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Lady Kopaka

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Blog Entries posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Lady Kopaka
    Okay, so after some issues have been settled here (still busy...soo sorry for not responding to PMs or being on IM), I think I see where to go with the project. I was going to do the fantasy epic one, but since I would like to take a career as a writer seriously, I'm saving that idea for a novel sometime in the future.
    The next best choice was the Dark Hunter one. However, I'm going to be doing it in a story format instead of comic, but I'd still love to do some art for it on the side. I'll keep you updated on this if/when I start. I’m extremely excited for this one, and I hope you all will like it.
    I'm going to be very busy, but I'm hoping it'll be a 'good' busy and I won't get stressed all the time. Instead of endless job hunting, I'm in progress of doing art tutoring and teaching for the nearby area, and so far I've been getting a lot of positive feedback for this. I'm encouraged this will work out much more than a part-time job at a store (better for experience, more money, and easier on my health and life situation). If there are any BZPers in my area looking to be taught art…send me a PM!
    Okay, gotta’ back to math...which is icky—but did I mention how awesome Astronomy is?
  2. Lady Kopaka
    hey guys, I really would like to get involved with the RPG happenings here--but, I have no idea how to start or what's going on or if I should wait or anything help
    If someone could volunteer to teach me the ways of BZPRPG and so forth, that would be awesome. I will pay you in hugs and invisible cookies.
    I'm reading the rules and everything now, but a mentor would be awesome!
  3. Lady Kopaka
    you should all totes check it out and yeah.
    i'm going to start drawing again ???
  4. Lady Kopaka
    Math is finally finished!
    ....I am still a lesson behind. >> When will mom notice that I am just naturally slow at math? I do much better with math if I do a lesson in two days instead of just one.
    But anyhow, I am really happy right now. I FINALLY get to go to Hobby Lobby and Books-A-Million. And I finally have a fair amount of money, so I am going to get some needed art supplies, a how-to-draw book(Found a cool one last time I went to BAM) and a few Bionicle books I have been meaning to get.
    Wow, AC has been going well....Noted that my entry was fine, and now that most are on the first page, I am looking at the ones I missed. And so far there all really good, I can't wait to see what Zy's and Nikira's look like.
    Well, I need to leave now. (Weee!) But I will probably make another entry about how the shopping went.
  5. Lady Kopaka
    got back in Bionicle
    and this happened before there was some weird rumor about Bionicle returning, too? (idk anything on that just something I've heard from various friends)
    anyway totes been hiding out in BS01 a lot refreshing my memory and will probably watch the movies soon, etc. Lots of nostalgia and feels.
    What I've really fallen into is making my own fanon universe. Which is pretty much the same as the original but everyone is 'human' (somewhat? depends on speices? still working that out) and some of the later stuff has been changed. Well, a lot of the later stuff has been changed but I'm still trying to decide how much I'm deviating from canon.
    so if anyone wants to talk bonkles with me that'd be awesome or even if you are mildly interested in my dumb human!Bionicle universe let me know. I'm already drawing and writing lots for it.
  6. Lady Kopaka
    Stupid board message, you just made me feel worse. Now I will have to re-type everything, but I wont, I Will make it short.
    I am back from Florida, had a fun time, will tell more later.
    I won the S&T contest. Got major problem with it. Very embarrassing.
    I am utterly tired.
    I have art to scan, so hold yer' thoughts.
    I want to go to bed.
    I want chocolate.
  7. Lady Kopaka
    Yeah I blame you. Aprons too I suppose.
    But seriously, he's just too cool not to draw, everyone loves our dear Mutran!
    Since you totally inspired me, this picture is dedicated to you, Uncle Khote.

    Concept art and all, so I will probably change around a few things... Just don't tell me to remove the apron. Mutran must has apron. <3
    EDIT: And though this is concept art, a lot of the offs in this picture are about to drive me mad. Thanks for pointing out flaws guys, I'm gunna fix it asap. ^^
  8. Lady Kopaka
    Current Mood:
    Currently Listening To: Fallen Man - Relient K
    About to do: School
    Fallen Man is my current fav Relient K song. It’s great.
    I don't have much time since I really should be starting school now, but that can wait after a needed entry.
    I updated my art if none didn't know. So far I am pretty happy on this update; there is nothing much I hate in it. And I love how Kalmah came out.
    Though I might say now; where are those 4 doods? Well, I'm sorry Phy, Raka and Beliwa. That will have to be held a bit longer I am afraid. You see, the version 2 for the Cross group picture was going SO WELL. And not only that but I practically used up a lot of my prismacolor markers on it. And then I just had to rush last night....and it looks really bad now. ;-;
    So I'll probably will have to do a redo on that drawing; or with a chance I can fix it on Photoshop, not sure, we will just have to wait and see what will happen. But still, I'm very depressed about that.
