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Status Updates posted by Ecksphyre

  1. Woop, Englishness. What's so awesome about England, then? Hey, Populus. [/confusion]

  2. Hey, this is from when you went crazy on MSN for a day, isn't it?

  3. woah dude pouhaki praised you... Also you get two MAJOR UPS BRO for sharing in the pain of furry "art".

  4. Well, you certainly don't remember him.

  5. That's just ironic. XFire & XIce.

  6. Cool, someone that's been around a long time.

  7. Heh, you haven't been Metrukuta for a long time.

  8. What's with all the banners for PDaCB 5.0?

  9. Yes, that's around ten NOT SWEET DOWNS DUDE for you.

  10. Myeah, okay. Stop bein' weird, Phyz!

  11. Why did pokeonicles get closed?

  12. Meh, you haven't made a new chapter on Beware, Dark Hunters for a while. Lazy.

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