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Posts posted by Jacks

  1. I mean, I've already got a bunch of home recordings on SoundCloud and Youtube, but none of them involve bass guitar so I dunno if they'd be relevant to this thread at all...


    (plus I have no practical way to record my bass -- like I said, no amp :P)

  2. I really don't have any long-term goals right now. thinking more than a year in advance is stressful.


    right now, my biggest priority is getting out of here with my degree while still keeping my mental health stable. over the summer my brain tried to kill me again and I wasn't sure I'd make it back to school this year but things are looking up. ~6 months to go, and I only need 4 classes in the spring :D


    after that...probably move back into my parents' house (I guess I should probably be ashamed of that? w/e), do the street musician thing again, try to get my part-time church landscaping job back (or a real job if I'm lucky), figure out if it's possible to start the medical part of my gender transition without having to come out to my extended family just yet, and hopefully get some of my music properly recorded.


    just don't expect me to tell you where I hope to be in over a year, or you'll find me hangin out with Arc :P

    • Upvote 1

    Mantax: he had reasons and personal frustrations tied to his imprisonment, and it was a bursen on his soul. Pity he wasn't explored after he got on land, I feel like he would have maybe even turned over a new leaf.

    Keetongu: felt really unutilized for being such a gnarly gorilla.

    Piraka: honestly, these guys had so much character, and wile I get that they're still in the story as a fusion, I think their backgrounds could be infinitely explored as a prequel series to the MU.

    Mahri Nui, Karzahni Matoran: both groups moved to a new area after suffering some sort of evil, seeing how they integrated and helped the resistance would have been interesting.

    I take it, then, that you're unfamiliar with Legends #4: Legacy of Evil. The entire book was backstory on all six (and later seven) of them.


    also the second-best book we ever got imo, after Time Trap
  4. well there's a thread for guitarists now, and no official topics about playing instruments, so how about one for everyone else? :P


    Do you play any stringed instruments? Which one/s?

    What styles do you play?

    Any particular goals?

    Advice, needed or offered?


    As for me, I play mainly ukulele and banjo. Generally I alternate between a folky sort of old-time style and classical, although I've also joined my college's jazz ensemble. Jazz ukulele is going to be a thing, I promise :rolleyes: but really though, it's great, really helping me get the hang of improvising melodies.


    so yeah have at it

  5. Well, I have a bass guitar :P


    ...which I only know like 2.5 songs on. it's not even my tertiary instrument, it's farther down the pecking order than that


    but it's so much fun

    also it's the only instrument I can play late at night without disturbing my flatmates or neighbors (haven't got a bass amp so I just noodle around unplugged)

  6. Defilak. He was supposed to have as much of a role in the Mahri story as Dekar, but nothing game-changing ever happens to him.

    I guarantee you it's because somebody decided he should use chutespeak, and of course Greg hated writing chutespeak, so he involved Defilak as little as possible.

    • Upvote 2
  7. As for the ban on romance, I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, I agree with you that it's a frustrating stunting of character development. On other hand I can kind of see why it was done. Firstly, the target audience is 8-10 year old boys. Now 8-10 year old boys are notoriously unsentimental and unromantic. So romantic storylines wouldn't appeal to the target audience.

    See, this is what I always hear, but none of the 8-10 year old boys I knew in the early days had a problem with the Hewkii&Macku thing, or the Jaller&Hahli thing. In fact, they seemed to enjoy it in a secretive, almost embarrassed, way -- as though they felt that doing so was somehow transgressive and rebellious. My guess is, the fact that the characters were non-human entities made the subtle romance more tolerable to their 8-10 year old boy sensibilities.


    Basically, what the subtle romances in Bionicle's first 2.5 years did was -- in a roundabout way -- help 8-10 year old boys learn that it's totally okay to enjoy romantic elements in a story, and I can't see that as a bad thing (especially since that age and slightly younger - maybe 7 - is kinda when boys start actively internalizing the toxic masculinity script that tells them they shouldn't be sentimental about things, so Bionicle being a Cool Thing For Boys with sentimental elements is actually really really good).


    (As for me, Hewkii&Macku were my first OTP :rolleyes: But, as I turned out not to be a boy at all, I can't use myself as evidence for this point :P)

    • Upvote 4
  8. The Chronicler's Company post-2001. They all had such great characterization, and their personalities meshed so well.

    I especially have a soft spot for Taipu. Still bitter that Kopeke was made chronicler instead of him.


    Same goes for the Voya-Nui Resistance (excluding Velika). The fact that they all had personalities slightly atypical for their elements made the story in the first half of 2006 very enjoyable.

