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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Lady Kopaka
    Thank you all for taking the time to answer my questions! Super super helpful for developing my story! I love seeing the diversity in the answers, but I was also surprised on some common desires. I'm going to try my best to reply to everyone asap.
    Oh, yeah, also...

  2. Lady Kopaka
    Well first of BCJ said my art topic died, and yeah, this time it really did. I swear I saw a recent post from it just a week or so ago, and so I wasn’t in too much of a rush to update...but it seems the last post was around December. >_<
    I wouldn't feel so sad about a topic, but I've had that thing for nearly 2 years. But of course I've been updating super slow and there isn't really anything worth commenting on...bleh.
    Oh yeah, my fever went down to 100(F) today...I really hope I start feeling better or mom said I'd have to go to the doctors. Not only do I dislike hospitals and stuff, I know we can't afford it now. And my family is driving me crrraaazzzyy.
    I'm pretty miserable right now. ;;
  3. Lady Kopaka
    Good morning all you dears, I am currently still in my pajamas, SERIOUSLY scary hair, and half asleep. So ignore random comments, while I am under the influence of being tired.
    Well, after waiting almost two weeks, my Indiana Jones Video Game came; it’s a very good game in my opinion. BUT of course, it could be more helpful if I could get my controller to work, instead of using the keyboard, and more checkpoints or quick saves could do me good....Oh well, it’s still very nice.
    My arts going along nicely, even though I haven't updated, I need to scan and show sometime, but I am currently under distress, as I cannot find my sketch pad that has a request in it, and I must ink it and color, I hope it didn't get thrown away, I would be traumatized, all those pictures in there....Well lets just hope I can find it.
    On another note, I finally took pictures of my best in show-first place 'Titanic Painting'. I am very proud of it, and will probably show it in the COT section. Now if I could only find my wire so I could move the pictures to the computer....
    Well my dad calls, breakfast is ready. (Yum, eggs, cut up potatoes and so much more!) So bye for now.
  4. Lady Kopaka
    Okay, I know I have commissions to do…
    But I need inspiration! Anything! Agh! My brain is so zonked ‘cause of things, this artist block is terrible! Even when you know you have ideas hiding within you, they won’t come out, and anything you try to draw looks so…ewww. Flusterating, quite infuriating and stressing! Same goes to my writing as well. It's just annoying, because I want to improve and simply enjoy it all, but how can I like this?
    Do y'all have any advice on killing artist/writers block, and, maybe some suggestions for drawings/projects? I've been rather frustrated with finding my own style, and pinpointing my weaknesses...so helping with that is a plus too.
    Hopefully I can start showing more art and writings soon. Thanks for dealing with my silly venting, and for any advice.
  5. Lady Kopaka
    I CRACKED. I'm listening to Christmas music already. Usually I don't until after Thanksgiving, but for some reason I couldn't bare to wait any longer. I'm pitiful.
    I. Love. Hair straighteners.
    I saw a car on the way home that I like; not something fancy, but a simple '99 red Cavalier. Price wasn't bad, so I'm going to check it out tomorrow. I need a car so badly!
    Job hunting stinks. Did one for two targets; one said they are not hiring, still waiting on the other...in the meantime, filling out some for Gamestop. Gotta go in town to grab some more applications.
    ....Assassin's Creed II...Star Trek...Chocolate....NEED NOW.
    Wasted $3 on a Peppermint Mocha at Starbucks. Totally worth it.
    As a final note of this completely absurd entry, please pray or keep me in your thoughts as I find a job and car. This isn't really just a desire, it's extremely important and I need some income to help support my family; a car is needed obviously to get to said job, and for college next year. I can't afford to drag this out any more.
    I hope everyone is doing all right!
  6. Lady Kopaka
    I have noticed something as of late. All thanks to Glitch in the System. And UK too.
    You people....
    Stay away from my braaaaaaiin! D: now everyone is out to devour it!
    *Puts a hard helmet on and runs away*
  7. Lady Kopaka
    [insert things such as 'it was fun!' and 'i got to meet lots of new and old friends!' and 'the MoCs were amazing!']
    But in the end, thank you everyone for helping me get up there considering my financial situation. The Pates (though they couldn't come this year) helped a lot as did Ben/CF, making sure I had the funds for food, lodging, and all that. Thank you Jamison/Brappy Hour for letting me and my brother room with you, and for being a wonderful person who I could trust and feel safe by. Thank you Scott for being so kind and for the awesome tshirt as well as the new hairstyle for my self-minifig! Thank you Team Farm Animals for being totally awesome. While they are notorious for being remarkably comical, they are some of the sweetest gentlemen and I thank them all for letting me hang with them. Shout outs to others like bzpower staff and some of the people who were kind enough to talk to me about my art. It was very humbling for many to watch me draw, ask for advice, or even do art for them!
