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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Lady Kopaka
    No idea on my grades, don't care right now. I'm so relieved I just survived. Terrible semester, I hope I never have to go through that again.
    Since three I've been tying to take a nap because I'm so exhausted and hurting all over, but people in my family are so loud, good heavens. Earbuds, which usually do the trick have not been exactly helpful either. Escaped college, yes, escaped life for awhile? I'm still working on that. Been praying nonstop that things will get less stressed here, even just for a bit.
    I'm really really really hoping I'll be able to do some art and writing over winter break as well, but I have no idea how things are going to hold. Cross your fingers, maybe a miracle will happen.
    Hows everyone doing? Excited about break as much as me?
  2. Lady Kopaka
    College so far, has been going much better than I expected. Loving my classes, professors, and the workload hasn't been to extreme, so it's a nice transfer from what I'm used to. I'm surprised at how well I'm following everything. Of course, I love reading/studying...but when tests come up, that won't be pretty. Don't get me started on how awesome I am at testing.
    But it's done quite a number on me. What's sad is I know it could be way worse, but it doesn't make me feel any better. Today I got so sick I had to reschedule work, and skip my afternoon class. I hope this will be just a one time thing, because if not, it's going to be a rough semester, and I'm so worn out as it is. As much as I hate throwing up, I wish I could force myself just to so I can't get the feeling out of my system. But once I do, my body doesn't know when to stop, and dats no good.
    *insert more ranting here*
    Okay, icky subject. Um...my kitty is fuzzy and adorable and is sleeping ON MY TABLET GET OFF GIBBS.
    Anyway, two questions--I've known I have asked these before, but I promise it'll be the last time.
    do you guys have suggestions for mp3 players? The reason why I'm being so picky is that any simple brands that are 16GB higher are actually more expensive than things like iPod and Zune, oddly. It's a curse having over 20GB of music. I can't really afford much and since I prefer WMP over iTunes (), ipods are not my interest, but I'm open to suggestions. about a upcoming Bionicle epic...would you guys prefer A)Glitch sequel? B)Let the Flames Begin sequel C)or something else entirely? I was aiming for the Glitch one, obviously, but I don't want to wear the story/characters out. Either idea has a almost refined plot, but I need to decide on what to focus on the most... Sleep...sounds wonderful right now...
  3. Lady Kopaka
    VF is gone, I'm not at brickfair, my mind in many places as usual, stories and art need to be updated soon, and sickness enjoying it's usual fray against me. Ah, such a familiar world.
    Vezok's Friend, thank you so much for taking time to hang out with me. I'm sure you got annoyed when I was distant a lot, or hiding in my room sick, but I really am so thankful to have a friend's company in my life.
    We had a lot of fun; got to head down to the beach, something which was awesome because we never usually do vacations. Besides lots of other silly randomness we were up to, we also did a drawing for Brickfair at the last minute! (literally, it was a all-nighter. my fault) Hopefully if you go, you'll see it. Whenever VF can, I'll let him post the drawing here.
    Alas, reality surfaces again from a momentary peace, and a raging storm follows me wherever I go. I have college to plan for, work to sort, health problems to improve on, and to fix my own flaws when it comes to friendships. And that brings me to another thing. Some say I am sweet and considerate person, which may be true, but ultimately I suck at being a friend. I wanted to apologize deeply to many right now. I know I've said I'd do things, respond to your messages, and many more--but have not. Maybe to some of you it's okay, but I know ultimately it's not the right thing to do. Being 'busy' (which honestly is a mild word in my case) is a lame excuse after awhile...but it's the only one I have.
    I'll be away for a few days again, so hopefully within that time I'll be organizing a sleuth of things that need to get done. I apologize if this entry sounds like a pity party or the sort, but I'm really trying as hard as I can. Give me a smack and tell me to try harder, that's what I need. And really, if you have felt offended or ignored by me, please tell me so we can mend the problem. I'm very sorry.
    Love you all! Hopefully things will get betterand my brain will actually function so I can remember silly things like PMs and tying my shoes.
    In the meantime, enjoy one of the drawings I did while hanging out with VF. Human versions of Zaktan and a slightly mature Toa Hahli (headshots again? aagggh).

