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Blog Entries posted by Cressona

  1. Cressona
    Anyone ever read the book? I had to read it for English, and I just spent over 9000 hours doing a project for it, making a movie based on the book.
    In case anybody cares, it's about two kids at an all-boys boarding school in New England during WWII, and how the war affects them. Kinda. Mostly it's about my character falling out of a tree and eventually dying.
  2. Cressona
    Said I was going to do it some time this weekend, but I got so busy IRL and all that (details? maybe later) that I didn't get a chance to start much of what I wanted to on BZP.
    Don't worry, though, I'll do everything I can to update the blog and start things off again tomorrow. I've been posting and everything a lot, I just haven't had a chance to really get down and do what I wanted to do. That should change tomorrow.
  3. Cressona
    I now present the winner of the Blog Name Contest....

    (that was a hint )
    And the winner is... Takua95, for his suggestion of "Cressona's Croissants: Fresh from the Grille!"
    Why he won:
    1. Randomness
    2. I like Croissants
    So, in honor of his victory, I proudly present him with the prestigious Cressona Award for EPIC WIN:

    Display it proudly wherever you want to, to show your EPIC WIN-ness. (like in your blog )
    Also, thanks to everyone else who entered. I now present you all with complementary Blue Ribbons of FAIL. Wear them proudly.

    That's all for now. Congrats, Takua95.
  4. Cressona
    So, does anyone approve of my blog? I could some more to fill up that content block down there...
    Unrelated: working on AP History vocab >.< But BZP's much more fun, so I ended up here instead.
  5. Cressona
    Yeah, you read the title right: I, Cressona, new Premier member and owner of a 5-entry blog (or however many it is), am holding a blog contest. I now present: the Blog Name Contest! Read on for more. Or don't. You know, whatever works.
    (if you're one of those people who likes short blog entries, skip the following two paragraphs of random nonesense)
    Hey, my first extract. Looks kinda nice, wouldn't you say? Really adds to the quality of the entry. I like it. So, yeah, what was I saying? Oh, right, the Contest.
    So, I was thinking, and I realized that as good a name as "Exercize in Futility" is, if I want this blog to become world-class, I really need a world class name to go with it. (I think you can see where this is going.)
    Anyway, I was starting to think of names myself, and then I realized: "world-class blogs hold blog contests for random things!" My next thought was, "A new name for my blog is a random thing!". (I hope you can see where I'm going with this now.) My next thought, of course, was: "It's time for a Blog Contest!" (By now you should know where I'm going with this, right? Well, just in case you don't, maybe I should explain the contest.)
    (random nonsense over. you can start reading again).
    All you have to do is suggest a new name for my blog, in your comments, and at the end of a two-week period (or whenever I have enough suggestions, whichever comes last), I'll pick the best suggested name and use it as my new blog name (a team of impartial, annoymous judges may help me select the best name).
    And that's it. So, let the Contest begin!
  6. Cressona
    Simple question here: Should I start to type in blue, bold text, or keep it normal?
    Like that.
    Comments edited at the request of someone named DV, DV's request deleted, entry re-published.
    -The Cressona Institute
  7. Cressona
    It turns out that people actually do read my blog... only I've had to approve all comments, so I thought no one commented.
    It took me almost half an hour just to approve the few comments I've gotten, so I'm definitely unclicking that little box in the menu.
    Just wanted to let everybody know that you can all comment however much you want now, and be able to see it as soon as you click "add reply". But remember, I still have the power of the delete button...
    That's all for now. Oh, yeah, and I didn't get the Mistika. I went all the way to K-Mart and found nothing but Phantoka on the shelves. But my K-Mart didn't even get them until late spring at the earliest, so if I want to get my Mistika there, I'm gonna have to wait a lot longer.
    Oh, and I might not be able to acess a computer for a while, so if you don't see me around for a little while, or I don't respond to your PMs, or my blog doesn't get updated, don't worry, I'll be back as soon as I can. (6)
  8. Cressona
    I added a content block! I think it looks cool, and adds a lot to the blog. What do you think?
    If anyone can think of anything I should add to it, let me know. I have the personal photo, rank image, proto, spinny, and some other stuff, but it seems like a short list...
    That's really it for now. Oh, I guess I should also add that I changed my banner and av again. I'm making the link to my blog a little more obvious now ("my blog"; you think anyone will realize where it leads to? ), and I'm going with a Darth Revan theme now. For anyone who doesn't know, Revan=the coolest Sith Lord/Jedi/Star Wars character ever.