    Anyhow, now that I made everyone happy with an update, I can now focus on some work Swert needs me on. This will take about a month if I don’t rush like I usually do! ><
    Oh and sorry I missed you on Yahoo Aanchir, I got on around at 9 cuz' my sister didn't let me on....So yeah.
    Ok....*Goes off to do school*
  9. Lady Kopaka
    Gosh...I admit I am not very happy how it ended, but its still nice I guess.....I FINISHED!
    No resting for me though, I am about to go pack up and stuff....Then get up around 6' to leave with dad.
  10. Lady Kopaka
    *shuffles in*
    I...FINISHED MY AC14! *Triumph anime pose*
    Link to topic!
    Now post and make me happy. =3
    Well… you don't have to, but it would really make me feel better...I is all tired and stressed. So I’m very happy I got this out of the way, I probably would had done better or enjoyed the drawing more if I wasen’t so busy and stuff...
  11. Lady Kopaka
    I is sorry I've been so down guys, I am also sorry if I've been acting a little...attention hungry? I didn't mean for that to happen if it did, I just wanted to rant and stuff and didn't mean you guys to get all worried...
    But ok, I'm over the emo faze! I'm going to force myself to a positive attitude and I'm going to try not to get as sick and sad as I did before. But I do warn you, I will have my rant posts time to time.
    Ok so, I took Takatu's advice (originally my advice I gave to him =P), I organized my life, and I ate lots of virtual brownies from Niki. I also hid in my room and grabbed my bible, just played Video games and tried to relax.
    It was so nice to lie around and not to worry about stuff I need to do. XD
    Though, tomorrow is my official day to start 10th grade work. And so, I plan to take a break from the computer...not that I don't want to, but I plan to focus next week on school and either getting caught up on art stuff, and just to overall organize what I need to do and what I need to cut out from life. Now I'm not saying you wont here from me this next week, I'll probably post an entry or two and try to stay caught up with PMs, and I'll pop up on AIM/Yahoo/MSN once and awhile...but overall I'm just going to try to relax....or actually the Computer is what usually helps me relax, but I guess the main reason is because I don't want to fall behind in 10th grade stuff like what I did with 9th grade (I still haven't finished my Algebra I book ).
    Ok super long explanation over. 8D I leave now to go finish writing up my Bionicle Art to Do List. There is A LOT of stuff on the list, but I feel better having this checklist instead of jumping around from drawing to drawing.
    So yeah...err...
    Thanks for the encouragement and helping me through that troubled time in my life!
    EDIT: Oh yeah, also my art topic is safe. Due to BZP being down so much that took a lot of days out of getting a chance for me to update(though I was mainly busy with life so that would be hard to do), or for any person to post. So yay! It's ok and alive! So...if you guys could, make sure nothing bad happens to it while I'm away.
  12. Lady Kopaka
    --that I feel like a monster.
    It's Zaktan. I actually drew a picture. I haven't done anything beyond doodles since January.
    I also speedpainted HB Helryx (mainly just practicing semi-realism), and did a rough on a Vorox. In the next week or two, I'll have a pretty spiffy picture of one up.
    Other than that, it's been a very rough week. I hope this artistic splurge will hang around to keep me company. Currently editing chapter two for Let the Flames Begin, and I unexpectedly got a short story idea--I was inspired by that picture I did of Zaktan. YES ANOTHER ZAKTAN FIC I AM PITIFUL.
    Have a good evening, everyone.
  13. Lady Kopaka
    Ok, so maybe I didn't make another entry....Blame my sister who enjoys staying on for hours, and my dad who likes to turn off computers by 9.
    Well, I got my supplies at Hobby Lobby...Two watercolored pencils colors that I needed, a ink pen, and a sketch book.
    I was going to get some Prismacolor Art Markers (Only a few) and a few other things, but when dad told me he wasn’t helping me pay for my supplies, I had to take out some things so I was able to afford it. >> So that was good to get over with.
    Going to Books-A-Million was fun as always, I found that they had #3 and #4 of Bionicle Legends, I was going to get both, but if I wanted to get a drawing book, I only chose one, which of course was BL3.
    I looked around for that book I found earlier, which was this HUGE Manga book, and was only $12 bucks. But I could find it. ;_; But I found another really good one(Helping with action poses and things like that) for $13.
    Then I discover that dad was not going to pay me for some work I did (Or currently), so I was rather short on money. So I had to put back the Bionicle book, sorry Mr. Greg. But my dad was really annoying, when he asked what I was going to get, he was like. "You’re going to buy a Bionicle book? Can't you find something better?"
