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Lady Kopaka


Well, we get entries, topics, and other things about how you should review and all that jazz... but I just want to clear something up real quick. I've discussed this with a few friends and I just want to explain something that I think most people can agree with.


Truthfully I can't find the real reason why this is true, but unlike art we authors really appreciate any sort of feedback. I'm not trying to make anyone guilty, nor am I talking about myself. I'm mainly just saying this in general to a lot of people who struggle with writing here sometimes. People really, really like to know that you're reading the epic, short story, or comedy they wrote.


Unlike art, you already know how many people look and leave. Looking art is relatively simple; no matter the enjoyment or emotion you'll receive from it, it's just a click of the button. Even though we’d like posts in anything we create, I can understand why some people would not feel like posting or why we—the artists—would not want certain people to post.


But writings are a bit different, it takes longer to do. I think the easiest way to view it is: if someone took the time to read something of yours, no matter how long or short (especially the long though), they could spare the time to post and say they read it. It could be a long review or even just saying they enjoyed it, it’s all cool. Keeping up with that said story (epics) and posting when they can as updates arrive is a plus too. Also don't worry about getting in some apparently useless ramble, rant, or discussion about the story. Writers usually like to hear your views, likes, or even dislikes on the story.


Authors WANT to know who's reading it.


So my humble advice is to you guys: if you read the story, please give that author a comment. They usually don’t care if it’s a review, simple comment, or babbling about what they liked—it’s all encouraging to them (but friendly critique is always welcomed). A person may quit writing a story because they are not getting any reviewers, when in fact they might actually have some more. But they don’t know that.


I’m not forcing anyone and it’s your choice to post how you like. =) But still, being considerate about this would be mighty nice to a lot of the writers here on BZP.


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Agreed. There's nothing that makes us happier than having some kind of comment, no matter what kind, on our stories. Believe me, as one who's been writing for several years, getting even one comment makes me giddy as a school girl.




There's probably a better way I could've worded that last part, but you know. :P

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Apologies... I haven't read GitS or your other epic you post on other sites in a long time :( . I really need to get back to that-- I liked them a lot but after so much time I may have to read them over from the start to be able to understand the plot. But I finished a school project that was looming over me today, so I'll hopefully have more time for that sort of thing very soon.

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Guest kopakanuva13


I must say, I actually kinda believe in the inverse of this. With any story topic I read or post, I notice that there are always a ton of guests reading it as well. I remember when I was a non-member, the only reason I visited BZPower was for the fan fiction.

I dunno, I've always supported comments and reviews on art, but haven't really thought about fiction. Then again, I'm good at critiquing art and really bad at critiquing stories-- Until I got positive comments on some of my SSs/Epics, I thought that I was a pretty bad writer =P

Anyways, I guess it all comes down to if you can offer something constructive. Whether you're pointing out: "Wow! That story had a lot of emotion! Good job =)" or giving a full length review, constructive feedback is always appreciated. I mean, I'd even prefer a comment that said "Your writing lacks detail and flow" than one that says "This story sucks" xP

~Not CK

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*Is guilty*


*Remidnsd self to read GitS*


*Realizes that it's ten and he has to wooork*




Till next time, then! *Ninja smoke bomb goes off*

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I find the same kind of desire for feedback with my MoCing works. I suppose deep down we are all artists, just of different mediums.

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Whenever I read a epic, comedy, or short story, I tend to try to leave a review, usually, explaining what I thought was good and what I thought was bad and how it could be fixed.


I don't get a lot of reviewers, unfortunately, so I know how you feel. Still, sometimes it's great to know a lot of people looked at your topic, even if you never even get one comment(My current epic, "Tapestry of Evil," for example, had 477 views last time I saw it. Pretty good, in my opinion).


But yeah, I do get sort of excited when I get a review. Sometimes I worry it will be someone mindlessly tearing apart by work or at least harshly critizing it(Not that I can't take constructive critizem. It's just the extremely harsh ones that I find unhelpful unless they give ways to help improve). But usually it's a comment that pretty much says what they liked about it.


Anyway, yeah, I agree with you. Us authors lurv comments :P .



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Just for the record, I promise I did not make this entry to make anyone guilty about my work. I was stating this for other people, not me. :P


getting even one comment makes me giddy as a school girl.

OH GAHAHA, that made my day Takatu. xDDD


Problem for me was that I can nitpick other people's grammar, but not the content of their story. :<

Well, sometimes people need those kinds of comments. Grammar is important.


Anyway, yeah, I agree with you. Us authors lurv comments .

Yes we do. I find it sad that a lot of wonderful writers don't get the comments they deserve. Lately I've been trying my best to review stuff for people even though it's sometimes hard to keep up with all those epics... still, authors appreciate it a lot. Anyway, I think if we remembered if someone gave us a comment, we could try our best to repay them with one from us. =)

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I haven't had much time to read epics on bzp, let alone leave comments. I'll try to next time I finish a chapter of something.


And it doesn't look like I'll be able to enter the glitch contest, I might draw some scenes from it next month.

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I wholeheartedly agree. Especially since I think the whole of BZP's view on my writings is based on my earlier works and thus no one reads my new works even though they are quite good.


Or at least better than Eurtheria.







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