    • Upvote 1
  9. $10 AUD in 2001?? I thought it was like $6-7 if I remember correctly.

    They were $7 USD, so $10 AUD sounds about right to me.


    Frankly, I think they could conceivably have been even higher, since U.S. dollars were much stronger 14 years ago, if I recall correctly

    • Upvote 2
  10. I'd really like to see the storyline start getting discussed more. That discussion stalled out for obvious reasons, with the return of Bionicle, it can start coming back in full force.

    Do you mean discussing the gen1 storyline, or gen2? Because the former is certainly experiencing a massive resurgence c:


    Well, the real justification is that this community is filled with LGBTQURTSHoids and I don't want the children to grow up to be LGBTQURTSHoids.

    the prohibition which BZP used to have against discussing LGBTQA+ topics did not stop me from growing up to realize that I'm trans, so you'd better take your entire ideological position back to the drawing board cause it's just not working
    • Upvote 7
  11. Also, we don't know the melting point of protodermis. It's entirely possible that metallic and organic proto can withstand greater temperatures that we can, even with the added heat protection provided by a Toa of Fire's power.

    Except that, according to Vakama in the Jan. 2004 comic, molten protodermis "melts everything in its path."


    So I guess that's just proof that the video is non-canon :P

    • Upvote 1
  12. It sounded so much like cryoshell that at the 2-minute mark when the growling started I was so caught off guard that I jumped :lol: 4/5



    There are a lot of things I like about this -- the sparkly guitars, the pretty pictures of space -- and a lot of things I don't like -- the monotony of two chords for four and a half minutes straight, classic rock's quintessential "hit the snare drum harder than everything else and never vary the pattern" (I've never been a fan of over-aggressive snare drum, and after seven minutes of the same rhythm, it sounds like a drum machine). The balancing of all these factors results in an intense and burning apathy. 3/5

    and here I thought I was obnoxiously pretentious about music.


    ahaha I just think about music way too much :rolleyes:


  13. Wrinkledlion is on the money -- the ten-year-old word filter and the prohibition on external links were pretty much the most pressing issues.


    and bringing the front page out of the distant mists of the early '00s goes without saying :P


    Get rid of the LGBTOISDVBSAFH le ebil patriarchy and pretty much everything regarding opinions. Objective information, works, but no influence to which side they choose.


    I mean, kids lie a lot about their age and I refuse to believe they should think about these things instead of school

    so does this apply to kids who are realizing that they are (as you so eloquently put it) "LGBTOISDVBSAFH?" Should they not be allowed to find acceptance within this fandom?


    if your answer is "yes," I am willing to personally mail you a blindfold that you can put on whenever the subject arises here so you can pretend nobody is talking about it

    • Upvote 3
  14. 2003:

    The Rahkshi were definitely the champions of this year. I'll go with Turahk because I like the flame motif he has going. These things were just so revolutionary at the time, you don't even know.

    But really though. After the summer catalog came out I and my best friend at the time spent a good solid half-hour freaking the heck out over ACTUAL ARTICULATED KNEES :P and now even the small sets are gonna have those, with elbows to match. Truly we are living in an age of wonders
  15. This means that they weren't as thin and broad as their set forms would suggest--we can attribut that one to the set designers having only the more versatile Inika/Piraka build to work with.

    But again, you can't use "that's what the set designers had to work with" to explain appearances in-universe. It just falls on its face. Unless, of course, you're trying to argue that the appearance of sets should be considered non-canon. I can't tell what your angle is on that.


    I'd say this theory is pretty darn spot on. However, I'd like to add something to this.


    If this is what we're to assume Toa of old looked like, then we can only assume that later forms of the Toa derivative of the Metru build (Toa Hagah, Toa Mangai) are a more streamlined, efficient, evolved design than what the Great Beings originally whipped up. Perhaps this was just something that happened as newer, later generations of Toa came to be. Maybe the Makuta had a hand in this, given the Toa Hagah's role in assisting them. We may even assume that THIS design is derivative of the Toa Mata, that the Toa Metru and so on are based on Artahka's original design for Tahu and the others. If Tahu and co are some early prototype design that later on inspired the Metru build, then we can assume that at least by that point in the story, the Metru build makes the ideal Toa.


    Man, it's fun linking all this stuff together.

    Isn't it, though? :D That's basically the same line of thinking I was going down further back in the thread (post #13), but I hadn't thought of the Makuta having a hand in the evolution. It even makes sense -- given their elevated status, there would have been a significant period of time during which the Hagah would have been regarded throughout the MU as the quintessence of the "ideal Toa." There, now we know exactly how the Metru build became standard :P
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