're watching this now, then you know more about it than I do."
    He then goes on to name all who died.
    Jason Hawkins.
    Marlena Diamond.
    Hudson Platt.
    (Presumably Lily Ford, although not confirmed).
    Sirens sound in the distance, and Beth gives her testimonial to the camera.
    "My name is Beth McIntyre, etc..."
    Several explosions sound in the distance, the camera is dropped, and several chunks of the bridge fall on top of it. The only thing heard is Rob telling bet that he loves her, and her him. There are then huge explosions, and the camera stops.
    April, the camera cuts to Rob and Beth at Coney Island. Rob tells her that the camera is almost out of film, and asks her to say how she thought the day went. She smiles.
    "I had a good day."
    NP's Rating: 100%
  6. Doctor Norik
    Hey! Maybe it's time to adopt a sea creature that actually does something!
    Look! The Guard Octopus actually pokes stuff with his spear!

    Name of Octopus:
    What will s/he be guarding:
    Anyone to adopt will get 300 NPBs to help them get their new Octo-family up and running.
    Adopt as many as you wish.
  7. Doctor Norik
    2 more days, 2 more days, 2 more days, 2 more days, 2 more days, 2 more days, 2 more days, 2 more days, 2 more days, 2 more days, 2 more days, 2 more days, 2 more days, 2 more days, 2 more days, 2 more days.......
    2 more days, 2 more days.....
    2 more days.
  8. Doctor Norik
    If you give a mouse a cookie, he's going to want some milk.
    If you give a mouse some milk, he'll want to add some chocolate.
    If you let him add the chocolate, he'll become incredibly hyper.
    If he's incredibly hyper, he'll smash through the walls.
    If he smashes through the walls, the foundation of your house will crumble.
    If the foundation of your house crumbles, the entire building will fall.
    If the entire building falls, it will catch on fire.
    If it catches on fire, the fire department will be called in.
    If the fire department is called in, they will put out the fire.
    If they put out the fire, you can collect the insurance money on the house.
    If you collect the insurance money on the house, you can buy a bigger house.
    If you buy a bigger house, people will assume that you are incredibly rich.
    If people assume that you are incredibly rich, they will avoid you.
    If they avoid you, you will find yourself friendless.
    If you fine yourself friendless, you will go crazy.
    If you go crazy, you'll rob a bank.
    If you rob a bank, you'll be apprehended.
    If you're apprehended, you'll be shipped off to jail.
    If you're shipped off to jail, your loved ones will smuggle a gun to you in a cake.
    If your loved ones smuggle a gun to you in a cake, you'll break free.
    If you break free, you'll be public enemy #1.
    If you're public enemy #1, you'll hide.
    If you hide, you'll be lonely.
    If you're lonely, you'll invent imaginary friends.
    If you invent imaginary friends, you'll be distracted.
    If you're distracted, you'll be caught.
    If you get caught, you'll be euthanized.
    If you're euthanized, you'll die.
    If you die, you'll be reincarnated as a mouse.
    If you're reincarnated as a mouse, you'll want a cookie.
    And if you get a cookie, you'll explode and destroy the universe.
  9. Doctor Norik
    Rose, Sarah-Jane, Mickey, Martha, Susan.... it would seem that wherever the Doctor is, his companion is there alongside him. But not me. At least, not yet. I am now having auditions for my TARDIS companion. Anyone who wants in must fill in this form:
    Why you should be the new companion:
    Knowledge of Doctor Who:
    4-Knows a bit
    3-That's the one with the blue box, right?
    2-Doctor What?
    1-Doctor Walrus?
    0-... Something about a cake?
    Love of Daleks:
    Favorite Doctor:
    Favorite new (Series 1-2-3-4) Doctor Who episode:
    Funny Doctor Who quote from new Series (1-2-3-4):
    The contest ends 1-19-08.
  10. Doctor Norik
    So, now that these things have been approved, I'm reposting my vast list of Cities!
    And don't forget:
    Transport Network:
  11. Doctor Norik
    01010011 01101111 00101100 00100000 01111001 01100101 01100001 01101000 00101110 00001101 00001010 00001101 00001010 01001000 01101111 01110111 00100111 01110011 00100000 01101001 01110100 00100000 01100111 01101111 01101001 01101110 01100111 00111111 00100000 01001000 01101101 00111111 00100000 01011001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100100 01101111 01101001 01101110 00100000 01101111 01101011 01100001 01111001 00111111 00100000 01011001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110010 01101011 01101001 01101110 00100111 00100000 01101111 01101110 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01101110 01101111 01110110 01100101 01101100 00111111 00001101 00001010 00001101 00001010 01101100 01101111 01101100 00001101 00001010 00001101 00001010 01000001 01101110 01111001 01110111 01101000 01101111 00101100 00100000 01110011 01110100 01101001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01101111 01100010 01110011 01100101 01110011 01110011 01100101 01100100 00100000 01110111 01101001 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  12. Doctor Norik
    No, I'm not talking about:

    With my earlier comment of today being the first day of October, I've come to realize that the timeline has hurtling out of control and towards its impending doom. By Tuesday it will be Thursday, by Wednesday it will be August, and by Thursday it will be the end of the universe as we know it.
    So... anyone who was pretty hyped up about Cloverfield... Yeah. I'm bummed too.
  13. Doctor Norik
    Finally finished the Slusho! commercial. If you want to find it on that video hosting website that we all know, just search for: "Super Happy Fun Fun Slusho Party Time".
    Wish me luck!
    -The Doctor
  14. Doctor Norik
    Okay, I've officialy changed my name to Doctor Norik. So, in the honor of the Doctor, I present this totally awesome quote:
    "People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect... but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly.... timey-wimey.... stuff."
    Yeah, I know that that quote is in my profile and my sig, but hey. It's a good quote.
    -The Doctor
  15. Doctor Norik
    Now, after Exo's Llama Awards, and Dalek's Dalek Awards, I am here to indroduce.....
    Basically, like Llama and Dalek Awards, you get Norik Awards for doing stuff with your Blog!
    Anywho, they come in a bunch of different colors.... And stuff.....
    RED -- For Having a Blog
    ORANGE -- For Having a Blog with over 500 Comments
    YELLOW -- For Having 5 Llama Awards
    LIME -- For Posting over 200 Blog Entries
    BLUE -- For Your Blog to have at any time been rated 4.5 or over
    DARK BLUE -- For Having over 10 Blog Approvals
    PURPLE -- For Making your own Blog Approval
    TURQOISE -- For For Joining at least one Fruit War
    DARK RED -- For Participating in a Multi-Author Comic
    GREY -- For Being Chosen as Blog of the Week (not counting the Anniversary where everyone won)
    BLACK -- For Starting a Fad that is in at least 5 Blogs or 10 Sigs
    BROWN -- For Having a Blog with over 2000 Comments
    GREEN -- For Having Your Blog Approved by Exo
    SILVER -- For Succesfully Completing one of my Challenges
    PINK -- For Devoting a Blog Entry to a hand-drawn Picture
    RAINBOW -- For Having 2000 Posts
    9/11 -- For Acknowledging 9/11 with a Blog Entry/Post in News Topic/Avatar/Banner
    Remember, please don't take Norik Awards if you don't actually deserve them.
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