  4. Lady Kopaka
    I haven't been doing and feeling so well, so I figured I could buy myself a Bionicle whenever I can go out to shop. Not saying that stuff makes you truly happy, but considering the fact that I get so jittery when I'm able to afford to get anything, it's a big deal.
    I'm really trying (it's gunna be a miracle if I can) to save up to upgrade my poor computer that keeps lagging/crashing photoshop and refuses to play decent games, but ah well, I gotta burn some money on just one set this year!
    Do you guys have any advice on which one I should buy? I really can only afford one for now, and I can't get a big set probably.
  5. Lady Kopaka
    I just figured out Assassin's Creed II doesn't come out on the PC until March.
    My excitement and dreams are crushed.
    I also think I got a cold--and I'm falling behind on NaNo and school (again?) because of it!
    But it'll be all right, life is still good and gravy. Raia and I are working on a supercoolawesomesauce 'project' for BZP, the Glitch audiobook topic is going to be posted in a few days, and I'm so excited for the week around Thanksgiving. More to be updated on all of that later.
  6. Lady Kopaka
    Gahaha I REALLY need a life. xD
    My brother (Sir Tahu) and I were getting bored/nerdy on Bionicle today and I was oddly hyper. So since we were having fun playing around with the sets we made this recording… podcast… thing.
    Warning: This recording is obnoxious, loud, and surprisingly cheesy. Not to mention you will have to put up with it for 15 minutes. Beware of really random and odd discussions, and my voice was being weird that day… and I saying ‘like’ every few minutes didn’t really help either.
    *Throws ice cream at brother*
  7. Lady Kopaka
    I think I have decided.
    Stayed up late looking at GW2 concept art...and that pretty much made my desicion, LOL. I'll be saving for a Intuos4, and I'll just grab a 4-8GB USB for those files I was worried about. In a few months when I have my job problem solved, I'll move onto the mp3 player.
    Soo uh...not officially doing commissions atm, but anyone willing to give me a few bucks for some sketches or lineart stuff? C:
    And once I sort this out, I'll probably sell my old tablet...anyone interested buying in the near future? (still works like a charm and comes with the box and all; I won't be charging too much)

    also on a irrelevant note, LK will be on less for awhile (again) because of all the junk she's allowed to pile on her plate...blah!
  8. Lady Kopaka
    Yuuusss. <3
    Ordered some parts a few days ago and they came in the mail yesterday. Dad and I stayed up basiclly till 12am yesterday putting it together, and it's just now that I've finally got most things reinstalled and running smoothly. Still got a few options to tinker with, I need Microsoft Word and some other programs, but so far everything's wonderful. I just got most of my favorite games installed and they are playing perfectly, it's amazing how fast and smoothly they are running. And hopefully I have eliminated a lot of the lagging and crashing for Photoshop.
    If you guys are wondering, my new specs are now:
    Microsoft Windows XP
    AMD Athlon 64 X2 Duel Core 6000+
    3.10 GHz, 4.00 GB of RAM
    NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT
    DVD RW Drive
    150 GB Space
    The only problems so far is I don't like the current resolution, the computer is claiming I only have 3GBs when I know there is 4, and lastly the fail harddrive space, it was the only thing I wasn't able to update. So while 150 is fine, my next-gen games basically devoured the majority of the space.
    What I love about this too was how cheap I was able to upgrade. Sure I had to deal with the annoyance of building, and had to kick it a few times to work, but huzzah all the same!
  9. Lady Kopaka
    Yeah...Um...I did a stupid thing today.
    I was washing stuff that didn't fit into the dishwasher after lunch, and while washing, I forgot to do the huge knife last(The kind of knife that chops up a lot of food and whatnot), I threw it in the water, and when pulling it out, it slit my finger. OOhhh it hurt. And boy did it bleed a lot. It was weird. O.o
    And so I learnt a valuble lesson on doing the sharpy items last.
    So now I have a bandaid on, and my finger hurts awfully bad. So I probably wont be doing much drawing or typing until it feels better. I'll be lucky do write decently for school.
    And today, we have a lot of school. >> Mom's pushing us awfully hard lately.
  10. Lady Kopaka
    My fangirl side has taaaaakeeen over. 

    Love. This may be the first movie based after a game that will actually be dadgum good.
    My sister suggested I should do a Prince of Persia birthday--play the games all day, have a cake styled after it, go see the movie...oh lol, it is ironic how when I turn into a adult that I shall have a 'themed' birthday party for once in years.
    I wonder if they sell PoP party hats and all that too?
    and I still cannot get over how he reminds me so much of my HB Zaktan.
    (also on a random note, is the sandwich style of my blog bugging anyone, or is it okay?)
  11. Lady Kopaka
    Bunch of folks have asked me if I would ever put some of my art back up, so I took the time to upload a lot of art that was originally lost when I was hacked last year. You can find both Bionicle and non-Bionicle here.
    It's likely the folders won't be public yet, but hang in there. I decided it'd be easier to upload everything via maj. The Bionicle folder is organized by year, from 2007 to 2010 (I left out 05 and 06). Human Bionicle art (08-10) is all in one folder. I didn't upload everything, but the most liked of the collection. Since links in my old art topics don't work anymore, this is the best link you'll find to my stuff. Got any questions on a piece? Feel free to ask...but heaven forbid my old art gets critiqued, haha.
    Also, if you see a drawing (traditional only) that you like, I may be able to sell you the original, if interested.
    Still having drama with the scanner concerning newest pieces...anyway, enjoy!
    EDIT: You guys might want to check back every now and then, I'm still adding some art (and of course, will continue to do so).
  12. Lady Kopaka
    Hullo everyone! On Friday and Saturday I got to meet BZP members Tifosi92 and his family (Tifosi94, Peach 00, and parents). We had a lot of fun! Did some touring around town, ate at Mellow Mushroom, and then they got to hang at our house and do a lot of ridiculous things. It was so fun! Here's a group shot of us:

    Tifosi92, myself (icky I look terrible), and Tifosi94. The lovely lady on us is Peach 00. This was also my very first internet/BZP meet up. It wasn't as weird as I'd thought it would be. We'll have to do this again sometime, it was great! 
    Also, random note...my evil plans for a certain project is in the works. Slowly. Darn you plots. For a hint, here's a rough preview:

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « I have to head off and sleep, tomorrow will be a BUSY day. So, I'll leave you with a pic of Gibbs napping.
  13. Lady Kopaka
    Oh dear gosh, I'm so close to finishing my S&T entry...but so far away.
    Hey guys, guess what SkullKid and I are working up on? Who'd think it'd be cool if we did a Glitch in the System podcast/audiobook?
    SkullKid came up with this cool idea during a lot of his projects, and as of now I have approved of these plans. He said auditions and plans are in the works now, and it would probably come out during the summer. Would any of you guys be interested? Feel free to jump in the bandwagon for being a possible candidate to voice a character, or you could help with other important duties like advertising, helping with the project...so on. And if you have any suggestions (or if you just disagree with this idea), feel free to point them out.
    There may be a small chance of me canceling this permission, due to if I suddenly see if this won't be going so well or if I won't have enough time to keep track of it all...but as of now, I'm interested to see how this folds out.
  14. Lady Kopaka
    So yeah, apparently today is my birthday.
    Thanks to whoever sent me birthday art, or just wished me a happy birthday before. I really appreciated it.
    And the cake is not a lie, I had some last night, and it was geewwwd. <3
    Oh yeah, Turakii I did do something memorable for the last few minutes I was 15…I cleaned up the kitchen.
  15. Lady Kopaka
    I've been trying to update this blog for daaaays. Gotta update more and stop making my entries so rambly and disorganized.
    Since I love the list feature thingy, I shall use that to update what's going on:
    College. takljdklfjakldaufandaklfa. Please make sure you plan for college early and have someone to solidly help you with it...otherwise, you will end up like me. College is next week and I have no clue what's going on with classes, payment...pretty much everything. Stupidstupid car is still broken. This is going to be a huge problem for college. Oh and stupidstupid gas. Stupid. I got my bloodwork results a few days ago. They came back normal. This is not good at all, ironically. Chocolate. I need this. So badly. Finally getting around to reading the Harry Potter books...I'm such a laggard. Really enjoying them. Just finished Order of the Phoenix. Trying to finish reading/watching before Death Hallows this December. Speaking of HP, I now believe one of my brothers is a incarnated Ron in our universe. The resemblance is uncanny. We plan to make a costume for him by Halloween. BUT OMG I ACTUALLY HAVE REAL BIONICLE ART TO SHOW SOON YESSSS WHOOO. Topic should come in a few days. How in the world can I sleep all the time and then feel like I haven't slept in weeks? I think in a previous life I was a cat and some sleep-deprived courier. I know a lot of you guys are interested in commissions still, but anyone also interested in buying art I've already done, or junk (books, dvds, etc) off me? I'm trying to get extra money for college. Plans for the Glitch sequel are becoming much more concrete after all. Something is nagging in me (as usual) that I'm forgetting to say something...but oh well, my brain has already melted for the day. Time to put it into the freezer and call it a night...
  16. Lady Kopaka
    Lady K got to watch the new Avatar episode, thanks to TurboNick.
    She got popcorn and everything, and forced people not to disturb her during the show.
    She ended up, laughing, going tense with suspense, and nearly cried.
    She thought it was a really good episode.
    She thought the face revealing thing for the Fire lord wasn't as cool as they could do it though.
    Lady K is a very happy person at the moment. =D She is going to go watch it again.
  17. Lady Kopaka
    Sorry for falling off the face of BZP/earth, I've been completely off the computer for the past four days because of being really sick (aka been in the hospital--don't ask), but I'm doing a lot better now.
    I'm just chilling and cleaning today, fixing my schedule for studies and everything, hopefully I'll get back on track and start catching up; it will be such a busy week with all those doctor appointments, ick. I'm quite sad that I probably can't enter the Short Story contest. But I do have some art to scan sometime; I'll try to work on that.
