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Jedi Master J.

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Jedi Master J.

  1. Jedi Master J.
    As mention in my previous entry, I went to the Doctor's on Tuesday to try figure out what wrong with me as had sickness for quite sometime and as told by the Doctor, I didn't go to school on Wednesday to let medicine settle in my system. Good news is that it seem to working in the very least, so hopefully it won't be long until it is gone.
    Bad news, I probably won't get to see Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull until I feel better, which I don't know when that will be. Even more depressing, I could of possibly seen a Midnight showing, if I wasn't sick. If someone could tell me what they thought of it, I much appreciated it. But please no spoilers as I just want know if you thought it was good or if you like it or not.
    That's basically it for what I have to say. I am sorry about not being more interesting, but I am sort of low on ideas; thanks to this sickness. Of course, I may just be out of things to say and just decide I'll try to put the blame for it on the sickness, but you never know.

  2. Jedi Master J.
    I am not sure, if the doctor know exactly what it is. But from what I told them, they at least have some knowledge that something wrong with me, especially considering, I have a temperature in the hundreds. Anyway, the doctor prescribed some medicine for me, so hopefully it will make me feel better eventually.
    In other news, I been told by the doctor to take off from school to rest, so the medicine can settled in. Although I just love the chance to be off for once from school, I know that I be missing a few things in class that I am in needed to do like get my team's softball launcher working right and turn in posters needed for Biology class.
    But it clear to me that it would be wise, if I did take tomorrow off to rest as my health is a little more important than school work in my opinion. I have see how I'll feel in the morning, but it most likely I will take off for the sake of my health. That's all I got to say, thank you for your time.

  3. Jedi Master J.
    I been think lately that I am probably not going to renew my premiership here as it wasn't really what I expect it to be. I mean having a blog and extra personal message space is cool, but it really the only things that I use from the premiership. If I knew how to make polls, that would be something else to list as a reason to renew premiership, but I don't.
    So, I decide I am leaving it up to you all to decide if you want to see the Jedi Temple go on for another year. I know this is sort of early to ask you guys this, but it been bugging me as if I am going to renew it, I will need to save up some of money that I currently have to pay for it.
    Although I got say it will be tough for me to get Bionicle sets, if I do, as I will also want to renew the Brickmaster membership and as I don't have a job yet, this money can only come from two places, either my wallet or my bank account. I personally don't want take any money from my bank account though as I like to save that for my future in case I even need it for thing important like my education or a house. So, my wallet would be the only place that I probably take it from.
    Well, that's my question for my visitors. Thanks for taken the time to read about it.

  4. Jedi Master J.
    Today is like first day, I ever seen any Indiana Jones movies before and I got say they are awesome. So far, I have seen Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and I am now currently watching Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. I think the Temple of Doom will end soon, so I'll be watching Raiders of the Lost Ark, when it done meaning I see all the ones that been release so far.
    As such, I can't wait for Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull to come out. That's all I got to say on the matter.

  5. Jedi Master J.
    By some twist sense of fate that want to prove me right, our Wii, having been moved upstairs by my brother to his computer space, had been broken as my mother was vacuuming the room as the sensor pad's cable was sucked into the vacuum and pull the Wii down before she could stopped it. The Wii, having strike the ground with our Brawl game in it, now will turn on and damaged the discs and not let you play the game.
    As such, my brother is very angry about this and is demanding that our mother buys a new Wii even through the reason for it not function correctly was brought mainly cause by the disc still be inside it and as such it could of move inside the Wii causing damaged to what reads discs.
    My brother personally don't want to send it into Nintendo or the place, we got from, for two reason; One, he wants the data, he did in Brawl to be in the new Wii or repaired Wii, if they give him one. Two, he doesn't want to waited for them to repaired it or ship out a new one.
    I am personally unsure how to feel about this situation as I never did anything in Brawl that took up data in the Wii beside making stages with SD Card. Beside that all the games, I play have their data in SD Card, so I really have nothing to worried about the Wii being gone for awhile as I don't play it much. I guess I should be happy, I got out of Kohaku's Tournament for Brawl by having lost last round. *shrug*
    In other news, I got the Atlas finally. So, that's one more book to take off my list.

