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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Cederak

  1. Hey, Hahligirl. What's up these days? :)


  2. Hey, I'll be back to Premier in a day or two. You should become one, too. =P


  3. Hey, Icarax. Haven't heard from you in a while.


  4. Hey, it's cool. If you're busy, then you're busy. No way around it some days. =)


  5. Hey, Takatu, think you'll be able to read my epic soon?


  6. Hey, Velox. Any chance that review is coming soon? =)


  7. I assure you, everything is under control.

    1. Velox


      That's what they always say. ;)

    2. Steelsheen


      I feel so assured.... :P

    3. CeeCee


      Now I can get one with my daily life about not worrying about the dying children in third would countries. YEAH PROPAGANDA!

  8. I can always imagine, but tell me instead...

  9. I don't know how I missed your name on the daily B-Day chart, but Happy Birthday Neya! =)


  10. I finally repaired the formatting on all my stories. They're readable again! =)

  11. I have a 2 week Xbox Live Gold code that I don't need. First person to PM me on the matter can use it.

    1. CeeCee


      I got one of these as well with my Halo 4. Probs going to give it away ans I have months left on mine

  12. I just remembered I need to start reading your epic. :o


  13. I know, I know. I'll look in to an MSN account one of these days EW.


  14. I think I died once. I had the hardest time with the boss right before Genesis Avatar - it killed me about 10 times.

  15. I used Curaga, HP Up++, Vit Up+, Blast Wave, Esuna, and I forgot the last one.

  16. I wanted to play Dissidia, but it would involve getting a new PSP. Bad investment for how few games I like on it.


  17. I wonder what's next.

  18. I'm mailing out the Premier form today, so it'll only be a week or so 'till I'm Premier again, Velox. =)


  19. If you aren't even through Nibelheim yet, then I wouldn't worry about it. Even though Lv. Ups are based on luck, you should make it.

  20. If you were hoping to learn "About Me," you're in for a treat.

  21. If you work toward leveling up via extra SOLDIER Missions, you should be all right.

  22. Inbox is back to 0 Messages. Because even virtual clutter somehow bugs me. =P

  23. It seems like my epics are the only thing that bring me back to BZP lately. I should change that...

  24. June 1st.


  25. Leaves, leaves everywhere.

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