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Blog Entries posted by CzaR

  1. CzaR
    Okay, picture this. A hovercraft, powered by propellers/motors, that floats with magnets.
    Impossible? I think not. My plan is to first obtain about 1000 lego magnets (this is the hardest part), then use their reverse polarity to make the hovercraft float. You know when you turn the magnets around and they push off of each other?
    To make it work, Ill first have to determine how many studs wide to make the craft, Im thinking at least 6 or 8, that way I can mount magnets on both edges of the underside. Next I will have to build the track, the walls will have to be high enough to hold the craft between them, otherwise it will just fall off. Then I will have to mount all the magnets on the sides of the track, perfectly in line with those on the underside of the hovercraft. Finally I will have to mount motors/propellers on the hovercraft, while keeping it very light as the magnets reverse polarity power is limited.
    So am I just plain crazy or do you guys think it would work? In theory I think it could, my main worry is getting enough magnets and maintaining a light hovercraft. If I can pull this off I think it will be the first ever attempt at something like this with lego. I could use any further ideas/help you guys have. I am dead serious about this!
  2. CzaR
    And the weapon:

    Comments? Critiques? Ive been wanting to use the Gadunka head as torso armor for a long time now, I think this is gonna be good...

    Did I overdo the tool?

  3. CzaR
    There is a chill in the air...
    6973 Deep Freeze Defender

    Description: Released in 1993 as part of the Space/Ice Planet series, containing 399 parts and 3 minifigs. Retail price then ranged from 60-70 bucks. Today finding this set MISB is next to impossible and will cost anywhere from 200-400 dollars.
    My take: Never did get this set. Looks cool, there is a rocket that attaches to the topside of it via magnets. Any set with magnets in it is a plus in my book. Of course, Ice Planet is probably best remembered now as the sets with the ever so popular trans orange chainsaw parts.
  4. CzaR
    Went and saw Resident Evil: Afterlife today at the mall, which was a great movie, best of the series and yet another cliffhanger ending! Picked up these too!


  5. CzaR
    Ouch! And the ref pulls a red card! Medic!
    3312 Medic's Station

    Description: Released in 1998 as a promo shell set, part of the Lego sports soccer series. The set included 72 parts and 2 minifigs. Retail price then was about 5 bucks. Today it has actually gained quite a bit of value and can be found MISB for about 30 bucks, a promotional item is the most likely reason.
    My Take: Never had this set, in fact I had a local shell at that time and I never saw it. Its your basic soccer accessory set, there is a stretcher and cart for those injured soccer minifigs. There were like a ton of soccer accessory sets.
  6. CzaR
    I was walking to work today, and as I went over the bridge I found several broken kongu inika parts scattered along the road. A foot, a torso armor, some thigh/shoulder armor and a zamor holder. It was rather sad, I thought to myself, how could this happen? Could someone have thrown a perfectly good kongu out the window? I salvaged a foot and the torso armor, I plan on making a battle ravaged kongu revamp with them in hopes of bringing some honor to this disgraceful act.
    Lets have a moment of silence please...
  7. CzaR
    This week, its ba-da-ba-ba-ba, Im lovin it!
    3438 McDonald's Restaurant

    Description: Released in 1999 under the co brand McDonald's, this set is the largest set that was offered at McDonald's. Containing 86 parts and 2 minifigs, retail price then was only about 15 bucks. Today it has jumped in value significantly, and goes MISB for anywhere between 70 and 100 bucks.
    My take: I never saw this set at my local McDonald's, or I surely would have scooped it up, just based upon collectors value alone. The set is straight forward, its a drive thru with vehicle and outdoor seating. The sticker sheet from this set alone fetches about 25 bucks!
  8. CzaR
    Well, the voting ended in a tie between Primus and Veq, each with 6 votes, Ballom got 5 and Christo got 1, so there must be a tiebreaker now to decide the winner and actual prizes! Voting for this final poll will end on Thursday the 22nd of October! Please cast your votes everyone! Thanks to everyone who voted and entered for making my second blog contest a success!
    1.Primus HTS Octomover
    2.Veq? Uni Smaat
  9. CzaR
    So my order came in today, clear from down under. I guess these were not sold in the US, meaning there might be some rare kanohi in them! Rumor has it that these polybags are the ones you might find the white huna, dark blue matatu or dark red ruru. I want to open them, but at the same time I do not! What do I do with these now, sell them? Open them?

