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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Yeah Flyleaf is great, they are one of my favorite bands.

  2. Yeah I don't really have the time or feel like it now, but maybe later I can help you out. :)

  3. Yeah I have, I have done Nid @ Krekka, Zaktan...errr...my mind went blank. You can check out my art topic if you want, I got all my stuff there neatly as a hotdog.

  4. Yeah I know my personal statement is a bit depressin', but it's currently the truth now. Thanks for the concern.

  5. Yeah I know, it's really tough...I'm discussing this issue with a friend right now and we're considering some options about how to solve the problem, even just a tad.

  6. Yeah I like Linkin Park a lot.

  7. yeah I'll try to read asap, glad you got it reposted and stuff. And yeah, I'm really not looking forward to doing indentations, and coding...and I need to do it soon too, cause of the posting deadline.

  8. Yeah I've been kinda busy. D;

  9. Yeah it sucks amirite. :F

  10. Yeah that sounds like a cool title. To be honest I never really thought of a proper title, so I might just make that one canon, haha.

  11. Yeah that's always my problems...thinking of a plot, you know. But if you do enter (not to pressure you) I think you would do a very nice job at it, you're a good writer!

  12. Yeah that's cool, she is really nice. ^^

  13. Yeah, again, no problem at all. Merging sounds like a good idea, so we are not trying to balance two PMs at once...haha. I'm doing a lot better now, thanks for asking. How are you?

  14. Yeah, as long as you're okay with me sending I'd be happy to! Don't worry about postage, it should just be a few bucks to get it over to where you live. And, I wish today was good, but it's been very rough. I'm all right now though.

  15. Yeah, don't forget to *cough*commenttheart*cough*....I'm kidding. =P But I hope you enjoy it. If you got any suggestions for a badguy I should do, tell me, I'm kind of brain dead about that. =(

  16. Yeah, he sure not better, or I'll be very depressed.

  17. Yeah, I did the story 'Hope' that's on BS01. =)

  18. Yeah, I watch the cut-scenes all the time out of boredom. the artistic style of the game was was very original.

  19. Yeah, I'm sorry I've sorta fallen off the face of the earth. :( I usually contact my buddies, like you, when I do this sorta thing but it was a last minute desicion...I'll respond to that shorter PM to explain things better. You hanging in there?

  20. Yeah, the graphics are really pretty and unique. Judging by reviews and what I like, I'm sure it's good. I hope you enjoy it. =)

  21. Yeah, Tom Clancy is pretty much awesomesauce.

  22. Yeah, very busy. I'm in college now so that's eating my time--still working on art and writing though. You?

  23. yeah; favourite actor and person in general.

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