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Blog Comments posted by *DWAN*

  1. Thanks, Jithra. She's supposed to be kinda creepy but as the story goes on you start to realize she's one of the most normal looking aliens in the universe lol. I have done a full body drawing of her in color pencils about a two years ago and put it up on bzp. but I've since removed it so noone can take my designs until I have the comic up and running on a website somewhere. But since I've gotten my wacom pen tablet I've gone back to the drawing board and have started to redesign the style of the comic and characters. I'd love to tell you more about the story over a private message or something if you're interested. But this project, like the Dwan comic i have plotted out, needs a good writer to help me flesh out the universe. I'm just a concept guy really, and I don't think I could do the story as well as it can be.


    It's not gali, it's actually a matoran form of the kaukau being worn by-*gets silenced by Iruini nuva*, well lets just say it has a lot to do with Biotech's game that's already released. ; )


    I don't think i have heard of Lee Hannan. Though, I have a book on lifelike drawing by Lee Hammond that i got for Christmas a few years ago. I really didn't learn how to draw from a book or by lessons. I just started drawing after my sister showed me how to make a stick figure when I was 6, lol. But I've been developing my abilities through practice. I might write a guide on how I draw but I'm not sure how well it'd turn out.



    @ leynok, Seriously, is everything with a visor going to be compared to halo? It's a Kaukau, the great mask of underwater breathing. Though, I've modified it to fit my style and to appear as a matoran form.

  2. I haven't had much time to read epics on bzp, let alone leave comments. I'll try to next time I finish a chapter of something.


    And it doesn't look like I'll be able to enter the glitch contest, I might draw some scenes from it next month.

  3. I got the game for Christmas, the only quirks I don't like about it is the voice acting is too American and they used Farrah as the name for the prince's donkey. I wish it were more like the sands of time.


    Anyway have fun with the game and happy new year!

  4. Life is life. You can't really controll it. Just learn to give up some things...like sleep XD. Kidding, get lot's of sleep. Take a week off from everything and just sleep in your spare time. I did it for a few months and I feel great.


    *gives a hug and a pillow*

    -- *DWAN*

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