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Blog Entries posted by CzaR

  1. CzaR
    As some of you may know, I have been on a long hiatus from BZP. I had what many would call an epiphany of sorts, and it greatly changed many aspects of my life. Since then, I began to study of things that are not found on our televisions, things like alternative energy, conspiracy, terraforming, subjects which are "Taboo" to most people.
    Along my way, I found my calling in life to do something, greater than most people. An ambition for a future of enlightenment and integrity. I feel a great catalyst on this journey will be the unveiling of hidden technologies long used by our military and government, but hidden from us, the civilian people. There are amazing things out there right now, things that many of you would never believe exist in this time. One must simply break out of their everyday routines and look for them.
    I have begun my own technology company, right now its very small, I am the only employee, so its about as small as you can get. However, in my studies of science and geometry, physics and metaphysics, I have been able to create a device that will eventually be capable of amplification of an electrical current from 100 percent to 1600 percent or more. This prototype I call the PEAR, or Pyramid Electricity Amplification Router. This is nearly the same thing that Nikola Tesla was working on 70 years ago, with electromagnetic induction, however his patents were bought out and hidden by wealthy corporate entities such as JP Morgan.
    I feel that if you can teach people how to generate their own electricity, rather than paying for the utility, this will lead to a great leap in not only our evolution, but our consciousness as well. People will begin to think, hey, if we can power our own homes, what else can we become self sustaining with?
    The videos here explain my concept. The magnets are called Neodymium sphere magnets, they are very powerful and are not toys. They have enough pull force to break fingers and destroy sensitive electrical devices if moved too closely to them. The coils seen are what are known as "rodin" coils. As seen in the videos, these coils not only produce more electricity than they consume, they also have applications for healing, cymatics, and anti gravity. Many people remain in the dark about these technologies, such as magnetic motors, plasma energy, hydrogen fuel and other reactive and renewable energies. This is by design, because now, more are becoming aware and the result is gasoline prices plummeting, which we are now seeing nationwide.
    Im not sure about you people, but I want to accomplish more in my life than just having enough money to retire. I look at my lifes goals, and others, and I see a great difference. My goals are to abolish fossil fuels, debt based currency and privately owned banks, and liberate all willing people from the need for a "government", to make them truly a sovereign people. I am making it happen through education and sharing my work, and that is why I share it here now. BZP is a great window to many youthful minds, full of creativity and untainted in the indoctrination of life as we know it. They are the future and they are the audience I seek. I hope you will take the time to read this and watch these videos, as they may open your mind to a new level of thinking and consciousness, never before thought of....
    Magnetic Pyramid Concept Working:

    Rodin Coil Anti Gravity:

  2. CzaR
    As promised, TSC now begins, please read the following very carefully. Lets get started shall we?
    Welcome to the inaugural Sanitarium Contest. The theme here is simple, Build a MoC using parts that come ONLY in non playset Bionicle sets. Thats right, no fusion, limited technic, limited system, your parts selection is limited only to Bionicle, and the few scattered system/technic parts available in those sets. I have just not been seeing enough quality MoCs that are solely Bionicle Based. Newer Bionicle parts, such as those available in the power miner sets are NOT allowed.
    Prizes will be awarded for first and second place! First place will win a Blue Matatu and second place will win a Troll Warrior lego set!
    Rules are as follows:
    1. Your entry will be put under the microscope very closely, so please provide several angles/pictures of it before entering. I have a reliable set inventory to compare, so if parts that do not belong on your entry are found, it will be disqualified. You may contest your disqualification, and your creation will be given one more review, to ensure fairness. To further clarify this, I will list the exempt bionicle sets(playsets), any parts directly from these will not be allowed.
    Toa Terrain Crawler
    Battle of Metru Nui
    Tower of Toa
    Visoraks Gate
    Visorak Battle Ram
    Race for the Mask of Life
    Piraka Outpost
    Lava Chamber Gate
    Piraka Stronghold
    Toa Undersea Attack
    Barraki Deepsea Patrol
    2. This is a freebuild, so you may build anything you like! However you may NOT edit the creation once it has been officially entered.
    3. There will be no 3 part entries. Your creation must contain at least 30 parts at the minimum.
    4. No whining, no complaining, no cheating, period. This means begging for votes when the polling has begun also.
    5. The deadline for this contest has been set for March 31st, this gives you all one month to get something done. If by the deadline there are no more than 20 entries, then it will be extended further. Update, contest deadline has now been extended until April 15th. If by this time we still do not have at least 20 entries, then the voting will begin regardless.
    6. You may only enter ONE creation. This creation may have accessories and the like, but these must attatch to the main creation in some manner.
    7. You may NOT enter previously posted/public creations.
    8. Have fun and please PM me for any further questions or information, or post.
    9. Please post your entry in the following format:
    Entry Name:
    Entry Picture:
    Gallery link:
    Topic link: (if needed)
    If you have any further questions, you can PM my contest assistants, Ultimate Laka, Ghost Rider, or myself. Lastly, please note that anything here is subject to change if I deem it needed. Now lets get to building!
  3. CzaR
    A few examples here of some of my digital art and photo editing skills. The people in the images are me and my goddess.
    Art Page: https://www.facebook.com/WhimsicalWondersArt
    Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MatthewMartinGarcia











