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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Lady Kopaka
    As you can see I've clearly NEVER had such a smooth lifestyle in my entire life. No worry about money issues, no parents on your back, no sickens problems concerning family, no this and that. Just....me. :3
    I don't want to sound all-selfish, but this seriously was so good for me, I am so glad I went on this trip. I mean, really. It saved my life.
    Also another fact:
    What happens in Missouri stays in Missouri.
    -I got to stuff myself with sushi!
    -Shopping everyday (clothes, but still awesome)
    -Staying up late and sleeping late, and no one fusses at me!
    -The wonderful cold weather...and btw, I SAW A SNOWFLAKE TODAY!
    -Having a wonderful mix of healthy and dangerously fattening food
    -Spending some great time with my relatives and sister up here
    -I met a new friend, and she's an artist too.
    -I sadly picked up a really preppy style of speech. O_o I blame my cousins.
    So that's basically what I'm doing. I'm finally admitting I'm getting a little homesick but I know when I leave I'll miss this all a lot.
    So yay, and hope to actually update my art when I get home, I miss you guys, sorry I haven't responded to PMs yet, I'll work on that sometime... so....Namaste!
  2. Lady Kopaka
    Current Mood: Happy
    Currently Doing: Downloading Sims stuff and talkin' on MSN
    Currently Watching: National Treasure....And now 101 Dalmatians?
    Necro you cleaned out your inbox yet?
    Anyway, let me spill this out:
    Ok on Saturday I went to a fair thing, lots of fun and I did a rock climb, but I got very sore because I haven't done it awhile, and the sites were awesome. Later I went to the mall with friends and I couldn't find anything I wanted, so I got this cool belt and some black fingernail polish. So then we get home, watch the movies Flyboys with my dad, and went to bed. (Very good movie though, better than I expected)
    Next morning we all slept late and ended not going to church, still I didn't get much computer time, then we went to some friends house and hung around, I babysitted while my parents and their friends went to see the movie Amazing Grace. So they got back, ate dinner and left for a church deal and I babysitted once again.
    So then the next day we have school, finally able to get on for awhile, I go to art, I finish a painting, and I go home and babysit once again for some people, then I crash.
    Lovely day ain't it?
    Well, I almost finished drawing NE, and coloring Kinali. Though I have a question, should I just kill off the sketch part? It might save me time and make it faster to update knowing that the sketching part isn't needed to show, yet again I think requester likes the sketches even though messy...so opinions?
    Off to do...sumthin.
  3. Lady Kopaka
    Bbbrrrr, Missouri is cold. But I wuv it. =D I hope I see snow!
    The plane trip was really fun and super easy IMO, I didn't have to ask for any help. I felt all big and stuff. Though, I did get plane-sick on the last flight to St. Louis. >_O
    So nothing much has happened, yesterday I went shopping with my sis and some other things. Let me tell you I feel so spoiled. My sister is currently living with my Aunt and Uncle (cause she's focusing on finishing medical school now), and my aunt fixed up a room...not just like a guest room; it feels like my room. It's so weird and homely. And not to mention my Uncle Ben is the bestest cook ever, so I stuffed myself with some fancy Chilie last night. And then I watched a movie (The Namesake, it's really good) with my sis and cousin, and went to bed.
    And right now I'm in a campus library while my sis is at some meeting concerning some work. So hoo ha.
    I'll catch up with you guys later. ^^;
  4. Lady Kopaka
    Yeah, last night was my last Drivers ED class. LAST. LAST LAST LAST! I never ever have to take it again! How well did I do? Let's just put it this way: I didn't kill anyone.
    But seriously, I did ok IMO. It's really easy to drive in a car, but I'm freaking out about my dads truck, and our van is all big too. >_O I hope we get that jeep soon.
    I'm going in a few hours to take my test and stuff to get my permit, and if all goes well I'll be coming back legal to drive. YAY.
    Thanks for the encouragement guys. I'm sorry if I sounded all stubborn and argued against a lot of your guys great advice, I did listen to you guys, just when in a mood like that it’s something very hard to get out. I can't promise I'll do fine for the rest of the week, but at this moment I'm doing very well.