    I'm probably gonna try to get the Mistika today. Tahu and Krika, my two faves. If K-Mart's price is still $10, I'll only have to pay 20, but I'm bringing $30 just in case.
    And I think I'll try to get people to comment here by asking a question. Did you get the Mistika, which ones did you get, and what are your favorites? I've already told you Tahu and Krika are my favorites (Tahu cuz he's Tahu, which is awesome , and he's also the only Mistika Nuva with anything resembling a melee weapon; Krika cuz he's huge, white, and awesome).
    If I get the Mistika, I'll update again to let you know. Until then, I'm
    EDIT: Tried to do an extract with the Mistika question. Didn't like it.
  9. Cressona
    My second entry for the day. I'm leaving here today with 1602 posts in the bag, and a brand new rank next to my posts. I'm an Emerging Fluidic Master! Celebrate with me! :happydance: (and, yes, just to let you know, I am going to do this every time I get a new rank).
    Wow... Emerging Fluidic Master... that has to be one of the coolest rank names, right? I mean, I know it's just Gali Nuva, but "Fluidic Master" sounds really cool, for some reason. Add "emerging" onto it, and it sounds even better. In fact, I might even draw some art of what an Emerging Fluidic Master looks like... this is another one of those times when I really wish I had a scanner...
    Hey, I have an idea: for the few of you who actually read this blog, if anyone has ever posted art on BZP, how did you do it? Any way you did it without a scanner?
  10. Cressona
    It's the last day before school starts, and I finally finished my summer homework! 11 chapters, over 500 questions, a photo essay, and a book report: finally done! Now I have... 18 hours of no responsiblities before school starts!
    Just had to let you all know that.
    XC practice this morning: 8 o'clock. We all almost died, and not just from waking up so early. 6 800's (count 'em, six), all under or around 3 minutes. Not as extreme as some workouts, but it was fast.
    Now I have the rest of the day to sleep, hang out, and get Vultraz. And not work on an epic. I actually have so many completed epic ideas, I just don't write them out. And the one that I'm getting really excited about, the one that takes place during 2002, I still haven't started writing at all. Progress is slow.
    Well, that's all for now. Expect a Blog Poll later today, and a Tahu Mata v2.0 later this week.
  11. Cressona
    Welcome to the Revolution’s first FORUM HIGHLIGHTS. In this segment, we work to highlight what’s been going on in the forums lately: hot topics, member achievements, anything. In this first segment, we’ll take a look at Bionicle Incarnations, a popular forum category featuring the ever-popular Sets sub forum, the Reference Center, home to a good two or three different posters, several other Bionicle-based forums such as Collectibles and Software, and of course S&T, home of Adventurer, Aravagantos, Takua the Wanderer, the massive OGD, the other world-famous S&T Titans, and yours truly, when the moment strikes. So what’s going on in Bionicle Incarnations? Let’s find out.
    In Sets, quite a few topics have sprung up on the subject of canisters, from blackelectricspike627, who poses the idea of cardboard canisters instead of plastic to save money here (check out my monolouge in about the 9th post for something that’d be in the blog if I’d have thought of it earlier. ), to Zynax-toa of Pie’s question of which is the best canister set design here, which I don’t think violates an official topic since it’s just about the canisters.
    Also new in Sets (at least to me) is PohutNuva’s topic, a new “Official ‘What was your first set’ topic”, which I won’t link to because it’s so official you should have no problem finding it, and I’m too lazy.
    Now, at the risk of spending an entire Highlight on Sets (which I may do one of these days; it’s an interesting idea), I’ll move on to what was one of my favorite forums as a new member, and continues to be a popular choice for myself and many other story-oriented members.
    Our GREG-WATCH reports that the Official Greg Dialogue, known to acronym-minded among us as the OGD, has reached 8,911 replies as of 6:13 PM, February 3rd, the last post by Dorek.
    Moving along, topics like Krana Kongu’s The Two Rings of the Bb Map and Danish member Kone the Artist’s “the Map” theory continue to speculate-- sorry, theorize, speculation’s banned in S&T -- about the meaning of the Blade Burrower/Unity-Duty-Destiny map uncovered by Adventurer in the OGD many years ago (actually just one. Sorry. ).
    Also of interest, mowaku’s started a topic asking whether you think Greg is a good writer or not. From what I’ve seen, the consensus is overwhelmingly positive, but mowaku himself insists on the opposite, and in fact had another topic closed earlier for arguing that Greg is a bad writer, in what the closing moderator decided was a rude way.