  6. Jedi Master J.
    Today is my sister's birthday. So, I thought I make an entry for it here to celebrate it. So far, I think she is having a nice birthday and I personally hope it stay that way.
    Well, that's all I can think of to say about today. If you wish to wish her a happy birthday, feel free to post here. Thanks for viewing my blog. Please do come again.

  7. Jedi Master J.
    Something weird been happening to me lately on Bzpower. By weird, I mean I was log on as invisible and then suddenly out of blue, I turn visible and my profile says I am reading a blog entry, I wasn't. Is this normal or is there obvious something wrong happening here for me?
    Just something that I been wondering as this has happen to me twice already and I don't know why its occurring. Hopefully its nothing serious. But I thought I just post this just be safe, so if you could answer this, I very much appreciate it.
    *Bumping this entry as it didn't really get much attention yesterday and I am still worried about this situation.*

  8. Jedi Master J.
    As the title says, I just been wondering if people here think that I maybe too polite at times. I know it isn't really a bad thing being polite, but I can't help but feel that I maybe little too polite at times. *shrug* I guessing it just has to do with how I don't want to get anyone anger at me, so when ever I said things that I think could anger someone, I said sorry.
    So, if you all could answer this, I very much appreciate it. Thank you for your time.

  9. Jedi Master J.
    Well, I got my report card today. So, I thought I show it here in case any of you want to know my grades for the 3rd Marking Period. Below are my grades:
    Subject Grade
    - Health 96
    - Gym 100
    - World Literature 97
    - Global Studies 95
    - Algebra II 95
    - Biology 95
    - Applied Physics 95
    - CAD/Drafting II 100
    Well, those were my grades. Thanks for visiting my blog. Please do visit again.

  10. Jedi Master J.
    Do you think I should get these Bionicle books?
    Bionicle World=$6.99 Bionicle: Rahi Beasts=$5.99 Bionicle Encyclopedia Version 1=$6.99 Bionicle Encyclopedia Version 2=$6.99 Just wondering as I need to get these books and I want to hear from people that have them, so I know if its worth it buying them. So, if you could answer this, I would very grateful. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

  11. Jedi Master J.
    Hi, everyone. As most of you probably know, today is my birthday, so I turn 16 today. I personally I don't feel any different than I was before, so it isn't what I called special really. If anything, today was basically a normal day with nothing really special about it either, expect that I got to have a nice tasty cake to eat.
    For most people, they would expect I'll be learning to drive now, but sadly that will not be happening as my sister wants to learn first and my parents don't want me to learn just yet as they say I need a job first before learning as I'll need gas money and stuff car related like that. So, I don't expect to be learning to drive anytime soon.
    For people interested in what I been doing today, I basically was just cleaning up the basement and finishing my homework. Beside that, I just been hanging around here, reading topics, while trying to get this RP post done that I should of had done way before now. I just have a little more to write for the post and then it will be ready to be post in Bionicle Kingdoms: Metru Nui topic. The only problem now is that its 9:00 here right now, so I'll don't have much time left to write it as I have school tomorrow.
    Well, that's all I got to say. And before I end this, I just like to thank you all for wishing me a happy birthday. Thanks, Bzpower members. You all make coming here enjoyable for me.

  12. Jedi Master J.
    Hi, everyone. As the title said, I am in Member Spotlight again, which is sort of cool as my birthday like two days from now. Lucky for me, this time, I got a screen shot of it.
    Anyway, I thought since I made an entry for the last time, I was in Member spotlight, so they could ask questions about myself that wasn't completely clear in my profile here as such you can do the same here, if you have any questions. So, free feel to ask me questions. I am willing to answer them as long as they are not inappropriate questions.

