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Blog Entries posted by Rho

  1. Rho
    Well, This happened back in May/June, but I didn't have a blog (Thanks again, Admins! ).
    It all starts with me supposedly having a Girlfriend. Rumors start that she's dating some other kid. don't believe it. (I didn't actually date her, and her Parents didn't want her to.)
    Then, I see her ignoring me, sending me One email a month pretty much, while I saw that kid checking his e-mail in school (Recess) and he had 10 E-mails from her! :angry: I asked her about it and found out she was lying. I aske dher why she lied, and she claims she didn't and they were just friends. I found out they danced at the Dance and she says "You weren't there I would have danced with you" when I told her about 10 times i was sick.
    Then I said " Just TELL ME Why you lied."
    A few days later I supposedly get an e-mail from her mom saying that I'm being very rude and It's unacceptable, It's no way to treat a Friend, and that she'll call my Parents if I continue.
    So I e-mail the girl and say NICELY "I am willing to be nice again if you just tell me why you lied."
    A week later, her Mom e-mails me again, suing the girl's e-mail saying "Don't e-mail her anymore."
    Now I'm blocked. Though, I have a few emails.
  2. Rho
    I HATE dreams sometimes! I HATE THEM.
    So many times have i had great freams where great things happen, then wake up and see it isn't true.
    Like Getting a Wii, Inika (Back in early 06), Ipod ( I NEEEED ONE), etc.
    And i had one just last night where i had 08 sets..
    How do i prevent dreams!?!?!?
  3. Rho
    im sleepy.
    its 2:30AM. Wow.
    Longest ive stayed up since i was 6.
    I keep having optical illusions of the AIM icon bouncing.
  4. Rho
    10.They have +rods at the end.
    9.They don't taste good.
    8.Tehy arfe rubber-ish
    7.they somehow go on the bodies of the mahri
    6.You can shoot them easier if you use more pressure
    5.the reason why the hahnah crab looks angry is because of the cordak blaster on its back.
    4.The blasters are one peice
    2.They are lost easily
    1.they dont shoot far
  5. Rho
    The 2007 iBlog Awards will be posted in the blog throughout today.
    Announcer:um hi im the annoucner dude in commercials can i have proto k bye
    RealAnnouncer:HEY!!! GO AWAY
    RealAnnouncer:Hi, I'm BARRY SCOTT! You know me from-
    -brick thrown at Barry Scott-
    KW:Well, as we wait for our REAL announcers- Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb- why don't we look at who's arriving?- Oh look, It's Pit!
    Pit:hello i like pie
    KW:Pit is from the Kid Icarus Video game series, and he's appearing in Super Smash Bros. Brawl!
    Pit:yes i am lol
    KW:And here we have Sora arriving..with Kairi!
    KW:So, where's Riku?
    Sora:he's gettin the tacos
    KW:Okay..now..wait, what's this big ship? Meta Knight?
    -ship opens-
    Zim: GIR! The earth worm babies will see you!
    KW:Look! It's Zim and GIR from Invader ZIM!
    GIR:Where's my moose?
    KW:Now, let me introduce 3 of my co-hosts...Chuck Norris..
    Chuck:I am undefeatable.
    KW:...Miley Cyrus..
    KW: and Detective John Kimble!
    KW:Stay tuned for continued coverage of the 2007 iBlog Awards!
  6. Rho
    I couldn't hold it in, here are my thoughts on the 08 sets.

    Pohatu's..allright. The weapons look interesting- the mask is horrible. But however, we have good MOCing peices such as the Orange Jaller Mahri Feet, Orange Piraka Upper Leg Armor, and a Gray Kongu Mahri Body. 7.5/10

    NOO! From what i can tell, he again has a mask with a telescopic eye, there's outofplace red, and it looks to me like a Hahli Inika Body with a few modifications. And are those WINGS!?!?!!?!?!?

    So no Dark Green? In that case, they should have fixed the lime green issue. >.> The weapon looks interesting, and the mask looks pretty cool. Also, it's great to have Mantax Feet in another color. The Launchers look like the best yet. 8/10

    One Word: AWESOME. This guy looks menacing, almost as much as the Piraka or Barraki. Sadly, i can't see much of him from these pictures. 9/10

    Hhmm..Interesting. Another menacing one. Is this one gonna be female? But..what the heck is the red thing in it's stomach? 7.5/10

    Oooh. From what i can see, he's got some nice armor and such..I can;t see much more from that pic. 8/10

    Small Sets are getting better. We now have a NEW Mask, NEW Arms/Legs, and of coruse, the jackpot- ORANGE NUVA/OLDA FEET. What's bad? Recycled weapons. 8/10