    Meanwhile, the Official Elements Topic (not linked due to laziness and official-ness ) has wandered up into the first page of S&T again, thanks this time to a discussion of lava as a power or an element. Head over there to give your opinion.
    Dropping down the Incarnations sub forum list, we’ll head down to Collectibles, where Kanohi names are discussed, both argued against by Toa maks, and connected to real words in other languages by Inferna Firesword. No links this time; I’m getting lazy. But if you do want to head down to Collectibles, be sure not to miss Toa Lahka’s warning not to put Thornax in the washing machine, or Hunter Kirax’s ubiquitous Bring Back the Collectibles topic.
    Honestly, I was the only one listed browsing collectibles as I did my Research-on-the-Run, so I’ll leave the abandoned, though full-of-hot-topics Collectibles and give you a quick rundown on Promotions, the second Incarnations forum to be led by ccso35. Everybody’s talking about new songs for 2009 and the Glatorian, and if you want to voice your opinion, head over there and check it out. Since I was the only non-guest viewing the forum again, though, and because I don’t want to strain my readers’ eyes with too much writing, I’ll continue to Screenguy’s lone Incarnations forum: Software. Bionicle message boards are the hot topic in this forum, both in the normal sense of the word and the BZPower/forums-in-general sense: with over a thousand and a half replies already, Krika Mistika wants to know what you think of the Bionicle Message Boards. Naturally, very few have positive things to say about them.
    Leaving Screenguy’s domain, we’ll now head to the high-posting munkeymunkey’s forum: Movies & Books. Here, the buzz is all about the 09 movie, whether it’s a potential movie name, what Mata Nui’s voice should be, or the voices of the Glatorian themselves.
    And that’s what’s going on in the forums today. But before we let you go, the Revolution would like to point out a few member achievements (nothing really in-depth; I’ve already written a page on Word, and my WordCount machine tells me I’ve already got almost 800 words. Also, I’m lazy. )
    Now, the big news on the first page of members (when arranged according to total posts, descending order, with 60 results per page ), is that Adventurer has overtaken munkeymunkey in posts, gained the blue Hahli mask (the name escapes me at the moment), and became a Shining Seeker, leaving munkey’s Electrified Aimer behind in the dust. Also, Kex recently received his shining Ignika, and is less than a hundred posts behind long-time and world-famous member T-Hybrid, formerly Torhu. But that was many, many years ago. Also of note is Takua the Wanderer’s new rank, which is too long for me to write out right now, but which confirms speculation of a Hordika-series up there in the ten thousands.
    Well, I’ve got over 900 words in here now, I’m on my second page, and if anybody’s still reading this, they’re either amazed at how much I’ve managed to write and are much more enlightened about the forums, or they’re bored out of there minds.
    Which means it’s time for me to stop the typing, hit “add entry”, and hope it’s enough content for you.
  12. Cressona
    Feel free to use where applicable.
    Also check out, and use, my two new content blocks: Y? and CUZ I SAID SO.
    XC practice was cancelled yesterday, because a storm blew in right around the time practice was gonna start. I would have ran in the rain, but the captains were scared.
    I might try to get some Mistika sets today, if I have the time. Last time I went to K-Mart, there was no Mistika there, but maybe they just got the delivery a little late. Also, I'm really starting to like Mazeka... but I don't know if I want to go all the way to Wal*Mart, and pay out thirty bucks, to get him.
  13. Cressona
    I just can't be a blogger. It's been how many weeks since my last entry, and I've haven't updated the blog at all. All this time, I've been posting and posting and posting, but no blogging at all. I got this brand new set-up, cool new format and everything, and then I just don't use it. At all.
    Well, you know what, I'll try to blog some more, but it'll probably be restricted to little random things, and not really following the cool format I was going to do.
    I'll get one of those in whenever I get the chance (maybe once a week?), but this really isn't going to go on and become a famous blog, like one that all those famous people have.
  14. Cressona
    Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, Members of the Senate, and of the House of Representatives:
    Yesterday, July 15th, 2008 -- a date which will live in infamy -- BZPower was suddenly and deliberately given a new premier member known as Cressona.
    BZPower was at peace with that member and, at the solicitation of Cressona, was still in conversation with him and looking toward the maintenance of peace in the forums.
    Indeed, three weeks after Cressona’s local post office had commenced mailing his premier form in to the BZPower admin Dimensioneer, the member’s ambassador to BZPower and his postman delivered to his home the completed premier membership form and his eleven dollars. And while this form contained the required payment and proper documentation, it contained no threat or hint of the premier-ness of Cressona.
