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Lady Kopaka


Please read this.


BZP is getting very edgy for me. It seems a growing fad that people are purposely trying to get under everyone's skin, getting arrogant, or generally being rude.


It's not a really nice way to act for new members, and not to mention the atmosphere isn't feeling very friendly or inviting.


Can we get along and love each other a little more, please? :(


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Like I said in my entry, I think it's basically a matter of member turnover. Pretty natural, but yes, all shalt read that entry. :)

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I did read the entry, and though I had to backtrack a few times, I still got the gist of it. :P


I think that this is something that's been getting continually worse over the past few months. I think it could be a result of a number of things (bonesiii is sounding pretty accurate with member turnover), one of which is just that some members might be getting older and their tastes are changing. Either that, or arrogance is "in" because showing indifference or being boastful is supposed to equal strength somehow. I'll never get why some people think that not caring or not being helpful makes them look better.


It's a bit confusing to understand why people behave certain ways sometimes, but I'll applaud you for your effort of trying to encourage more polite behavior. I don't want BZP to devolve into a forum of flaming and trolling--not that I think that it's happening quickly, but the way things are going, it might be on that track so gradually that most people don't notice it.

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I for one think she's right.


People just need to stop being pricks to each other, especially on a forum based on a childrens' toy line.

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Oh, trust me, it's way worse on other forums. :P Regardless, this is one of those times where I'm glad that BZP does have strict quidelines about post quality and respectfulness - without them, it would probably be a disaster area. :rolleyes:

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I think you're overreacting a bit.


And hey, it's good to toughen up once in a while.

How is writing a blog entry calling for kinder, more civil behavior overreacting?

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Oh, trust me, it's way worse on other forums. :P Regardless, this is one of those times where I'm glad that BZP does have strict quidelines about post quality and respectfulness - without them, it would probably be a disaster area. :rolleyes:



I of all people know it could be worse--doesn't stop me from bringing the issue up.


I think you're overreacting a bit.


And hey, it's good to toughen up once in a while.

How is writing a blog entry calling for kinder, more civil behavior overreacting?

Being rude/feelings hurt/flame about silly subjects/having the 'I'm wittier than you' on a kids site=/=overreacting.


As I said, could be worse--I could have made this entry a lot longer and ranted about it, but I wanted it simple, just a request. People can 'toughen up' all they want to in real life or somewhere else. This is a place for kids about BIONICLE and fun things, a one in a million place where it's actually safe to get on without much, if any worry.


I don't want to get a debate about this unless I need to respond about something. I'm reporting and/or deleting smart-talk comments about this. I know I sound harsh so I may come off hypocritical, but I don't want to put up with it. I hate seeing people fight, bullying--and everything like that, it's just painful for me for various reasons (of course, I detest if this makes me weak). I would really appreciate if people take this seriously and try to respect the rules and members.

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But really, you can't expect people to change just like that. Everyone has a different opinion, while others just want to always be right. It's a neverending cycle.

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I think you're overreacting a bit.


And hey, it's good to toughen up once in a while.

How is writing a blog entry calling for kinder, more civil behavior overreacting?


Because I haven't seen any of this drama anywhere? There's nothing snappy going on at the moment, IMO.

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There has been. I don't usually bring up argumentative topics in my blog, so when I do I'm doing it for a reason.


I may be laughed at, sometimes I think the internet is serious business--how people are so involved with it as much as their daily lives. I wasn't asking for people to turn over a new leaf. All I was asking/reminding people that what they say or do can be really hurtful, and we need to be mindful of that. And when people get all like this, it can make things very difficult for others to enjoy something, when half the time they are afraid of getting made fun of, or not being 'cool', etc. A lot of people may deny this, but I see it all the time.


Yeah, I'm lame trying to play the hippie. I just want people to try to be a bit more considerate.

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Yeah, I'm lame trying to play the hippie. I just want people to try to be a bit more considerate.


Heeey, that's my job. :P


But in all seriousness, "playing the hippie" is probably the best role you can take on the interwebs. It's not "just the internet." The people here aren't computer-generated personalities, they're real, living, breathing people with feelings. Or at least, we hope so...


<.< >.>


Ahem. Conspiracy theories aside...just chill out, everyone. You can say "it's just the Internet," but remember, you could also say that Bionicle "just a kid's toy line," and therefore, something not worth arguing about anyway.;D




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I think you're overreacting a bit.


And hey, it's good to toughen up once in a while.

How is writing a blog entry calling for kinder, more civil behavior overreacting?


Because I haven't seen any of this drama anywhere? There's nothing snappy going on at the moment, IMO.

Because if you haven't seen it, then it doesn't exist. But of course, that's just my opinion.

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I think you're overreacting a bit.


And hey, it's good to toughen up once in a while.

How is writing a blog entry calling for kinder, more civil behavior overreacting?


Because I haven't seen any of this drama anywhere? There's nothing snappy going on at the moment, IMO.

Because if you haven't seen it, then it doesn't exist. But of course, that's just my opinion.


Apart from the thing with Bioran in the second one, neither of these are particularly horrible. Both sides have valid points from their POVs, and nobody is being rude or horrid. If this is what you're talking about, then I guess I really am right about overreacting.






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I think you're overreacting a bit.


And hey, it's good to toughen up once in a while.

How is writing a blog entry calling for kinder, more civil behavior overreacting?


Because I haven't seen any of this drama anywhere? There's nothing snappy going on at the moment, IMO.

Because if you haven't seen it, then it doesn't exist. But of course, that's just my opinion.


Apart from the thing with Bioran in the second one, neither of these are particularly horrible. Both sides have valid points from their POVs, and nobody is being rude or horrid. If this is what you're talking about, then I guess I really am right about overreacting.

It might be that the reason a lot of particularly nasty arguments aren't seen on BZP is because they get cleaned up by the staff....



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I can't wait for the forums' new influx of people: I love it!
Although I can see a little of what people are talking about with my albeit small forum-surfing time. I think what most people are having a problem with is getting along with each others' opinions, especially those of seniority; i.e. staff.
I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty excited to see what this website has in store for the forums in the next few months.
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Quoted from Turakii's blog post dealing with a similar topic.


However, people will always have a sense of pride -- none of us has 100% humility. Expressing our opinions is good and all until it starts treading on and stifling others' opinions, but while it is a problem, it is one that is here to stay and that cannot be changed. At least, not in our lifetime.


Yes, we can tone down our arrogance, our angst, our incredible capacity to place ourselves on a pedestal, but unfortunately, 1) the internet, with its gift of relative anonymity, tempts us to give into our egos and forget about all sense of responsibility, and 2) the biggest trouble-makers are probably the ones that have not read your blog or even know that it exists.

We can work towards being friendlier on the forums, but the reality is that the people who are causing the problems most likely did not read your blog.

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TMESP, the problem has been more noticeable lately; this blog entry is well timed. You may not have seen it, but that would be a good thing, so please drop it. ;)

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