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Rekku 'Mega Kal'

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Status Updates posted by Rekku 'Mega Kal'

  1. -.- Algebraic Expression: Reku=Procratinator. Reku+Homework=Really bad time.

  2. ... I was really expecting something along the lines of: 'Why haven't you stated your comis yet?' But I'll keep that in name in mind.

  3. >./uploads/emoticons/default_sad.png" /> I pity you two.

  4. Actualy, no. The mask is a custom mask made by Kotahn, and I used it because I thought it looked cool. I'm planning on changing it to a Kakama Mata soon.

  5. And mine: The Person who laughs at Kothra when he misses the Chute. :P

  6. Big deal. Its just a school. Besides, my school's teams would owned yours.

  7. Bon appitite! And... your 'friend' send me a PM with pi in it. >:(

  8. Don't you have homework to do?

  9. Fine. You win gold. But I get Platinum!

  10. Fun. So did you get Empire: Total War through Steam or at a store?

  11. Hey, Leppy, bad news. Pohaki said your comics weren't updated enough and closed 'em.

  12. I don't know. I'm still working on it.

  13. I dunno. I was thinking of something else.

  14. I live right next to Canada, in Minnesota.

  15. I play Garrys Moderator, and I use a laptop. So whenever I use a smoke 'nade, it really takes down my framerate. Which is why am now downloading nukes, gas trucks and more. ^_^

  16. I'll try and put something together by Monday next week.

  17. I'm planning on joining Shut.

    ._. to you to.

  18. If I did, I still wouldn't know.

  19. Leave a reply! I don't bite... most times...

  20. MMnn... I look tasty...

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