    It will be recorded that the distance of BZPower from Cressona’s home makes it obvious that the donation was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time, Cressona has deliberately sought to deceive BZPower by false statements and expressions of hope for continued normal membership.
    The upgrading yesterday of Cressona’s account has caused severe damage to BZPower servers and ordinary members. I regret to tell you that very many American dollars have been lost by Cressona. In addition, BZPower servers have been reported being frequently posted on the forums between S&T and General Discussion.
    Yesterday, Cressona also launched a new blog.
    Last night, Cressona checked the site to see if his form had gone through yet.
    Last night, Cressona saw that he was not yet premier.
    Last night, Cressona went to sleep.
    Last night, Dimensioneer finally read Cressona’s form.
    And this morning, Cressona went premier.
    Cressona has, therefore, undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout the BZPower forums. The facts of yesterday and today speak for themselves. The people of BZPower have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our forum.
    As premier member of BZPower, I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense.
    Always will we remember the character of the onslaught against us.
    No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated membership, the BZPower community in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory.
    I believe I interpret the will of the admins and of the members when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost, but will make very certain that this form of treachery shall never endanger us again.
    Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory and our interests are in grave danger.
    With confidence in our moderators - with the unbounding determination of our members - we will gain the inevitable triumph - so help us Tohu.
    I ask that the staff declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly donation by Cressona on Monday, July 15th, a state of war has existed between BZPower and Cressona.
  15. Cressona
    My blog continues to evolve: this latest entry not only has no category, no readers, and no comments, it now has no content either.
    I might put up a content-containing entry later about smileys, but I'd have to write it first, and, you know...
    Anyway, I still really like Tanma, and I'm actually considering skipping out on a winter Glatorian (that'd be Gresh), and saving up for Mata Nui in the summer. Probably won't come to that, and I'll probably get Gresh eventually, but more on that (kinda) later.
    Or not. The more ideas I get about what to put in the blog, the less it seems I actually write. But never fear, I'll add some content any day now.
  16. Cressona
    Look at me, blogging without a category. That's no way to create a neat, organized blog.
    Anyway, I have to go to track practice in the pouring sleet in a few minutes, and I just happened to notice that noone reads my blog.
    Just kidding. Having a "secret" blog like this meant that I can write whatever I want and not worry about anyone reading it. Like... Black Six is a stupidhead!
    *gets banned*
    Disclaimer: I don't really think Black Six is a stupidhead. He's a cool guy, a great admin, and I have a great deal of respect for him. Also, if Black Six is reading this, I'd like to thank him for the proto boost.
    More entries coming soon!
  17. Cressona
    So, yesterday, I was out running, and I was thinking why my blog is so unpopular when I'm so popular. After all, I only have one approval and an average of around two comments per entry. The first thought I had was that I'm not actually popular, but then I dismissed that when I realized what could be the real reason: My blog didn't have any meaningful content.
    Well, of course I got to thinking what I could do to make this blog a little more meaningful. I thought that maybe some interesting information about my life might be nice to hear, but for the main portion of the blog, I wanted to focus on one of my new bionicle-related interests: art.
    Unfortuanately, I don't have a scanner. I only have a few pieces of actual, good art so far, but I have a lot of inspiration and a clear direction. The only way I've been able to get any of it onto my computer, though, was by photographing the pictures, which so far results in horrible picture quality. I'm working on fixing my (now broken) camera, and improving the conditions under which I take the pictures, and hopefully I'll be able to post actual art here. Until then, I'll have to just talk about my art: my drawing style, current projects, past projects, and inspirations.
    In addition, I might talk a little bit about my writing, specifically the one large bionicle-related epic that I'm working on. With the exception of a few short stories, I have little to no work posted here on BZP, but I have way too many ideas, and with a little luck, writing about them here will help me actually write them.
    So here's my planned blog schedule, which is very general and subject to change without notice: I'll have maybe three or four updates a week: an art segment, an epic segment, a weekly update (like Black Six ), and anything else important, probably rank updates and BZPower related stuff. The way it's planned now, Art at the beginning of the week, epic around the middle of the week, update near the end of the week, and BZP stuff whenever I want. Now, I just have to figure out how to make categories...
    Oh, and I've got cross-country practice tonight, too. Just to let anbody who cares know. I've been on the team since seventh grade, when you can first join a school sport, and I'm one of the fast kids. The captains (I'm in 10th, so this is my second year, and the captains were last year's 11th- graders) have arranged for anyone who wants to to come to an optional practice every thursday in August (me and some other people have been trying to get the team to practice since summer started ). We're doing interval workouts every day, and when practice officially starts in the last week in August the team will probably do more long-distance runs (which I, and I think everyone else, likes waay better than intervals). Today it's 5x800 (an 800 is half a mile). Can't wait.
