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Rekku 'Mega Kal'

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Everything posted by Rekku 'Mega Kal'

  1. Wow. It's been a while, hasn't it?

  2. Five bucks say that, like all the other CoD games since they started mass producing them, will be full of bugs, glitches, and easy hack opportunities.
  3. Yay! I can't go. Darn school/homecoming week.
  4. Next quarter's book report book: found.
  5. I second that. Also, someone in my Physics class was late today--presumably from playing Reach all night.
  6. I'm already in school. First day, I got a bunch of tiny assignments, all of which required me to bring me four of my five-pound books home. So have fun next Monday.
  7. Number two was really bad in my school last year. For some reason, the Italian 4 class sold coffee every Friday morning for most of the year. Considering most people got there ten minutes before class started, it was fairly hard to drink it at all without burning your tongue.
  8. One word: WIN. Get Jonathan Coultan to record a version of Still Alive with those lyrics, or send it to VALVe. I'm sure they'd get a kick out of it.
  9. 2 and a half, actually. ^.^ ~~
  10. Through a series of complicated events to long to post within 400 characters, I have been able to gain access to Deksy's L4D, and I have stayed offline to prevent any L4D loss. :D

  11. Rekku 'Mega Kal'

    Camping, Again

    Have fun. I'm just stuck at home, studying for Finals.... ~~
  12. Rekku 'Mega Kal'

    'tis True!

    But cookies give me gas... I wonder what happens if I eat humans? I wonder if my bro will mind... ~~
  13. Youre there twice, Tahuri's there twice, but still... NO REKKU? ~~
  14. Rekku 'Mega Kal'

    Kohls Cake

    Mmmm.... Khols looks good enough to eat... ~~
  15. Everybodies a critic. On Steam L4D is number one seller. ~~
  16. Oh, I highly doubt it. ~~
  17. It's from that game I really want to buy and I got to play free on Friday. ~~
  18. Dude. It rox my sox. And I'm in it. But make sure everyone is a 1st Lieutenant or lower. Captain is only one rank higher the 1st Lt. (Rekku Earned Achievement: No Man Left Behind) lol ~~
  19. Joseph Stalin in three. Chadrick Cone as random page to Track to Russia to said dictator. Unless random page counts. ~~
  20. I shall work on Rekku through the week. ~~
  21. I shall now call you Kothra; Lord of Mowing Mailboxes Over. ~~
  22. Run, Kothra! Dlakii's onto you! ~~
  23. Me likey. Better than the one I was writing.... >_> Write more. It looks VERY promising. (the title needs work, though) Wierd.... My subconcious was unusually active today... somehow I remembered the class 'Nexus' which I planned to use for my own story.... Another wierd thing: The Phasmatis sounds like the Prometheus, which had the Asgard teleporter, which is often used to 'beam' people and objects from one place to another. Are you sure you didn't get inspiration from Stargate? ~~
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