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Status Updates posted by Zeetsean

  1. Happy Birthday!

  2. Hey Aanchir! Can I add you to my friends?

  3. Hey MX, since you're a member of the ZOUNDS! club, I added you as a friend. :)

  4. Hey Turakii! Are you going to enter the AC?

  5. Hey ya Turakii! I'ma add you as a friend, kayz?

  6. Hi Cleofan! I hope Cleo's doing well. :)

  7. Hi Mrs. Turakii/Traku's mom! :)

  8. Hi! We traded PM's a while ago. If I remember right, we are both Artemis Fowl fans.

  9. Hola, mi amigo! Como estas?

    (Curse the lack of Spanish punctuation and accents)

  10. I'm going to add you to my friends because you are an awesome artist.

  11. I'ma leave comment on ma own profile, y'all biscuit heads!

  12. Oops... That was me last comment. Po didn't sign out.

  13. So true! Have you done any Bionicle art?

  14. Thanks for the birthday greeting! :D

  15. Thanks! :D

    But I really can't stand up to some of the artists around here.

  16. That's awesome, man! We should see if any other active BZP members have the same birthday and do...well something interesting.

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