  13. Jedi Master J.
    Title say basically all. See, as I still have money from Christmas, I been trying to think of what 2008 sets to get; I thought I should ask you all, as a lot of people here have the sets, what set would be good to get. I personally would like to get all the Toa Nuva, but there are a lot of other cool sets coming out too, so I am sort of torn between what to buy.
    That's why I made this entry to see what you all think would possibly be wise to get. So, if you could help, I greatly appreciated. That's all I got to say. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

  14. Jedi Master J.
    As the title states, the Third Mark period is ending. So, here comes the stress in Drafting class on trying to complete about four computer drawings in two days. If by chance, I maybe able to complete two drawings for each day as I will be going after school for both Thursday and Friday to catch up in my work.
    But knowing my speed and my consent mistakes in drawings at times, I probably won't be able to do so. *sigh* Why must my process of doing things be much slower than others? *shrug* I guess it just the way, I am.
    On to another subject that I will be having to be dealing with soon, I had to do a presentation tomorrow in Global Studies class and public speaking is not my thing. If anything, I dislike like doing it a lot. I personally preferred being quiet than speaking as I don't like being the center of attention. But its a fact of life, that I will have to learn to over come this public speaking problem as in most jobs, you need to use some sort speaking to do them.
    In other news, my grandfather turning 70 this Saturday, so my family and I will be heading over to my grandparents' house to celebrate my father's and his birthday (My father's birthday is on Monday, but as they are close to each other, we are celebrating them at the same time.). So, my weekend will be lighting this stressful week up to say the least.
    Well, I got get some sleep. I got a Mile Run to run tomorrow in Gym, so I need to be well rested for it. Good Night. Talk you all later.

  15. Jedi Master J.
    *doesn't like using third person, so will stopped with the title and talk normal* Hi, everyone. Is everyone having a good day? *waits for reply*
    ... Um, alright, I guess you are good. Now I am sure you all didn't come in here to see me say hi and ask how you are doing, so I get to point of this entry. Yesterday, I got to watched Star Wars Episode III, so I am pretty happy about that as I hardly get to watch Star Wars movies much, considering I don't own any of movies. *hears people gasp from shock as his name leads one to believe he have a Star Wars cave somewhere*
    See I usually borrow my Uncle's copy of Star Wars movies, so I never really thought of getting a copy myself as I could always borrow it from him as he has no issue with my brother or me borrowing any of his video games and films as long as we return them, of course. As I hadn't borrow his Star Wars films in quite awhile, I was happy to hear that they would be on last weekend and so I watched them.
    Of course, I was pleased by the films as I seem them before and was pleased then. But not as pleased as I was yesterday, when I saw a preview to the new video game, Force Unleash. I can't wait for it to be release. I just hope it isn't a computer game as my computer being old as it is can't play computer games. With my luck, it probably is one.
    Well, beside that news, I am just plain happy about having a good easy day today. It is now about time for me to be heading off, so see you all later.

  16. Jedi Master J.
    Is there like a competition on Bzpower to see who can add the most friends to their list? I mean I have seen tons of people on here that I never even talk to before that add me to their list. I really find it strange that people do that as it like saying that you consider every living being, your friend.
    Hmm...If that was true, the world peace would of probably happen by now. Of course, that isn't true, but it would be nice; if it was as people would learn to accept people's differences in opinions and things. Sadly, those are only utopia dreams, which will likely never come true in real life.
    I am guessing that some people maybe adding me to their list because of how I mention that if they ever need any help here, I wrote in my profile to feel free to PM me. So, I guess it is alright that they add me, but I probably won't be adding them as I like to add people that I know that I may want to PM about something or chat with them. And don't get me wrong, I personally have no problem with people adding me to their list, I just find it sort of weird that they add me without even talking to me ever.
    So, am I only one being add by members that have never talk to me before or are there other people here too? Just out of curious. You don't have to answer, if you don't want to.

