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Everything posted by MoralWarfare

  1. Thanks guys! I'd have to agree, Evo does look the best, and is my personal favorite!So I picked up Toxic Reapa finally, went about modifying him a bit.Pictures are bad, but I only have my cellphone! I tried to make visible the added bulk from a side view.
  2. The point of the modifications is simplicity. I find people too often get carried away in their modifications of a character, and it ends up looking nothing like the character originally did. I try not to do that, instead just adding more articulation and armoring the back. The frame the 2.0 Heroes started doesn't really need much reworking, aside from the obvious bone changes.Glad you like the Breakout Evo, he's my favorite of the bunch as well!
  3. Just some little doodle I made after seeing all the various chicken-walker-esque creations on Flickr. Its probably not the most original build in the world, but what is these days?It can fold for storage!Don't really know what this vignette is supposed to be. Really just random scenery, but I liked the barrels and how the street lamp turned out.And this is a maintenance bay of some sort. Complete with robotic welding arm and refueling station!I had a lot of fun finally breaking out the system stuff again. Its been a blast cooking up the little scenery bits as well! Hope you guys enjoy, and pardon the poor pictures!
  4. Like the title says, these are some simple Hero Factory modifications I've done to the handful of sets I have. Evo 2.0 moderator. The weapon can replace whichever hand you please!And theres Bulk 3.0 rockin' his new jetpack which opens and closes. And also doubles as a place to store his blades!This is just a shot of the modified frame I use on all my HeroesAnd here is the Breakout form of Evo. Probably my favorite Hero yet, actually.Nothing fancy going on with any of these modifications, just slight tweaks to bring them up to my liking. Hope you all enjoy!
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