  10. CzaR
    Back by popular demand, the CSS retruns! Check back on fridays now for the latest trip down memory lane! This week, ho ho ho its magic....
    5581 Magic Flash

    Description: Released in 1993 as part of the Model Team series, containing 785 parts, the set retailed then for around 60 bucks. Today it commands a price of 180-250 bucks MISB. One of the more alluring model team sets, in color scheme and functionallity.
    My take: I had this set, it was fun. The van has a steering function, opening doors and a hitch/trailer for the boat. The van is actually very similar to the custom rally van set from the same series. Model team was a line that was far ahead of its time, blending technic functionallity under system style. Next friday I will spotlight another classic.
  11. CzaR
    The votes have been tallied, and only 4 remain! 2 of these people will be winning prizes so lets give each entry a close look before voting, good luck to you all! Please remember that for this poll you can only vote once, and you may vote for your own entry if you made it this far. Good luck to all! The final four are:
    1. Meta Ridley
    2. Tembe and Dijon
    3. Treehugger
    4. Eddie
    Eddie made the wildcard by one vote, it was very close between him and the Sand Bat. Voting will be closed next Friday, May 1st so once again you have one week to get your votes in, and I will republish the entry a few times to ensure fairness.
  12. CzaR
    Well, it has not gotten much better. I have been texting with my childs mother, begging for a reason why and where I did her wrong. She refuses to give me anything, says she wants me to move on but how can I with no further closure?
    My nightmares continue to haunt me. I have been pedaling my bike for miles each day just to visit and try to help my poor daughter through this. I still love her mother even after she has turned my world upside down, I bring her gifts and try to be a nice guy, only getting the cold shoulder in return. Yet this guy she has never met has her heart and kindness at his will. I am just so lost and alone, its an awful, horrible thing and I fear I am slipping away into madness and despair.
    The little good news I have is that the store is back online and I hopefully, after 28 years will be getting my drivers license for the first time. I take the drive test on the 21st, wish me luck there. Even as an old man I am nervous!
    Take care all, I hope to have a laptop and some kind of social life again soon. The Wii can only do so much.
  13. CzaR
    So I decided to try my hand at Fire Emblem on the Wii again, on hardmode.
    Wow, how did I ever beat this game on that setting before? I am outnumbered, out leveled, and out of patience. I must have gotten some big stat gains. Im on chapter 5 now and I cannot seem to get the allies help in time, I get like 2 or 3 turns and they are doomed.
    Does anyone have a strategy for this? Please?
  14. CzaR
    Been very busy, the store is getting very busy this time of year, everyone wants lego! I have had a staggering amount of orders the last few days. Things are going well for the most part, working alot, making good money. Which in turn translates to new stuff to keep me from going insane, such as Wii points cards for nostalgic gameplay, new music, lego parts for my works, clothes and the like.
    Then there is my relationship, or lack there of. Which seems to have come to a total halt. I am tired of heartache, I try to put on a good show but it continues to tear at my very core. Forgive me for venting, pathetic as it is I take some comfort in putting it out here, among the BZPeoples, my peoples.
    Look for new MoCs soon, I have found that when I find myself in strife, I tend to become more active with building stuff. Funny huh?
  15. CzaR
    For the first time in nearly 14 years, I actually bought a CD! I found my favorite album of ALL TIME, so I had to buy a CD player since I have none, I cannot wait to crank it up all the way on my noise enhancing headphones! It will be almost like when I saw them (White Zombie) live in the mosh pit! Also picked up a Wii points card as I see the virtual console now has Ogre Battle on SNES, a game which has haunted my existance ever since the mid 90s when I was unable to finish it. Lastly, I got Glatorians, which I plan on selling!
    The greatest hardcore heavy metal album EVER, Astro Creep 2000:

    Wii Points:


    Okay now I go to blast my eardrums out of my head!
  16. CzaR
    Space, the final frontier...
    6704 Space Minifig Pack

    Description: Released in 1991 as part of the space/supplemental series. Containing 8 parts and 6 minifigs, retail price then was about 10 dollars. Today sells MISB for about 40 bucks.
    My Take: I had this set! Yay! Its your basic minifig pack, included are figs from M-Tron, Space Police (series 1), Blacktron (series 1) and Blacktron (series 2). I actually put this set to use alot, be it with my M-Tron, Space Police or Blacktron sets. I always did think those Blacktron jetpacks were neat.
  17. CzaR
    So as I was out shopping today, I knew I had to find this game. I ended up going to 3 different stores, including Gamestop and TRU and nobody had it. Feeling bummed out I realized we needed groceries so I headed for K-Mart, which never has ANY new games when they are first released. By chance I took a peek in the gaming section and found 1 of the last 2 copies they had hidden on the bottom shelf. This has been hyped to be the best game on the Wii, hopefully it will not let me down!
    Does anybody else have it yet? The whole 2-D to 3-D graphic thing has me very anxious to play!
    Oh yeah, I got 2 Kalmah sets too since I needed one for my BBC 42 entries. The other Kalmah I purchased is for sale! My entries are going rather well I must say, I will have several different types of Rahi ready by the deadline hopefully. Looking to be a late entry for me as I still have much to do and now have this new game to play!
  18. CzaR
    Man that was a close game, Baltimore had us beat but missed the field goal. Favre has done us proud!
    In other NFL news, the Steelers won and the Seahawks got just plain dominated by Arizona. Man, not a good day to be a Seattle fan. Watching the Sunday night game now, looks like Atlanta has it won but Chicago was driving deep last time I saw, there have been alot of fumbles and turnovers, makes for a very entertaining game!
    I might bring back my weekly NFL recap entries, though no one really seemed intrested last year when I did them for all 17 weeks! Where are all the sports fans at? I thought Bionicle and sports went hand in hand?
  19. CzaR
    She dumped me, and finally was able to tell me face to face. I am moving out for real this time, yesterday was the worst day of my life. I do not know if/when I will return here, but I do hope to someday, when I can get back on my feet and get a computer and etc.
    Id like to thank everyone here for their kind words, friendships, everything. You young people have helped me alot, crazy as it may seem. Wish me luck, this is the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life.
  20. CzaR
    So I recently got my tax return, not stimulus in the mail. 900 US dollars to be exact. Seems like alot of money but with bills and cost of living and gasoline prices, it really is not a great deal of cash.
    Regardless, I plan on making a toy or video game run with at least some of the cash. Suggestions? Things I have considered:
    All of the new Indiana Jones sets
    A Playstation 3
    A Xbox 360
    A Laptop Computer
    Phantom Hourglass for Nintendo DS
    An Axe(To compliment my sword collection and a possible cosplay)
    More suggestions? What are some of the good newer games for DS, The World Ends With You looks pretty good and I know there are rampant Pokemon fanboys and gals here.
  21. CzaR
    Allright, what started as a crazy, outlandish idea has started to take shape! This is still very early in the WiP stages, still throwing around some ideas. In the end expect a lush desert landscape around the track. So far it is working as I planned! This is a very expensive and ambitious project and I hope to complete it someday, this is no doubt going to take alot of trial and error.
    What I would really like to do is have 2 of these tracks, so the hovercrafts can race one another! That would call for a ton of extra cash though, maybe, just maybe...
    The setup:

    Battery box and IR receiever:

    Overhead view:

    It really floats:

    Craft underside:

    Checking each magnet to ensure the polarity is correct, and weight are my main concerns. The craft itself might not have many details. Any ideas/help would be great so feel free!
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