  17. Jedi Master J.
    I hope you all are enjoying St. Patrick's day today. I personally had been enjoying it, since I got Bionicle Legends #9 and Maxilos and Spinax today. I got to say Bionicle Legends #9 is a pretty good book in my opinion.
    Beside that I am sure that the people that search for people without green shirts today will be happy to hear I didn't wear a green shirt today. So, get the pinching over with now before the day is over. The only reason, I didn't wear one was because the only green shirt that I have is an Eagles Football Jersey and I rather not be seen wearing it considering that team is not that great.
    Well, that is all I got to say for today. Thanks for coming to visit my blog and please do come again.

  18. Jedi Master J.
    Well, my break from school is finally here. So far, I been playing Brawl for the most of the day and I also been working on an RPG post that I am going to try to finish up tomorrow, so I can post it.
    Beside that, I got a haircut today. But just so you know, I won't be showing any pictures of it, since I like to keep how I look in the real world secret. And anyway, you should be happy that you had seen my face before for I personally think I am ugly. Of course, that's my personally opinion on my appearance, so you never know if I am right or not for I am not going to show a picture of myself.
    Well, that's all I got to say today. Thanks for visiting this blog and please do visit again. And sorry about boring you all with details on my life; I am running out of ideas for this blog to tell you the truth, so that's why I been writing entries related to my life lately.

  19. Jedi Master J.
    Considering I am Jedi, I am against idea of this kind of holiday for it promotes the Dark Side of the Force. Jedi don't love for it forms attachment to others, which can clouded one judgment when making decisions for the greater good. Also notable is that attachment to others can lead to sorrow, when they die eventually, and the Jedi will become lost and without hope rather than realize that the person, they knew is now apart of the Force meaning they are always apart of them.
    Okay, I think I wrote enough about a view of a Jedi on this type of holiday. Seriously speaking, today was just like any other day. It didn't feel any different than a normal day to me. And I personally think this holiday doesn't really have a point to even existence. In a sense, I personally think it was made by the government by them realizing how people believe they should buy a gift for the one, they love. So, it was perfect for a holiday to be form to base on love that way, which would earn them lot of money by people buying the Valentine's Day related things.
    Then again, I could just think that because I don't have a girlfriend and I am loner. So, I don't really do anything for Valentine's Day, expect eat some candy that my mother brought. I personally don't have a problem doing nothing for the holiday really. Although I was thinking of see a teacher's reaction, if I walk up to them and tell them that I want to buy 240 carnations during lunch (My Grade is selling carnations and Stuff animals for Valentine's Day to support the class of 2010.). But I thought they probably think I seriously want to buy them, so I didn't.
    Well, that's basically how my day went. Feel Free to comment, if you want. And thanks for visiting my blog here. Please do visit again.

  20. Jedi Master J.
    Well, I got my report card today. So, I thought I show it here in case any of you want to know my grades for the 2nd Marking Period. Below are my grades:
    Subject Grade
    - Health 87
    - Gym 100
    - World Literature 98
    - Global Studies 96
    - Algebra II 93
    - Biology 95
    - Applied Physics 95
    - CAD/Drafting II 98
    Well, those were my grades. Thanks for visiting my blog. Please do visit again.

  21. Jedi Master J.
    I know this is a weird question to ask. But I thought since my computer is like 10 years old, I should see how old everyone else is. I am sure a lot people got much younger computer than mines and I'll be surprise very much if someone had one that was older.
    Of course, I don't doubt that its possible for someone to have an older computer though for you never know really. I mean if this little old Gateway could last 10 years of active, who say no other computer could too. *yawn* I got get to bed now. So, I guess I'll talk to you all later.
    Free feel to post your computer's age, if you wish. Well, thanks for visiting my blog. Please do come again.

  22. Jedi Master J.
    Well, it has ended. Now I just needed to wait for the grades to come in. So far, I only know of four classes with my grades on the Mid-Terms. Below are the grades:
    Global Studies=88 Biology=110 Applied Physics and Engineering=94 World Literature=94 Algebra II=95 Drafting II=82  
    The only Mid-Term grades left are Drafting II and Algebra II, so when I see them on my school grade page, I edit this entry with the grades. I personally hope they are good. But I won't know till my teachers update the grade system on the school website.
    On a side note, I got a sore throat, so I am not feeling too great. Especially with the bad taste in my mouth resulting from it. I had like five or six Cough Drops today.
    Hmm...I probably take some cold medicine before I go to bed, hopefully that will make sure I don't wake up tomorrow with a dry mouth and hardly able to talk as I did today in the morning. At least, I don't have homework for once this weekend; I am free to relaxed. Well, thanks for visiting my blog, please do visit again.

