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Status Updates posted by Toa-Kal

  1. Well, then I guess I'm a recolored picture of Tahu with a Krana on his face. :P

  2. Uh... Well... What about a glass with brooms? *cough*

  3. ... My pic IS a broom with glasses. Or did you really believe that's me? o.O

  4. Do you think the only way to get friends is by adding someone to a friend list on some forum? o.O

  5. Well, in the member profiles you can always see the last 5 topics the member has started. Just click the title and you'll see the full topic (which includes, in the "The 11 Toa Team" case, Greg's answer ;)

  6. Oh, that's what you're talking about. That topic is more than 2 years old and Greg told me I was wrong. :P

  7. For some reason the messages I'm writing in your profile don't show up, so I have to anwer here: What exactly are you talking about? XD

  8. Of course that's me! :P

  9. Oh, right, you mentioned that some time ago... But somehow I forgot it... XD

  10. You won't believe it, but... The hair with the glasses is... me!!!! Muahuahuahuahuahuahua! :P

  11. Yes, now you'll have to die... :(

  12. By the way - B6 said "Please speak only in English on this site." - He didn't say "Stop talking in German on this site." The text you posted wasn't proper German, but it wasn't English either. :P

  13. Wlel, taht's nihotng new, evyrbdeoy konws taht. ;)

  14. Oh, I think I got it - you wanted to say I was allowed to vote, politics and stuff, right? If you did, then you're right. ;) If not... Then I don't know. :P

  15. I was allowed to choose what? ^^'' Sorry, I've been here only very few times since I got a new laptop, so of course I'm missing and forgetting everything between my visits here... ^^''

  16. Hallo from Germany yourself! :P

  17. Really? What are the other nine states? :P

  18. Well, of course it's a joke. But if you are told again and again that Bavaria is a part of Austria, it gets on your nerves. :P

  19. Huh? You didn't get Black Six's message? He posted a comment in my, Cudelious', Nathanael's and Taka Nuvia's (and maybe some other people's) profiles in which he told us to stop talking in any other language than English...

  20. Hmm, ja das kenne ich. Viele Leute denken, dass Bayern zu Österreich gehört (wegen "unserem" Dialekt), manche meinen sogar zu Italien (kA, wieso...)

  21. *lol* Mir reicht ein PC mit einigermaßen schnellem Internetzugang, dann ist mir egal, ob ich zu Hause in München, in Atlantis, in der Basis von ein paar durchgeknallten Yakuza oder an sonst irgendeinem A der Welt bin. ;P

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