    I thought I had something else to say, but if I remember I'll update this entry, lol. Hope you guys are doing well, and some advice: please don't have a attitude that your life is unbearable! It can be rough and we all take things differently, take a step back and think about it, so you don’t get drowned in self-pity. There are good things in your life, be positive. As much as I dislike the saying, it's true: remember how much worse it could be in some areas. I didn't recognize this until it was slapped into my face; keep that in mind.
  18. Lady Kopaka
    Hey guys! SK recently has made two versions of the Glitch in the System Audiobook--one has music and some sound effects, the other is just the story itself. Some people couldn't decide if we wanted music or not, so SK wants us to vote. These here are sneak peaks guys!
    Demo with music/sound effects Demo without (edit) SK wanted to say: We have a third choice in this. Please tell us simply if you want an audiobook with both sound effects/music, without the sound effects and just the music, or nothing at all.
    This is still a rough, so the final will be fixed or whatever else is needed. The deadline to getting this sorted is in two days (midnight, 10th of July).
    Oh yeah, another announcement (unrelated to Glitch), I've been experiencing some bad health issues lately. So to the people who are expecting reviews, PM responses, or commissions, I deeply apologize, things are going to be a bit slow. I just wanted to confirm I'm not purposely procrastinating, there's just a lot going on in my life. Really sorry to those who have commissioned me, I hope this doesn’t cause any problems.
  19. Lady Kopaka
    So I had a pretty good day today, hung out with friends, so on...
    But I get home, and dad gives me this look, and I knew something was up immediately. No jokes, nothing.
    Remember when I and my dad went up to Tennessee? Well that was a job interview/along with meeting stuff. Well anyway, dad said this guy called back today, and he has been offered a job up in TN.
    I asked dad what’s the percentage of moving, and he said 99%.
    I have mixed feelings. First off I have some really close friends here, like one, my friend Lauren. I don’t know what I’d do without her. She’s always involved in my life somehow. ;; And I don't know how I could make anymore friends, I always have had a trouble fitting in.
    But I really need to view this over, though I never really see it everyday our family is experiencing terrible financial drains, we can barely pay for anything these days, yet my dad is working his head off. If we moved, not only we would get a stable and nice pay, but actual health insurance. And we really need that, since my mom has suffered a bad illness for years. And of course we’d probably be able to get a better house…is around the country, and I love Tennessee.
    But it’s such a shock. Well…that’s my wow for the day.
    Edit: forgot to say, we'll be moving pretty soon...in a month or so probably.
  20. Lady Kopaka
    EDIT: I don't usually bump entries, but I'd love to get a few more votes on which epic I should start on.
    First off, wondering if there would be anyone willing to help me edit Glitch? Hardcore editing not necessary, I just need a second pair of eyes to help me polish it so I can get it properly on BZP again. (can you believe that it’s been around for nearly two years already?)
    Secondly, decided I am going to post a large-scale epic in the upcoming months. However, I am torn by three ideas (yes, I have asked this before—just trying to finalize stuff)
    A Glitch in the System sequel. A continuation of Let the Flames Begin, which would be a normal sized epic story. A previous Bionicle fantasy related idea I discarded, but decided to give it a second chance. No need to ask “which one do you prefer?” because I can’t decide myself. 

    I have a drawing to share, I did back in January.
    Tis' Hewkii, Macku, Jaller, Takua, and Hahli. In acuality, they are not that cartoony, but it's a fun style to draw anyhow.
    Nothing else to show, excluding the commission I’m doing for Vorox Chief (which I hope I can finish this week). The whole commission thing is on hold though until I can figure out if I can handle it. Sorry.
  21. Lady Kopaka
    November 1st! NaNoWriMo time!
    And I'm so completely braindead and tired and sick and ugh. BUT I'M GOING TO TRY SO HARD TO WIN THIS YEAR!
    Good news I trick-or-treated for the first time in my life tonight; it was fun and yay candy. Maybe that will help me a bit. <3
    It's so weird for me to finally return to Tachi and Komas...but I hope I have a blast! Good luck to you guys as well!
    ...so see y'all in December? :'D

  22. Lady Kopaka
    Please read this.
    BZP is getting very edgy for me. It seems a growing fad that people are purposely trying to get under everyone's skin, getting arrogant, or generally being rude.
    It's not a really nice way to act for new members, and not to mention the atmosphere isn't feeling very friendly or inviting.
    Can we get along and love each other a little more, please?
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