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Status Updates posted by Rho


  2. First off, chatspeak is no longer allowed on BZP. Second, you need to stop thinking you're a Moderator... it can easily get you a loss of proto...

  3. For what, stating opinions, then HE starts up arguments?

  4. From what i could tell with MSN conversations between me and Bman, he's allright with it.

    The last statement is fail.

  5. Gah..around september-ish last year

  6. Rho

    get msn foo'

  7. Go snap at TBC. I was only correcting him.

    I don't need you whining at me.

  8. Rho

    Guys, I don't think Greg checks his comments.

  9. Happy Birthday to the founder of BZP.

  10. He should also be aware of the dangers of doing that.

    Like if a little girl wee to call him at work asking about a new Barbie or something, and he started yelling at the little girl and being rude. Girl hangs up, cries, tells her father. Now what if the father was one of those tough, muscular, biker dudes, and he was VERY angry? What if he goes down to the store, finds Neku, and screams

  11. He was banned for flaming a couple members..it was about a year ago or so.

  12. Help me with the fall fair prizes while you're at it. :P

  13. Hey staff, This girl shouldn't have been banned for her recent topic in NMQ&A if thats what it was for. Not meaning to argue, but she's 13, she doesn't nessicarily know.

  14. How mature of you to delete my comments. [/sarcasm]

  15. How was it 'insulting'? Because I gave you constructive criticism?

  16. I already said I was finished.



    My friend admitted it was HIM.

  18. Rho

    i am not your foot go watch your entertainment if im that amusing

  19. I clearly said that little kids won't be looking at the credits. Theyw on't care.

    Lsiten tot eh 2 songs by her I mentioned. (See You Again and Start All Over) and tell me they wouldn't be good.

  20. I could go out on the street and find people that are more civil than you.

  21. I do use mine, unlike you.

  22. I don't "like" penguins, It's just my PP because it was random. :P

    I prefer cats.

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