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mespelted naem

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Status Updates posted by mespelted naem

  1. I changed it since Lewa sounded cool at the time, plus Strazz is a bit too old and kind of dirty once I saw a picture of some singer who goes by the same name.

  2. No, Strazz is a name I made in 2005. I had no idea that Strakk would be a name 3 years later. So just sort of a coincidence that Strakk and Strazz are roughly the same.

  3. The how do you pronounce your name, topic.

  4. Your wit amuses me. =)

  5. I luv mi new naem two.

  6. That's a pretty awesome avatar you have there.

  7. Ya, I still like it. The Japaneise anime is better. I like the manga more though. More details and stuff.

  8. Thanks Macku, I wouldn't have noticed that! That's way cool though! Anyway, thanks for telling me!

  9. You pawn. Thanks for the link in the Comp help topic.

  10. Dude, your drawings are awsome!

  11. Ok ya, I think I have it at my school. So the next time I get the chance I'll check it out. Oh, and I'll get those pics of the books you want soon.

  12. Next time I go to a library, or when I get the chance to get the book I will. It sounds interesting.

  13. Ah, sounds like mutants to me! Or different as in personality they have different personalities? I go with the first one.

    BTW, I have one pic so far, all the rest I have seen are either too small, or aren't good quality. So off I go to search again.

  14. Twist like, the kid is the villian, or that the monster is good? Twist like that right?

  15. Yay, new friend. And I'll look up the pics when I get home from football practice tomorrow.

  16. I could probably get some, put them on my maj, and let you take em and mess around with em if you want.

  17. Is that one good? I haven't ever watched the TV series except a few on the internet with bad quality and you can't hear the sound. >.

  18. Ah, so you didn't see my various spellings erors. XD Have you read the Goosebumps book, I forgot the name but it's about when kids get stuck in their grandparents house in the middle of a swamp with a monster in the guest bedroom? That one is really good.

  19. Yah, usually I check them out of my school library. I read like 20 of them last year, they are great. I love those awsome monsters. Like the Werewolf of Fever Swamp. That is a good book. By any chance did you read my interests and all my spelling erors? XD

  20. Goosebumps is awsome, the books are pretty cool. Though not scary they are very entertaining.

  21. They are, they even gave me cheese! The nice Visorak!

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