    I explained that even if they are small and made for younger viewers, they are still really great to read and fun, and then of course I get my money out of them since I read them more than once, and my brother and his two friends reads the ones I buy also. But still, he thought it was a waste....*Sigh*
    On a lighter note, when I got home and started playing with my Manga Book and such, I made the coolest two doodle pages. I will finish it up and show it here, it looks awesome. I can tell I am improving with art. *Yays*
    Also, I'd like to say that Nikira's picture for the contest is SO GOOD. It has high hopes for winning.
    I just hope some of the art I like is spread out so I can vote for some (Like Turakii's, ~Po~'s, tRoF, UTM, etc). And I hope I don't get stuck in a voting area with another good artist.
    Ahh, I have math to work on. *Stares* this lesson doesn’t look so hard. Yet.
  14. Lady Kopaka
    Yeah, I might lurk around for about 10 minutes but that's all I have been doing really, which I want to get active again....But I have been busy working on another site, and then school is getting back in full force.
    Good news, I am actually done with the next chapter in my story! Though I will post it when I finish a drawing it. Which is unknown how long that will take, because my scanner is being stupid. T_T
    Even better news, I am actually drawing a really good Piraka! It might come out as Zaktan, but I am unsure.
    I also bought (Or my brother did, but for a late Xmas pressie) Bionicle Legends #4, and finished it, it awesome, and I cannot wait to get my hand on the others.
    No spoilers btw, I am behind. XD
    OH! OH!
    I just bought this really nice MP3 Player called Sandisk, its 4GB and it is so pretty. It can do music, video, pictures, recorder, Radio and some other stuff. *Dances around* and the best part it was only $130!
    Link to info. (Amazon is safe to link right?)
    Yeah seriously, if any of you guys plan on getting an mp3 player, and think about an iPod, think twice. An iPod that holds 2GB is almost $200, and my sandisk can do more, and there are a lot more other kinds of good Mp3 players to look for. So just before thinking iPod, look around before buying one, you could save a lot of money. And I suggest looking around at Amazon, Amazon is amazing. =D
    But if you really want an iPod, then go ahead, I am not saying iPods are bad, they are cool. But I think they are just expensive and everyone has one. So meh. ^^
  15. Lady Kopaka
    Nearing a month since my last update...sorry! To be honest, one reason is because there is nothing to update about. No art, writing, exciting life experiences...just been sick and busy with life. Things have just been a drag here, and I'd rather not talk about the hardships.
    Next week however, VF should be rolling around my area, which I'm quite excited for. Hopefully we'll be able to get a lot of art done at that time. Speaking of art:

    I draw these three too much, but my fandoms are my only crutch right now to keep up with art/writing. Proportions are off, but when do I ever get them right? HB versions of Lariska, TSO, and Ancient...maybe I'll have the next chapter up soon, or I might enter the Short Story Olympics contest. *shrug*
    Anyway, that's sorta it...yeah sorry, my blog is pretty lame, I don't know why I have all those views and stuff. Haha.
    I hope everyone is doing well! As usual: sorry for being lame with PM responding and other duties I have not fulfilled yet. Lastly, any suggestions what I should draw? Throw it at me--Bionicle, Hero Factory, something non-related to LEGO...whatever. Love to hear your input on that and things like styles and mediums to use. That always encourages me to draw more. (I really should draw more action/posing stuff...)
  16. Lady Kopaka
    Title was inspired when I was young--probably around two--I was apologizing to my parents because I was sick. Here again, my apologetic nature cannot help it.
    Sorry for not updating my epic in the past two weeks, staying on top of PMs, lack of updates on commissions, and not even posting once in the BZPRPG. And I've most likely forgotten other things I needed to do. (and yes, that is your cue to remind me)
    Blame a cold and other things that ambushed me. If it isn't one thing, it's the other. I'm trying to shrug that off and take control of life again--but when does that ever work? Haha. I was going to make more entries about Nepal...but obviously that didn't happen. I wish I could find a specific image my old man took while there, hmm...
    I sowwy.
    Good news though, there is a possibility that Glitch Audiobook isn't dead after all.
    edit: had to republish because DV pointed out one of the comments were chain-quoting.
  17. Lady Kopaka
    I think I have decided.
    Stayed up late looking at GW2 concept art...and that pretty much made my desicion, LOL. I'll be saving for a Intuos4, and I'll just grab a 4-8GB USB for those files I was worried about. In a few months when I have my job problem solved, I'll move onto the mp3 player.
    Soo uh...not officially doing commissions atm, but anyone willing to give me a few bucks for some sketches or lineart stuff? C:
    And once I sort this out, I'll probably sell my old tablet...anyone interested buying in the near future? (still works like a charm and comes with the box and all; I won't be charging too much)

    also on a irrelevant note, LK will be on less for awhile (again) because of all the junk she's allowed to pile on her plate...blah!