    And even though I'll be getting a lot of my time back from Drivers ED and other things that has recently ended in the past week, I'll still be a bit busy, but I think I might have time to breathe! Maybe even draw or write. No, I'm serious. These past two months were terrible. I was gone every day it seemed and always at the good times of the day for a long period and when I came home, I was so tired and stressed I didn't feel like doing anything other than sleeping or just being lazy on the computer, so I haven't gotten much done. =/
    About my DS, still thinking if I really need to sell it or not, the main reason I wanted to sell it cause I don't have time to play it anymore and I might be better off with the money saving up for something more important. I talked to one of my friends yesterday though and I might get to trade my DS to him for his old PS2! So that would be cool. Still would have lack of time, but since the PS2 came out it was my life dream to get one.
    Ok enough jabbering from me, I'll probably give you another update today and tell you how getting my permit went.
    Also, for a random dream I had, my choir teacher was playing the Chocobo theme on the piano.
  5. Lady Kopaka
    Yeah got it cleaned, I didn't get much time to orginize it as much as I want, but time/life hates me. So this will have to do. I also caught up with a lot of PMs!
    So yeah, you guys can go back to bugging me again on PM. =P
  6. Lady Kopaka
    It's so nice to be writing an entry, brings fond memories back...that will only last for about a week? Nevertheless I'm happy for this bit.
    I've been away from the computer almost all day, my friend came over today and we went over to one of the National Parks close by, to go scout of places to film a pirate movie that we plan to start filming around August, and of course we had fun just swimming around in the lake, its weird how the top of the water is warm, while the bottom is icy cold when you swim out a ways. Another thing was, my brother said I looked like some dead body in the water when he saw me underwater; I'm not really surprised as my bright golden-red hair stands out and my paper white skin, nearly scared myself to.
    Oh yes! I finally got back into my Bionicle drawing mode, took me a few months, but so far what I've done recently has really pleased me....kind of. I still think I am really behind and all messy. ><
    And here I am, impatiently waiting for Final Fantasy III to come in the mail, just a few more days...
    Yeah, didn't you know? I got a DS a few days after my birthday (No, not as a present, I had to buy it myself). And I recently got into Final Fantasy, I really love the storylines so far, I think though, X is my favorite.
    Yes, I bet there are a lot of things have been different since my last entry, so to fix that situation, I have decided you guys can ask up to 3 questions in the comment section, asking about what’s been up with me, or any random thing. I've seen other people do it and it looks fun, so ask away.
    But now, excuse me as I go lurk around....
  7. Lady Kopaka
    Thank you everyone who took their time to suggest what they would prefer. The majority would prefer the story about Tachi and Komas, which is understandable. So that will be shown instead of the Destiny story.
    But if any are interested about my Destiny story, you are more than welcome to PM me about it. Even though I have a lot written on both stories, I decided it's much easier to post one story at a time.
    Since I'm leaving back down to LA for stuff tomorrow, I'll see if I can post the first chapter today. B)
    Wait, wait, back to LA? D:
    Yeah, dad has work down there, so I am very excited to see all my good old friends. To be truthful I haven't had any sort of socialization since we've moved here, so yay I'll be seeing friends. Though I probably won’t have any internet connection and I'll be gone for...about a week, maybe less. It depends on my dads work.
    So hoorah, I guess I should go post that story soon and then pack.
  8. Lady Kopaka
    Yay, BZP is back!
    ARGH ARGH ARGH. I'm trying to finish my side of the Art Trade with Ranna, but PRIDAKS STUPID FACE WONT LET ME DRAW HIM. AAAAGGHGH!
    ...And I really, really do not want to start over. >_<
    Yeah I'm fine. :| How are you?
  9. Lady Kopaka
    Its been nagging at me for awhile, and today I just really noticed one thing I'm doing wrong, and I've been avoiding solving this problem for some unknown reason. My relationship with friends (Both in real life and BZP... but this is devoted to you guys) I feel at time, is one-sided, or simply empty. Am I just being a friend to please myself? To prove something, that I can possibly brag about? I haven't been as close or as helpful as I should be, regardless of my circumstance of being busy, that is no excuse.
    This may be a confusing entry for some, but this is kind of just to get my mind straight. I just felt the need to express my apologies to some people out there that I may had been ignoring, rude, or just not there for. I never want to take people for granted.
    My friends, or anyone else in need always comes first; not myself, an object, or even writing or art. Friendships and mere kindness is worth far more than anyone could ever imagine.
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