    Brickfair is a very important part of my life now. Though this was just my third year coming, it means so much to me. It makes me sad all these wonderful people live so far away from me! But it also makes the year wait all the more special. Hijinks, adventures, personal growth, helping others...I couldn't ask for a better community.
    Very grateful time seemed to slow down enough for that week. just...for me to take a deep breath, look around, remind myself why I'm here, what I want to do, and what I can do for others someday. it was great that my health has been improving, and it was timed well for brickfair.
    In general, I'm sad about it being over, but I'm so happy and forever thankful that I was able to go and have fun with all you great people. If I didn't get to spend much time with you, I apologize sincerely! But I'll see everyone next year!
    Note to self though: don't take a bus again.
  8. Lady Kopaka
    Guess what?
    I might get to go to Brickfest after all! Due to something going on, someone at my church suggested I should go. And my mom and dad are considering it. The only problem, is how I will get there. My dad might be around VA when doing some meetings and helping moving my sister to Missouri from NC. But who knows? Lets just hope I can....And if its not to late.
    So I guess I should read over the Brickfest site and show mom after she wakes up.
    So like, I need to go draw, and having a terrible time with Vakama's mask. *Punch'd* So farewell all thee.
    *Happily runs off singing some crazy tune*
  9. Lady Kopaka
    Taking a break from art, and other activates, I feel quite terrible right now so I'm not up for much. So don't ask me about things concerning art, and so on for awhile. Thanks.
    Also, thank you for the PMs expressing pity toward the situation. And too anyone who has missed out, I'm not talking about life, but this.
    I'm preparing to take a leave from BZP for awhile and catch up in life, which needs attention and to keep me away from thinking about this.
    Edit: Rewrote entry.
  10. Lady Kopaka
    6AM: Wake Up
    7AM: Be out the door to make it for class
    8-9AM: Intro to Visual Arts
    10-11AM: Quick stop at home to get reorganized and make a lunch
    12-1PM: Work
    2-5PM: Grueling Studies Class
    7PM: Drag myself home and hope I can sleep decently
    I do not like Thursdays. It could be worse I suppose, it's just all the driving is tiring and gas eating blaaah.
    anyhow, some random updates:
    I got a 16GB Zune! I got it on sale (hence why I didn't get iPod), and I'm really loving it. <3 No qualms so far...I'm not a app person, but I wish it had a few more (something to read documents would be nice). I just wish I could have afforded the 32GB haha, I already filled mine out. I got my hands on the last Harry Potter book! I'm rather afraid to finish it... I got a 98 on my history test a 100 on my essay! Now about my Visual Arts result tomorrow...? Why is trying to find a place to move out and getting a car so flusterating? Only one slot left in my commission list, though I may accept one or two more...either way, hurry before I close it and start on the art! Speaking of art...scanner still hates me. *cry* Planning on extending the contest for another week, to those who are feeling rushed. Audiobook recording should began again this week, next week at the latest. I'm also considering dying (not permanent) my hair purple and dressing up as the Major from Ghost in the Shell for Halloween...hmm. Okay, break time over...gotta finish some homework for class tomorrow. *headdesk*
  11. Lady Kopaka
    Hey guys, check this out. Kiotu/Velox came up with the awesome idea of a BZPWriMo (BZP Writing Month). I'd love to see this work out. Help out by expressing your interest and opinions with a comment over there, please and thank you!
  12. Lady Kopaka
    There is nothing better than eating a Popsicle; the house is nice and quiet, and going to a car show. FOR THE WIN, FOR THE WIN.
    I is in a very happy mood, or for the next few hours anyway. XD
    I just came back from a car show, and dude, didja know I just love cars and all that classic stuff? I kind of fail at names and everything, but deep inside, when I see some sweet ride, I just want to run up and hug 'em!
    I took a lot of awesome pictures, so I'm going to probably show them soon, but I'm a bit to lazy(and hot, I'm sweatin' to death over here!) to find the wire and move the pictures; I mainly wanted to post and show off this rare moment when I'm actually happy.
    I kind of want to bike down the car show again, but its way to hot for that. Oh yeah, I saw a car JUST like Bumblebee, I tried to take a picture, but the guy drove off. =/
    But really makes me want to get one of those awesome cars, I think I’m gunna bug my dad about such things soon….
    Enough of my babbles! I’ll show the pictures later today, ciao!
  13. Lady Kopaka
    I'm so exhausted, mentally and physically. Spent all of today trying to get classes scheduled correctly, and most were all full. It's all a mess and I'm one hour under full-time, my classes are scattered around different towns. It's a miracle I scrapped up enough to pay for this semester.
    and my first classes are on Monday and I don't have any books yet. Oh right, I forgot about the cost of books...and gas...how in the world am I getting to classes when my car broken, anyway?