  23. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, all. I am sure if you been following my blog, since the beginning, you are probably surprise to see an entry label Blog Specials and to have a Drafting drawing above. Well, I have this drawing from the first marking period sit on my computer here, so I thought I show it here.
    On to a related note to Drafting class, I have complete 5 of the 15 drawings that I need done by the end of school tomorrow. So, I have ten drawing left to finish on the computer and I will hopefully finished them all in time.
    Lucky for me, I got Study Hall tomorrow, so I have like three periods of work time to do all ten drawings. Hmm...I got about 275 minutes to work on those drawings, I hope that's enough time for I don't want to fail. Argh...Why must I be a slow drafter?
    Well, I hope you like the drawing above. I will try to get some from the second Marking Period upload to my computer soon to show you. Thanks for visiting my blog. Please do come again.

  24. Jedi Master J.
    There isn't exactly important news, but I thought I should mention that I got A Series of Unfortunate Events: No. 1 yesterday. I personally think it is an interesting book and I will be sure to read the next one soon.
    I would say my reasons for reading it were because I found that my friend, Aanchir seem to like it a lot, so I thought why not read it myself to see what the big deal about it. So, I was looking for a paper-back version of the book ever since Christmas.
    I could of through read the second one first for my brother had gotten it back when he was reading them. But I felt that I should start from the beginning to not do a repeat of the Harry Potter Series, where I read the fifth of the series first to the seventh and then finish the first much later.
    I am not sure if I am going to read the whole series of A Series of Unfortunate Events, but I know I will at least get through the second book. It all depends on if my library has any of the books in for when I go to a book store, they are all hard-back books meaning more money needed to buy them. I personally preferred paper-back books over hard-back books, so that's why I don't really want to get the ones from the store.
    *yawn* I am tired. I think I should be heading off. I got homework tomorrow, so I may be not very active tomorrow through technically I wasn't very active today either. But that was because I watched like three movies today, so it waste some time today. Well, good night, everyone.

  25. Jedi Master J.
    *If you don't want read about a stress out JMJ, avoid this entry.*
    I guess if you hadn't left, then I guess I'll tell you what wrong. See I am really behind in Drafting/CAD II class and I am worried that I am going to fail for I need to finish like 15 drawings on the computer in like five days, which is sort of impossible for me consider that I am a slow drafter especially on the computer. I also need to finish one hand drawn drafting assessment, but I think I will be able to finish that one on time.
    Argh...Why does the Mark Period have end already? And to make matter worst, I have Mid-Terms before the end of the Mark Period, so I got study for like all my classes soon for the Mid-Terms are on 23th to 25th. I just know I mess up on the Mid-Term for Drafting one way or the other for I don't know the terms of the things and all to what we are doing, I just know how to draw them.
    And I can just imagine that Mid-Term for Applied Physic/Engineering will be a project that I won't be able to finish in time during the class period. Just like the LEGO Mindstorm project that I kept testing the robot like a million times, not letting the teacher timed it during the period that we will doing that project for it kept messing up. I wish my partners had help me more. They make me seem like the brains behind the whole project.
    And since I didn't do the trials needed, I have to go after school and do them, which is sort of tough considering that I am trying to stay after for most of this week and half of the next in Drafting classroom to make up work to catch up. I will hopefully get to stay after on next Friday for it.
    *hopes his other classes don't became this stressful* *takes a big breath, then breath out* Well, that's pretty much what is happen in my life at the moment. I am sure I'll find a way to make it through this stressful time. I just hope I don't fail any of my classes for I care about my grades a lot. Well, thanks for visiting this blog. Please visiting again, I will hopefully be less stressful in future entries.

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