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Doctor Norik


If you give a mouse a cookie, he's going to want some milk.

If you give a mouse some milk, he'll want to add some chocolate.

If you let him add the chocolate, he'll become incredibly hyper.

If he's incredibly hyper, he'll smash through the walls.

If he smashes through the walls, the foundation of your house will crumble.

If the foundation of your house crumbles, the entire building will fall.

If the entire building falls, it will catch on fire.

If it catches on fire, the fire department will be called in.

If the fire department is called in, they will put out the fire.

If they put out the fire, you can collect the insurance money on the house.

If you collect the insurance money on the house, you can buy a bigger house.

If you buy a bigger house, people will assume that you are incredibly rich.

If people assume that you are incredibly rich, they will avoid you.

If they avoid you, you will find yourself friendless.

If you fine yourself friendless, you will go crazy.

If you go crazy, you'll rob a bank.

If you rob a bank, you'll be apprehended.

If you're apprehended, you'll be shipped off to jail.

If you're shipped off to jail, your loved ones will smuggle a gun to you in a cake.

If your loved ones smuggle a gun to you in a cake, you'll break free.

If you break free, you'll be public enemy #1.

If you're public enemy #1, you'll hide.

If you hide, you'll be lonely.

If you're lonely, you'll invent imaginary friends.

If you invent imaginary friends, you'll be distracted.

If you're distracted, you'll be caught.

If you get caught, you'll be euthanized.

If you're euthanized, you'll die.

If you die, you'll be reincarnated as a mouse.

If you're reincarnated as a mouse, you'll want a cookie.

And if you get a cookie, you'll explode and destroy the universe.


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