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Fivrik Toa of Building

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Status Updates posted by Fivrik Toa of Building

  1. I liked a @YouTube video from @dnews http://t.co/DsJlINIOvW How Spouses Are Genetically Similar

  2. I finally set all of the "likes" here I don't want showing up in my feed to "unfollow". In the process, I unliked a few pages too.I did this in hopes that I'll see more posts from friends and less from pages. Now, off to bed!

  3. I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/cUESm5RvUp Ultra-fast, the robotic arm catches objects on the fly

  4. Physicist suggests some types of wormholes may stay open long enough to send a photon through http://t.co/DBa5jJNE93

  5. I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/TXYGzyhEmF The New Ronald McDonald - Studio C

  6. I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/fbpLkPoH5k Our Experience Inside the Sensory Deprivation Tank

  7. Robot overlords?A Robot to be the member of the board of members in a Japan company | TechRap http://t.co/bkuyNWj2bW via @ThinkDevGrow

  8. I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/U2301bTcVn Phelba meets The Dudes- Lindsey Stirling

  9. Well, I'm glad I decided to limit my social networking time. I feel the most alive writing my novel. :)I'm finishing it this year no doubt!

  10. I liked a @YouTube video from @dnews http://t.co/DPzFDxIhaz How Exercise Can KILL You!

  11. I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/gwNPmiDUlc Keeping Charged with the TYLT Energi 2K

  12. I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/O6UgftRsbM Google Glass for Everyone!

  13. Wow. Amazing what staying away from Facebook for a few hours can do. I've already figured out how to fix a few problems I was having with book one in my series. I was working so hard, I had to take a break to see what everyone else was doing. Come to think of it, this actually gives me reason to post status updates instead of just sharing things. I'm improving my typing skills, too!

  14. Well, I'm back to working on my novel again. Don't expect to see much of me here on Facebook for a while. It is just too distracting.I'm not going to let anything keep me from finishing what I began a decade ago! ;-)

  15. I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/W9TtN7NM8m X-Men Band - 90s Theme Song

  16. Quantum physics is weird.Quantum twist could kill off the multiverse - physics-math - 14 May 2014 - New Scientist: http://t.co/Cl76eLtMj7

  17. This is crazy.Entire family is hit by lightning strike - Unexplained Mysteries http://t.co/MPQVpJSP6f

  18. I know that lots of people get on Facebook at about 9:00 pm, but where does everyone get their energy? I'm ready to go to bed right now.

  19. Do our thoughts exist in the physical world ? - Unexplained Mysteries http://t.co/eayHGSofPp

  20. Air Force discusses how it would respond to #Godzilla http://t.co/yZyFfhLDzP via @verge

  21. Croatian is world's luckiest unluckiest man - Unexplained Mysteries http://t.co/3edUFQ65Rk

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