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ShaddowCroc:Toa of the Wii

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Everything posted by ShaddowCroc:Toa of the Wii

  1. You should join, maaaan.

    SoaH's fun.

  2. Whatever happened to your sprites "for that game"?

    And ask Whip Cream about it. He's being antisocial.

  3. oh, okay hi, Do i not know you?

  4. Hey, you dissapeared, or sumthin' haven't you. if you ever come back PM me, I wanna restart the 8-bit toa kit

  5. Oh, wow, I got a comment from someone who isn't me, unless...


  6. wow, this guy,shaddowcroc, is pure awesome!

  7. hello everybody/bodyless spirts who somehow got a computer, i've decided to make a blog, a very bloggy blog, and sure it'll only last about four days but hey, i have a blog now!!! I wanted to make a blog last bzpower birthday but due to laziness and lack of things to blog about( actually i still don't have anything to blog about ) I didn't, a choice which has haunted me to this day, but now that I've got a blog that haunting feeling will hopefully go away, well I'm gonna milk this blog for all it's worth, so expect a new entry in an hour or so... oh and thank yo wonderfull bzp staff for allowing me to make one for the momentus ocation of BZP's birthday... Shaddow Croc
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