  18. Lady Kopaka
    I hate it when your life is super stressful and painful, then it makes you feel good for a little bit because some little things good happened...and then something happens and your back to feeling bad again. I feel like I'm on a Rollercoaster.
    My life is so bumpy. ='(
    I wish my family would stop hurting me verbally, stop ignoring me, stop pointing out all of what’s wrong in me and never commenting on what I do good...I feel so scared and torn up because of them. All because of them. And they don't understand, never understand...
    I'm just so down because of that stupid math test...Yesterday my whole family was being loud and just stressing me out, and then during my math I got really sickish (Headache, dizzy, etc) So I went to sleep by accident for an hour or so...And because I was stressed, tired and couldn't think straight that day I didn't finish my math. Concluding I wasn’t allowed to go to Books-A-Million. That just made me feel even more guilty and stressed. I finally got the stupid thing done by 10:00 at night, and now today mom graded it and I got a B+. Good? I guess. But mom and dad made me feel so bad because I missed some problems and I went to slow...they just didn't get it!
    ...That might sound like a stupid thing to whine about, but once you add that with a bunch of my other problems and issues...it’s just a bloody disaster.
    I really tried to have a positive attitude toward life and just get tough and move on, but I keep getting thrown into dirt constantly. And after awhile, I just get sick of hiding all the pain inside for so long. This is probably the first time I have ever been in this much hurt before and for such a long time too.
    I just want life to go back to normal...if it ever was normal. >_< I just want my family to stop being so mean, I want my art and writing inspiration to come back, and for me to enjoy art and actually make myself believe I have a talent and not to worry if a picture is good or bad. I just want to enjoy life and get over this.
    ….I have to go finish school…Yeah I have to do a bunch of school today…No freedom and no summer break…You have to love this life.
    EDIT: I forgot to say that my art topic died a few days ago(JMJ told me)...So yeah...That really got me down even more so I'm really considering quiting on the Bionicle art....
  19. Lady Kopaka
    Gahaha I REALLY need a life. xD
    My brother (Sir Tahu) and I were getting bored/nerdy on Bionicle today and I was oddly hyper. So since we were having fun playing around with the sets we made this recording… podcast… thing.
    Warning: This recording is obnoxious, loud, and surprisingly cheesy. Not to mention you will have to put up with it for 15 minutes. Beware of really random and odd discussions, and my voice was being weird that day… and I saying ‘like’ every few minutes didn’t really help either.
    *Throws ice cream at brother*
  20. Lady Kopaka
    Well I am back. Tired but alive and such. We traveled almost 3000 miles, and I am still counting up the hours. And my dad had over 150 emails. =3 Scary.
    Anyway, I have a whole bunch of art to scan and show, a few that I need to finish, but I think I have about 4 or 5 ready for scanning, not totally sure. The other few really are done, they just need some last minute check ups and some things I needed a picture for, but didn't have during the trip.
    But I will scan and do that stuff tommorow, I still need to check email, and play Guild Wars. () But really I am just to tired to play with my stupid scanner.
    So farewell!
  21. Lady Kopaka
    I'm freezing....And it's great! =D
    I'm on a posting rampage here on BZP....Why? Well I am trying to make 2000 post before the 28th. What's the 28th? Well my 1 year anniversary of course! Yes this year has gone really fast, it still feels like I have only been here a few months. *Dreams of purdy Vahi*
    I'm going to either have to write a cool SS or do a good drawing for my 1 year...maybe both?
    I seriously need to update my epic. When I started it, I had time to work it, now suddenly the world got really busy for me.
    Well, since today is the WONDERFUL saterday, I'll work on it along with a billion other stories.
    And oh yeah...My art. XD
    Ok I actually did go to the fair, and rode the rides and whatnot...let me tell you that was so fun, but it was a little frustrating when one of my friends get's really bosy and didn't let me go back to a ride I enjoyed. And made me go on this one that I got sick on, and my sister threw up. Sigh.
    But oohh ohh guess what??
    My Titanic painting wont ANOTHER first place!! Now I have to send it to state fair.
    And I did a sketch of Indiana Jones, I got third in that. So yay.
    I want to go watch Treasure Planet.....
  22. Lady Kopaka
    ...No, not really. Actually I've been such a blonde/zombie over the past few weeks.
    I messed up my scanner while switching it around on where to plug it in on my computer, and it's gone all crazy. And I need to get some art uploaded and prepared for my project (Points at website link in profile). Blaaarrrrggh...
    A lesson to you kids, never fool around with something when it's perfectly fine as it is. :|
    And no, I'm not doing so great. Huzzah.
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