    I want to sleep forever and ever and eat chocolate and play with Lego/Bionicle while watching Roman Holiday, pretending none of this happened. Which actually isn't a bad idea. (sorry if I sound whiny btw, I'm going to be fine, just ranting)

    do any of you college veterans have advice? I'm so clueless on everything.
  14. Lady Kopaka
    I'm still busy up to my eyeballs with stuff, but I just wanted to say I hooked my internet back; it wasn't doing me any good. I thought by removing it I could get caught up in studies—apparently, it is not the source of my concentration problem. Sort of relieving to know it's not the problem, but annoying because now I have no idea how to force myself to get motivation back. I'm blaming it on my disorder for now.
    Didn't get much art done either, sadly. Wrote a 7,000+ word story, but it's based on an older personal project, so no one would get it, haha. Did some organizing of my novel too, I really wish I could focus working on it more. I need to get working on that BZP related epic for you guys too, huh?
    I'm so physically and mentally drained at the moment, but I'm hanging on. I ordered Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C./2nd Gig from Amazon with some spare money out of my savings, I'm hoping a GitS marathon will get me feeling better. I wish I was saving enough to get a PS3 sometime, though. FFXIII release is drawing closer...A Wacom Intuos sounds lovely too. Ah, someday over the rainbow.
    K, I'll stop babbling. How are you fellas? I miss talking to you all.
  15. Lady Kopaka
    I can't sleep/don't want to (so tired of the nightmares), so umm...
    - A short story I have had plans for is turning into a mini epic. It's only going to be about four chapters long though. It's only meant for practice, but it could end up being a prequel for an epic here if I decide to do it.
    - I fixed my library topic.
    - Still trying to decide on commissions...what kind of layout would you guys like the info/prices? I felt my previous one was too complicated.
    - Everyone should go check these out and awe.
    - I love the new FMA: Brotherhood intro.
    Curled up
    in a world with
    little gravity
    washed-out hope
    fitted together
    from scissors and glue
    a little duct tape too
    Bruises and truths
    were all in a line
    waiting for a
    satire metaphor
    And when it came down
    to the only thing i found
    do you think it’s all right?

  16. Lady Kopaka
    Yup, here they are:








    Ain't they just so purdy? Oh and my little brother got in a picture or two I believe, see if you can find him!
    I actually have more pictures, but I already posted a bunch to destroy some computers. =P I'll show more later.
    Oh, and my sister's camera=Win.
  17. Lady Kopaka
    Fellow addressees,
    As it is my duty and part of this job, I hold reports, biographies and other important notes pertaining key or wanted figures in my archival database, concerning the Glitch in the System case. I find it important to have these classified documents to assist not only my bureau, but for others who may be in need of this.
    Toa Niihlus, Security Chief of Jiahk

    Image 1
    Image 2
    Species: Toa
    Gender: Female
    Structure: Slim/Agile, 6’8ft
    Element: Lightning (Electricity)
    Mask: Kanohi Mahiki, Mask of Illusion
    Occupation: Rogue/Undecided
    Weapon: Protosteel Buster Sword
    History: Tachi’s past is unknown. But she did know one thing: her memories were taken away by Makuta and she would stop at nothing to retain them. Her protosteel blade was a gift from a Fe-Matoran during her travels and her visor she found once during an incursion on a Makuta base. From confusing, jumbled visions or dreams she receives, Tachi believes her past was a simple one: protecting a Matoran inhabited island before the Makuta came and sought specimens.
    During her journey with Komas, she did discover she had a Toa brother named Uchik, captured and confined at a Makuta base. He warned her about a glitch in a system, and now with yet another mystery facing her, she struggles to unravel its purpose.
    Biography: Tachi’s personality is very straightforward. No complicated emotions, no distractions and no relations. She is a bitter and stubborn being, and over the years her hatred and frustration toward her ignorance has strengthened. She has devoted her known life to seeking revenge against the Makuta and wants nothing to do with the outside world. Beyond her coldness and apparent emotionless attitude, she truly is an honest being at heart, but struggles with finding any hope at all during her journey.
    Author’s Commentary: When you have a dashing male Toa, wouldn’t it be logical to have that coldhearted and dangerous female partner too? Tachi’s character clicked perfectly in with what I wanted and is the main star of GitS. A lot of her struggles, personality and general outlook came from personal and inner feelings in me that needed to be expressed in some way. Still, all us girls (and boys) just wonder how Tachi can be so distant with our dear Komas, it’s simply annoying!
  18. Lady Kopaka
    Hey everyone!! I'm so excited! Everyone ready?
    :: Click To Watch ::
    I decided to make a fun little intro to this audiobook to announce who got into the cast!
    The video includes only major characters, and pardon me if I messed something up…If you're too lazy to watch, or would like to see a more detailed list, here it be:

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Tachi: Nikira Komas: Smeogol4 Makuta Szian: Vezok's Friend Toa Niihlus: Torran Captain Yuuzian: SPIRIT Toa Zerak: Eeko Toa Uchik: Kanohi Zatth Philo Tsak: Sakaru Zimriah: Raia Vheon: MoSM Creolè: Brogen Szian's Servant:Kanohi Zatth Naosu: Yukiko Makuta Muurax: Biocore Ancient: SPIRIT Lariska: Lady Kopaka An Un-named Onu-Matoran: SPIRIT Un-named Bounty hunter in Jiahk: Eeko A grouchy Matoran sailor: SkullKid Another Matoran sailor: SkullKid  
    It was a very hard choice, and I want to thank everyone for auditioning (I have over 70 files of auditioning!). I'm very excited to officially being this project soon. As of now, congratulations! Get warmed up for your parts, go tell your friends about this, point out any suggestions...or run around in circles being ecstatic!
  19. Lady Kopaka
    I just caught up with all the recent Bionicle storyline stuff that has bewildered and confuzzled my brain these days.
    But I really want Toa Lesovikk and Maxilos & Spinax, but I don't have the money.
    I have been doing lot's of Bionicle art! And so far it's all good!
    Save for one, which the pretty background I was painting got all messed up.
    And I have like a million short stories I'm doing, and so far they are good.
    But I am low on time to work on them, and I don't know which to finish first.
    As you can tell, I'm rather bored and have been craving to blog really bad for some reason, but I don't have much to say at this moment, unless you guys have any suggestions.
    Hurrah and Boo.
  20. Lady Kopaka
    I know I said today would be the day I would announce my project...but a couple things have come up:
    lots and lots of schoolwork. I really need to get on top of it before starting any other projects. Just five more months, five more months... my car did a fail and I'm having to pay around $200 to get something fixed (thank goodness my old man knows how to fix car stuff or it could be so much more). So...no tablet for awhile. I'm still up to accepting commissions though, I'm sorta scraping my account bare to pay for this. gotta work harder at finding a job... having some confusion on which project to do at the last moment, so trying to reconfigure things. However, I am doing a lot of Glatorian HB designs, and I hope to start posting more art on BZP, even if it isn't for a big project. As a peace offering gift, I'll leave you with a picture of Komas doing the awesome face expression (it was completely by accident, I swear).
  21. Lady Kopaka
    Ah, spring break, how much I love you.
    Anyway, lately I’ve been trying to compile a decent list of all the wonderful writings or art topics that I regularly view. Right now I’m still trying to fix all the links on my content block, but the list is getting rather long. So I decided to make a blog entry that links to some wonderful creative work.

    Enternal Darkness by Takatu
    Crossroads by Beliwa
    Possibly Functioning Perfectly by Uncle Krekka
    Toa of the New Republic by Jedi Gali
    Test Of Strength by Kokua
    Early Sunsets by Cap'n K
    The Battle of Kao-Nui by Tarik
    Search and Destroy by Tifosi 92
    Nikira’s Artwork
    Brave_Dragon's Artwork
    Raia’s Artwork
    Dok's Artwork
    Nuju’s Artwork
    Macgyver’s Artwork
    I still have a few more to add or edit, though I would greatly encourage you to check out any of these writings or pieces of art. If you think I forgot to add a link to a story or art topic, feel free to point it out. And if you're having a tough choice on choosing a story to read, I could give you some summaries on them.
    Though some topics may be closed or even missing, I would encourage you to at least check out their profiles and see what current drawing or writing they have up, especially on some of the people you may not be very familiar with.
  22. Lady Kopaka
    1. Get your Thok weapon
    2. Carefully pull off the blue plastic thing from it...Don't worry you can slip it back on.
    3. Put your mouth on it and blow in and out.
    Congradulations, you just wasted 5 minutes of your life!
    .....but it is still cool. XD
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