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Blog Entries posted by Rho

  1. Rho
    I guess you can imagine the band preforming or something.
    Also, out of pure boredom, I made TDI edits of Yumi and William from Code Lyoko.
    Not really great, but thought I'd do something with them now that I made them.
  2. Rho
    Apparently earlier at lunch a bunch of idiotic "jock" kids decided they were going to try to surround me.
    Pushed one of them into a wall, went along with my normal business.
    Pretty pathetic of him, all things considered.
  3. Rho
    Here's the band to end this whole thing off.
    On the drums... Chef Hatchet!

    On the piano... Dewey!

    On the guitar.. Kiva!

    And doing the vocals... Rick Astley!

    Don't forget our three backup dancers/singers... Jim, Spencer, and Jen!



    Just pretend they're singing... any song you'd like.
    Yes, I am crazy.
    And yes, I probably forgot some instrument players.
  4. Rho
    So, they're making a live action movie absed on 6teen.
    I say Erik Per Sullivan as Jude and Corbin Bleu as Wyatt.
    I drafted this due to the questionable acronym in comment 2. You're gonna have to edit that out, then you can re-publish this (though you may not see this until after the Perks are over, and if that's the case you can still re-publish this entry without bumping it via the "edit entry" screen). -Bfa]
  5. Rho
    From what I've heard, the recently released Total Drama Island season 1 DVD sucks.
    Can DVDs from Canada play in American DVD players? If so, when a most likely better one is released in Canada, I'll try to order one.
    Oh, and this is the last day of premier perks? Oh well. Seemed like it would be tomorrow or so.
  6. Rho
    And someone else decided to then take it.
    I didn't even go get my stuff because I wouldn't have been able to without yelling at the person.
    It'd be considered "disrespect".
    Respect is a two-way street.
    And I checked the locker I had last year, nobody ever even cleaned it fully. A lot of tape is still stuck there, with some of the things I taped up there.
  7. Rho
    Most of us know how bad Cartoon Network USA is right now.
    We aren't alone, either.
    If you haven't been paying attention, what was once a channel intended for cartoons is now airing SIX live action shows, as well as live action movies such as Son of the Mask and Nacho Libre.
    These six shows are The Othersiders, Survive This, Dude, What would happen?, Bobb'e Says, Brainrush, and Destory Build Destroy.
    Other countries have their share of live action shows too. The French Cartoon Network airs What I like about you and the Spanish Cartoon Network airs Fresh Prince, for example.
    I dislike most of their currently-running shows, only liking TDI/A, Stoked, and 6teen. But as much as I dislike Chowder, i'd rather have it air 25 times a day than have any live action on CN.
    These live action shows have been doing miserably in the ratings, and they're trying to glorify it by comparing the ratings for the shows to ratings from a year ago.. that were for Chop Socky Chooks and George of the Jungle.
    The worst part is that they're not done. Some MORE live action has been ordered, one of them being an hour-long episode drama series called "Prepped". Leave that junk for channels like The N. Second seasons of Brainrush and DBD were also ordered.
    Survive This got renewed as well, but that's a Canadian production on YTV, so one can hope CN will not even touch it.
    They're balancing on the scale between "SUCK" and "IMPROVING" at this point. For example, they aired a PPG marathon on the 17th. Then a few days later... more live action plague.
  8. Rho
    Either the combined efforts of Chef Hatchet, King Harkinian, XANA, Megas, and a few Noods scared off the people in charge of the locker inspection stuff, they didn't check it again, or they just decided it was pointless to empty it again and just signed me up for that one.
    Probably one of the last two.
  9. Rho
    I'm going to take back that locker again, write a note saying that I'm signing up for that one, stick it in the office, and tape Chef Hatchet to the door.
    If I had the skills to do it, I'd trigger it so it will blast Rick Roll whenever someone else opens it.
  10. Rho
    I learned that I completely fail at playing Volleyball.
    What I find extremely strange is that I was hit in the face by a volleyball going at a high rate of speed... And it didn't even cause a slight pain.
    I also managed to convince five people during break that I didn't speak English.. All of them I knew. And I have spoken to in English before.
    "Je ne parle pas anglais" (GEH- NEH- PARRL- PAH ON-GLAYS) can be very useful.
  11. Rho
    I went to my locker earlier to find the lock gone and the contents missing. I went to the office to see all my stuff thankfully on a desk there.
    They said "i never signed up for it" when I was never told to. Then they gave me my stuff back and signed me up for a different locker for some reason... A BOTTOM ONE.
    I had to deal with the bottom ones last year... Incredibly annoying.
    And Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors are supposed to be the ones getting the top lockers. :/
    On a side note, I failed miserably at drawing Africa earlier. For that matter, I wasn't exactly good with any of the continents.
  12. Rho
    So, I'm working on a rather large System MOC. It's gonna be Aquatic-like, and will use some BIONICLE pieces. It will be something...Neo.
    Guess the hidden meaning and..umm..get a prize?
    It's rather amusing watching a bad-quality Hannah Montana concert on TV cause I didnt have the 3d Glasses. =D
    And she said something rather stupid.
    >_> Hey Miley, What about people in wheelchairs, or with other disabilities?
    Yesterday, I saw someone approaching a McDonald's in a Limbo, and then the dude came out in a Fancy Tuxedo, and the Woman came out in a fancy dress. And no, It wasn't one of those fancy McDonald's locations. Just an ordinary one.
    So I was all like "lol wut", and then They got my dad's order wrong... I mean, seriously. How can you get "Big Mac" out of "Filet o Fish"? >_>
    Then, later that day, Some drunk dude backed into a whole bunch of shopping carts, ended up with one stuck to the back of his car, then he did like five burnouts, and drove off. Another "lol wut" moment.
    THEN, I saw a huge car accident with shattered glass all over the road...and a whole punch of destroyed pies in the road. ;_; Poor pies.
    So that's about it. I'm hoping I can find some store that has Krika and/or Gorast.
    ...uh oh, only one more day of Premier Perks.
  13. Rho
    So, I went to TRU earlier to purchase Icarax and Gali, and I waited 5 minutes outside for the store to open...And It was 50 degrees. So, the doors open, I go inside, And I went into the LEGO aisle, then some little kid goes to the shelf, grabs Axalara (the box was taller than him), and brings it to his mother, who thinks its some sort of Power Wheels-like thing.
    So, I corrected her by saying "Um, excuse me, but that's not something your son is able to ride, it's a LEGO set."
    "What?" she asked.
    "It's a building toy."
    "Umm..there's some alien toy with it? Is that what the green thing is?" she says.
    "No, It's not rideable. It's a toy."
    "Stop lying, nobody asked you!" she whines at me before she leaves. I then chuckled, got Icarax and Gali, paid for it, and left.
    True, nobody asked me, but I was just being courteous and correcting her before she spent $80 on something she didn't want to get. >.>
    So yeah, Icarax is..strange. I despise his right arm, and the weapon on his left hand is just awkward. the legs and feet are okay, and the wings are done well.
    I think he'd be cooler with Mata Red, however.
    Gali is pure win. That's all I have to say.
    Also, I need TV show Ideas for my Comedy (Link in my sig)
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