  18. Cressona
    I'm in the member spotlight today!
    Imagine my surprise when, as I scrolled down BZP's main page a few moments ago, when I scrolled a bit too far beyond what I normally look at, and saw this:

    I read the name Vorahk9, and glanced down at the join date and post number, thinking that it was very close to my own. Then I read the interests section, and suddenly I knew: it was me.
    You see, when I first joined BZPower back in 05, Vorahk was my favorite set, and 9 was my favorite number, and I had the newbie belief that numbers and character names must go together in a username. Thus, Vorahk9 was born.
    I later changed my name to Cressona: Shadow Toa, and later Cressona, finally finding the perfect identity, and all the while, I wondered if I would ever appear on the Member Spotlight, and if I would know.
    So there you go. Also noteworthy is the fact that the Member Spotlight gives not your actual username, but your screenname (I think that's the term) that your account is actually referred to as. Kinda strange.
    Oh, and BLOG POINTS to the first person to spot the grammatical/logical error in the MS's wording!
  19. Cressona
    I've decided to create my own entry in the Blog Contest, and make it the temporary new name for my blog, because I don't have enough entries to justify ending the contest.
    I'd like opinions on Why things are the way they are and aren't going to change no matter how much everyone wants them to: good, bad, great?
    Oh, yeah, and I got Tahu and Krika from K-Mart the other day. They're great, and the Nynrah are probably the best projectile launchers out there, but Tahu's doesn't work so well for some reason. Overall, the Mistika left me with one thought: we need a return to melee weapons. So far this year I got Kopaka, Antroz, Krika, and Tahu, and the weapons are: on Kopaka, a little stick on the end of his launcher, Antroz has some little claw things (staffs and swords, anybody?), Krika has some cool-looking pointy staff things; unfortunately, he needs them on the ground to walk , and all Tahu's got is a spinning shield. A shield. Back in 01, Kopaka had a shield and a sword. But the worst part about it is that that's probably the best weapon so far.
    Anyway, I'm thinking about getting Vultraz (probably my favorite, or at least most affordable, of the vehicles available locally).
    That's all for now. I'm also working on a comic, and I might start it up as a 2000th post special. Or something.
  20. Cressona
    So, two nights ago, I had this dream about the 2009 sets, the glatorians. (It's okay to say that name, cuz of Snoopy's topic in GD... [/is too lazy to provide link]) I've also seen the leaked pictures (don't kill me: I didn't know they were real until it was too late :0).
    In the dream, I'm in Toys R Us, or K-Mart, or somewhere, and I walk through the LEGO aisle and I see... the glatorians on the front of the boxes! I get really excited, of course, so I start looking at the boxes and everything, and for some reason I think it's okay to take one down and open it up. Inside, I'm looking through the pieces, and suddenly realize that these aren't regular bionicle pieces... they're ordinary system pieces. When I look at the instruction booklet, it's the instructions for a small star wars set.
    That's really everything about the Glatorians, but there's more... after walking around the store for a long time, I look outside and see that it's dark out already, and I need to get home. Turns out I took my bike there, so I go outside to ride it home (and the whole time it's like it's becoming nighttime in reverse; maybe I was there all night and it's the morning? Everything's getting brighter...) When I see my bike, I first think somebody stole it, then I see that they just stole... the front half of it... so I'm riding it home on only one wheel, but I don't know where I am and I pass like 20 Dunkin Donuts in a row... and then I woke up.
    And... that's it. O_o Oh, yeah, I have more XC practice at 8 in the morning tuesday, then school starts wednesday.
  21. Cressona
    So I'm thinking about getting a new set. My obvious first choice is Gresh, for all the obvious reasons, and if I was to get a 2009 small set, it'd be Raanu, because of the cool mask (am I the only one who thinks Raanu's mask is really cool?). But... I was thinking, and I was looking at Tanma, who I don't have, and who I still think is really cool. And if my local store doesn't happen to have Gresh, I'm considering getting Tanma. Not as a replacement, but just until I get the chance to pick up Gresh. Cause even a year later, Tanma's still awesome, and I think he beats out any Agori in terms of coolness. Thoughts?
    On a completely unrelated note, I have a two midterms tomorrow. Not fun. But at least they'll be over now (I've been having midterms all week).
    And now, some pictures of Blagojevich:


    Credit to Optimum.net's news page.
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