    I like the mask on this one, i can see it being used in Turaga MOCs. Nothing else to really say... 7/10

    A coincidence here is that the Air Matoran has weapons shaped like the Air Katana.. And are those new hands? They look good.. 8/10

    This one is good. The Face is pretty cool, and i could use some more Matoro Mahri Claw peices.
    And this guy has WINGS. NEW Wings. 9/10

    This obviously isn't a matoran. Therefore, we should expect Summer Small Sets. Onto the set itself, It's great Mata Blue is coming back, but it should only be a secondary color.. And I need some more Carapar Claws.. 8/10

    Spidermatoran, Spidermatoran, does whatever a spidermatoran does. Wait, i doubt this is a matoran. Highly unlikely, in fact. Regardless, the 4 Legs= Awesome, And the mask-like thing will be GREAT for MOCing. 9/10

    One Word: FAIL. I think a 10 year old designed this. Seriously Lego, you can do way better than this! It's basically a Barely Modified Hewkii Mahri on a thrown-together vehicle. Seriosuly, who designed this? If it's not a little kid who designed it, i'm dissapointed because i know the set designers have much more capability than this. If it's Over $20, I will not buy it. However, if it's $20 or under (How about $1?), I Will, ony for the MOCing parts and the Ignika.
    There are my thoughts. Check back when official Summer 2008 Pictures are released for more!
    (playets with minifigs with MOVING LEGS..PLEASE!)
  7. Rho
    Do NOT PM me for it. I will NOT give it to you. greg doesn't want it going around.
    I have gotten 2 PMs so far. The awnser is NO.
    I am going to follow the rules and not spread this around.
    Please do not PM me any further about the 08 Sets. It's only wasting your time and mine, since im not going to reveal them.
    EDIT: The next person to PM me about it will be reported to an Admin. Thanks.
  8. Rho
    I made my 400th post just a couple minutes ago.
  9. Rho
    So, they're making a live action movie absed on 6teen.
    I say Erik Per Sullivan as Jude and Corbin Bleu as Wyatt.
    I drafted this due to the questionable acronym in comment 2. You're gonna have to edit that out, then you can re-publish this (though you may not see this until after the Perks are over, and if that's the case you can still re-publish this entry without bumping it via the "edit entry" screen). -Bfa]
  10. Rho
    Barry hit 756 last night. Yayness. I say he should go all the way to 800 before retiring.. i liked his comment on ESPNnews when they asked him whats next.. "baseball, (since the word he used will probably offend some people, and its probably filtered, so ill change it.) Heck yeah!"
    i dont want back to school school smellz
    then agagin, BTS shopping can get me some cool tshirts and ds games and stuff
    speaking of which, i need to get a PS2 soon.
  11. Rho
    After last year's June 6 freakout, We have July 7, 2007.
    Heck, it might actually be lucky.
    And the friend i mentioned before wasnt the kid arrested. Though he claimed eh rthrew lit firecrackers into two classes at my school.
    post comentz :tohu:
  12. Rho
    This is extremely importtant. I need your help
    Buy the DS browser, or wait and buy a wii first?
    speaking of games, i plan to get some cheap used ps2 with KH and KH2, then im saving up for a wii as we speak, then ill save up for a PSP, then maybe get an xbox 360 for christmas.
    Yes, im a gamer. But i'm not a nerd.
    Anyone who says all gamers are nerds must think all goodlooking people arent intelligent.
    post commentz
  13. Rho
    Last night i has one of the strangest dreams i've had in a while. It started with something happening like it began raining, and i was on BZP, to see i was a regular Member again, then Somehow i had a 08 Villan that looked like a mutated Bohrok (May have been memories of a NeoShifter). Then I somehow ended up in a weird mall, that has a WalMart in it, where i found my friend Brandon, then i somehow found Tohunga Matoro,who in the dream was Asian and had Blonde hair with green in it. o.0 Don't ask me why i dreamt that. Then i dont remember what happened, then I somehow ended up ina KH2 Sora Costume, and fromt hat point i think i woke up.

    I can have strange dreams.
  14. Rho
    1.I have no clue where to go in love. >.<
    2.grr. kamrt lied.
    3.---------- (2:09:55 AM): so i here u guys like mudkipz
    kaylabenfart (2:10:44 AM): mudkipz?
    ------------- (2:10:50 AM): YA RLY
    kaylabenfart (2:11:11 AM): ok.
  15. Rho
    wootwoot go national leauge
    That double play just a little while ago was awesome./ I have a feeling the game will be delayed due to rain.
    But i wish i was there >.<
    sadly, e3 2007 is on the same time as the allstar game :angry:
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