  4. CzaR
    Well its that time of year again, the E3 gaming expo! For those who have been living under a rock, see Here. Sorry Czar, I've had to remove the link because of the forums on the site. -Nukora
    I see a few major announcements recently, such as Metal Gear Solid 4, and Mario Kart Wii, both of which will be must have games for me. Nintendo also announced that the Wii will soon have a fitness board, a zapper and a steering wheel. Other announcements from today include a newer PSP handheld, with HD video output and an improved battery, which might even persuade me to buy one. Ill update this entry with breaking E3 news and new screenshots when I can. I will leave you with a few screenshots of some of my upcoming favorites!
    First up is Mario Kart for the Wii!

    This one looks fun:

    Metroid Corruption!

    A puzzle element?

    And of course, BRAWL!

    Samus and Link battle it out:

  5. CzaR
    Some of you may remember me, some of you may not. I have returned as the battle for the golden mask contest has beckoned me out of my caverns. I am not the same as when I first went into the underworld, I emerged a different man, something like Leonardo Da Vinci, after he returned from the caverns. The truth can change you.
    "I awoke, only to find everyone else was still asleep." ~Da Vinci
    So yeah, here is my entry for the battle for the gold mask contest:
  6. CzaR
    This goddess wand was created by my hands for a special someone. It is wrapped in copper magnet wire and topped with a quartz crystal. A feather and goddess charm also adorn it. I doubt most will realize the true potential of this item, but if you know of the piezoelectric qualities of quartz you might have a good idea...

  7. CzaR
    First I give you my sun pics:

    All these other photos are not mine, I found them while searching. Here we have the sunset, you can actually see the sunspot on it!

    Next I bring you Sun Haloes!

    And some recent Solar Flares!

    And lastly some lovely Auroras! Hope you all enjoy!

  8. CzaR
    Well day one is over allready. What a day! I was one of the first to arrive, helped with setup, then it was onto my own MoC setups. Met up with Arkov, who is an awesome dude, with awesome MoCs. Here are some notable pics from day 1. The day concluded with the meet and greet, where trophies were unveiled! Sadly, xccj and kraalix were no where to be found today, so I could not see the best bionicle trophy.
    My Brickcon Loot:

    Brickcon Trophies:

    Awesome MoCs:

    Stay tuned for more, opening ceremony is tomorrow, so is alot more info on upcoming lego 2010 stuff and the late night lego store dash!
  9. CzaR
    I disagree. I lost my fiancee today, to betrayal and lies, much like my only love before her. Once again I am alone, confused and lost.
    Im not sure of anything anymore, you give all you can, trust, your heart, your home, only to end up betrayed. I think I am giving up on this relationship deal, Ill never find total honesty and trust, it just does not exist.
    On the bright side, Brickcon is only 16 days away. Its sad though, I registered for both her and I, now she will not be going with me. I was so looking forward to sharing the experience with her, I will miss her deeply.
  10. CzaR
    Well I am officially an old man now. Lots of packing going on and changes in my life. Im returning to my hometown, after alot of soul searching and learning. I have alot more stuff than I realized! Probably wont be getting much loot this year, as I have isolated myself from just about everybody. But hey, I am just glad to have a 30th birthday. Take care everyone!
  11. CzaR
    These are the only 2 things I have built during my hiatus from BZP. The first was made from an incomplete Rockoh T3 set, so I made a Pohatu Phantoka toa mod. The second was made from random parts I had available at a friends house, the pilot bay can disconnect and reconnect to the main hull. Considering the part selection, I dont think they came out too bad.















    Connection point:

  12. CzaR
    The entries are in, all have been reviewed and the time has come for the voting! Voting rules are simple, you are allowed only 1 vote for each poll, and you may vote for yourself, please overlook each entry closely before voting. There will be 2 rounds of voting, one entry from each poll will advance to the finals, as well as a wildcard entry. The wildcard will be determined by the entry with the most overall votes behind each poll winner. At 13 entries, there will be 3 polls, one of which will have an extra number of entries, due to the odd number. 1st and 2nd place will win prizes as stated in the official blog entry, so your votes are important! This round of voting will close on Thursday, April 23rd so you have one week to vote, this entry will be republished at regular intervals also so more votes will come in hopefully. Please vote in the following format:
    Poll A:(your vote)
    Poll B:(your vote)
    Poll C:(your vote)
    And now, the polls themselves, each entry was chosen at random to be polled.
    Poll A
    1.Meta Ridley
    2.Malum Redux
    Poll B
    1.Tembe and Dijon
    2.Horse of the Sea
    3.M22 Nui Rama
    4.Silver Xenomorph
    Poll C
    1.Green Warrior
    2.The Sand Bat
    And that should be it. I would like to thank all of our entrants for making my contest an enjoyable experience, and all of you who have been patient with me. Good luck to all!
  13. CzaR
    The countdown begins, 20 hours till Brickcon. I gots lots of stuffs to display, and hopefully I can find someone willing to split a vendors table with me so I can sell my goods. I dont quite have the inventory I had last year, but I still have a pretty good supply of things to vend. Including like 4 Rockoh sets, a Takanuva, Gelu, Rahkshi Star, Strakk, a trans clear baseplate, and a bag of kanohi.
    Also I will have the uber awesome Metal Purple Akaku up for sale, one of a kind! For those who are unaware, it is a Flintsmith custom, here is a pic:

    Also, Im taking the laptop, so I will have nightly updates and pictures from Brickcon streaming from my hotel room. Stay tuned for the latest!
  14. CzaR
    Read Here
    What is going on in the gulf? The US cannot handle another oil spill upon our shores! This is absolute madness, its time the president considers alternate forms of energy. I really hope there is not another plume of oil spewing underwater, I really really hope.
  15. CzaR
    Entry period has ended, voting will begin soon!
    Welcome to the second Sanitarium Contest. The theme this time is pretty straight forward, Build a ground based combat vehicle, with personnel. Your entry must meet the following requirements to be accepted.

    1. The vehicle must be ground based, as in wheels or treads. The entry MUST have wheels or treads and they MUST be used as a means of transportation on the entry. Transformers and/or humanoid vehicles are also fine, the vehicle may also have the ability to float/fly, but remember that it must be ground based initally.
    2. The vehicle must be able to carry at least 2 or more personnel inside of it. This means the interior, the personnel must be able to fit at least halfway into the vehicle. The personnel can be minifigures, technic minifigures, toa/matoran, custom personnel, robots/droids or whatever, just as long as 2 of them fit inside the vehicle, and they are distinct.
    3. The vehicle must have some sort of gun/cannon/laser on it, it does not have to fire like a blunt shooter but it must clearly be a long range weapon of some sort. Catapults, slingshots, anything is game here as long as it is long range.
    Lego prizes will be awarded for first and second place, first place will win a Chrome Hau and second place will win either Tarduk, Raanu or a Coast Guard Kayak city set, selected at random!
    Rules are as follows:
    1. Your entry will be put under the microscope very closely, so please provide several angles/pictures of it before entering, any non lego parts found on the entry will result in a DQ. There is no lego medium that will not be accepted here, it can be 100 percent system, 100 percent technic and so on.
    2. Outside of the theme, this is a freebuild, so you may build anything you like! However you may NOT edit the creation once it has been officially entered and you may not steal another persons work.
    3. There will be no 3 part entries. Your creation must contain at least 30 parts at the minimum.
    4. No whining, no complaining, no cheating, period. This means begging for votes when the polling has begun also.
    5. The NEW deadline for this contest has been set for September 25th. There will be NO further extentions.
    6. You may only enter ONE vehicle. This is not up for debate, detachable accessories and the like are fine, but ALL these must be able to attach to the main creation in some manner.
    7. You may NOT enter previously posted/public creations.
    8. Have fun and please PM me for any further questions or information, or post. Everyone will be given a second chance, so if your entry does not fit the contest requirements, you may modify it and then re-enter it at least once. No pressure!
    9. Please post your entry in the following format:
    Entry Name:
    Entry Picture:
    Gallery link:
    Topic link: (if needed)
    If you have any further questions, you can PM me or my contest assistant Distorted.
  16. CzaR
    This week I feature another truly classic set.
    6285 Black Seas Barracuda

    Description: This was the largest set from the first series of lego pirates. Released in 1989 and retailing for around $80.00 US dollars, it has become a big time collectors item in today's market, at $550.00 bucks MISB! Containing 876 parts and 8 minifigs, this set featured firing cannons, a rowboat, an adjustable crane like device and an anchor. Once built the set featured everything you would want from a sturdy ship, with captains quarters, a treasure chest of gold, a plank, lots of minifig swords and of course a treasure map!
    My take: Yep, I had this set and of course I lost it. It was a lot of fun since I had several other pirate sets from this series. I used to like to have the crew mutiny against the captain and have him walk the plank!
    Until next week....
  17. CzaR
    Well, it is all over now sadly. But, I have pics!
    This was the venue when I arrived, I was one of the first:

    Roas giant Bionicle tub:

    The Maverick:

    Roas neato RC car:

    Giant Mantis of awe:

    Another awesome battle bug:

    Look at these details:

    Stuffs I had for sale, all but the expensive SW stuff sold:

    Brickcon goods:

    Winner of best battle bug:

    Arpy and Xccj:

    Dan Parker had these nifty lampshades:

    This was a little game I made and offered prizes, I call it lego jenga, you try to stack them as high as you can, just something made with the brickgrab bag I got. The best part was that Todd Webb, who works for Lego, approached me and asked for a design, which I was more than happy to give him:

    The mad dash at the Lego store:

    My ugly mug at the Lego store:

    More stuffs I made from the brickgrab:

    Thats all for now!
  18. CzaR
    Anyone have a guess as to the theme? It seems like it has been forever since we had one of these things. Perhaps some speculation will ease my anxious-ness. I would like to see challenging theme, something like, well, anything but a freebuild!
    Maybe build a landscape?
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