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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by DudeNuva

  1. DudeNuva
    Have you ever gone onto Lego.com and completely lit up a dozen so-called "Brickgame Champions" in Brickgame? It's fun.
    But seriously, these members are obnoxious. They're going all "you play like my little sister/brother" or "good move for a beginner" and then I turn around and totally maul them.
    The sad part is that none of them really have game logic.
    Except one. I played one member, something like ONEONE something, and we came to a draw; we actually filled the playing field until we tied. He was actually good.
    It's fun, you should try it.
  2. DudeNuva
    I've updated my Blog with pictures to make it more fortress-like. They're screenshots from the Inika commercial, and I believe they make my Blog look a lot better.

  3. DudeNuva
    I'd like to --ow-- congratulate Onuki for his --ow-- achievement of becoming the Blog of the Week --ow-- #4 champion! Ow.
    Sorry. I just got bricked three times in my CKH Comics topic. It hurt. Especially the second time.
    See the last post. It's what I get for making a brick at a lame pun. OW.
    Oh yeah, and, TMN is co-writing DN's Comics, too. OW.
    This entry and others below it were written by DudeNuva shortly before being captured and held hostage in his own Blog. :wakeup2:
  4. DudeNuva
    Guess what? Today, I bought Kongu Inika, and he's awesome!!!
    That is all.
    (snoring) Wha-? Is he done? That moron's been going on about the cheap piece of plastic ever since he got it.
    But it has a light up sword!
    Oh, so now they're stealing my weapon ideas? Okay, kid, get out of this Blog and on with your plastic, it's my Blog, remember?
    Yeah, whatever.
    Good. Now, where shall I start? :wakeup2:
    Okay, then. Today, we discovered a new species of the planet Uranus. It's actually kind of sickly, and after taking a look at Toa Kongu's mutated mask, I have decided that they look like each other. Somewhat disgusting.
    As soon as you humans finally get space-traveling technology, I suggest to move to a different system before the Uranians sue for appearance ideas. Though I've no idea why anyone would even want to steal that design. (shudders)
  5. DudeNuva
    You ever been a really big fan of a particular Lego theme, and then suddenly, you really like another theme?
    That just happened to me.
    While I'm usually the LSW guy, I have a new, almost-equal obsession with Lego Batman. Not that I can get any sets, though. I have no money. Which is good, I guess. XD Just want to ride it out.
    In other news...
    Just to be weird, I'm going to lead you into thinking there's something else, then blatantly fool you when I say there is nothing else.
    Nope, nothing else.
  6. DudeNuva
    I'm leaving for Florida tomorrow night!
    And, I won't be bringing my laptop or anything (Partu all night ) so don't expect me to randomly pop up bragging about my vacation's awesomeness.
    Oh yeah, and .
    Yep. See you all... in a really long time...
  7. DudeNuva
    This entry dedicated to all of the brave souls who helped during the crisis of 9/11, and to all the victims of the horrible incident. We salute you.
    Log 9/11:
    I woke up with the meory of one of the greatest dreams I've ever had. Or for all I know, the greatest I can remember. All the same, it was wonderful.
    Of course, it was something that couldn't happen in the real world, unless by very careful planning or by sheer coincidence.
    But that in itself is what makes dreams so great. They take you to a world that's entirely your own, where anything can happen. A place where everything is happy, and it all goes according to plan. Where you can fly to the tallest heights, go to the greatest lengths...
    And when you wake up, you wish it were reality.
    The dream was actually one of the ighlights of my day. What do you expect; it's Monday morning.
    School was entirely normal. I'm glad to say that I'm getting used to it.
    So I found my self sleepwalking into my first class, German... Guten Morgen, Frau WhateverYourNameIs... I'm ready for the only class that's actually interesting on some levels...
    And then the rest of the day was so boring that you should consider it an act of mercy that I'm not blogging it.
    When I got home, I got to spend some time with Trai. That was fun.
    I finally cleaned up my basement, too. A few days ago, it appeared that a bomb hit it, and I dreaded to clean up. There were Lego bricks, container lids, magazines, and tons of other stuff. Mainly the remains of my attempt at an entry for LGD Contest 4. Which I never got done.
    Speaking of entries, I finsihed drawing my Ac12 entry. Now all I have to do is color. But I now face a critical error; my camera is dead.
    Now I have to find someone I know with a scanner before my entry goes to waste. >_<
    Yeah, that's pretty much it. I'm now working on a reviwe for Hahli Inika, so stay tuned over the next few days.
    ~Cap'n DN~
  8. DudeNuva
    It is over...
    Oh, wait, wrong movie.
    Anyway, Boromir served well, but I lost a considerable amount of notoriety under the name. XD Good luck, Faramir; it's all up to you now. Watch out for Orcs. They might kill you.
  9. DudeNuva
    Vader's in his meditation thingy right now, so I can tell you about what happened 10 minutes ago.
    Okay, I was making this sundae thing; with ice cream, and Reeses topping. You know, that bottle of chemically altered Reeses chocolate that freezes itself it under a minute?
    Anyway, it says to shake the bottle upside-down for thirty seconds. I started shaking it...
    ... About 15 seconds into it, the cap popped open, and that stuff came piling out in my hands. And, as the bottle says, it froze quickly. Really quickly.
    That stuff sticks to ice cream like tape. Make a mental image of that, and replace the sweet stuff with my hand. It took, like, 5 minutes to chisel it off.
    And in conclusion, kids; always make sure the cap is tight before shaking it obnoxiously.
    Comments and taunting laughs are welcome.
  10. DudeNuva
    I know, you know, that I'm not telling the truth
    I know, you know, they just don't have any proof
    Embrace the deception, Learn how to bend
    Your worst inhibitions tend to psych you out in the end
    That's a great song.
    Who watches Psych on the USA network?
  11. DudeNuva
    Now that I've pulled you all in with a variation on Batman Begins, I can get semi-into the topic.
    First off, I've been recently scouring the internet searching for soundtracks (checking websites such as Rhapsody, Amazon, and the like), and I found several good ones. Now, unfortunately, they don't include Batman Begins. So I'm still in a tight spot there.
    However, The Dark Knight, Dead Man's Chest, and At World's End were all there. So I bought several of the MP3's from each of those Pirates albums (about five each) for a reasonable price. I'm actually going to find The Dark Knight and simply buy it, for the entire soundtrack is awesome.
    So I'm starting up a large library of my own.

    ::TOPIC BREAK:: 
    In other news, I'm also slowing amassing a collection of modern Lego accessories, and building a fair-sized cast of minifigures that fit the Batman theme. And here's why... sometime in the future, I'll be making a series of Lego Batman movies.
    They'll all be inspired by the two Chris Nolan films, as opposed to the comics (on which the sets are based). Villains will include the Joker, Ra's Al Ghul, the Scarecrow, and others. It will take place between the narrow time period between Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, when the Scarecrow is at large, the Joker is beginning his crime wave, and Ra's is... assumedly... dead.
    Brand new minifigures will be made for this. They'll all be fleshie, of course, and many of them will use already-made Lego Batman pieces; they'll just have some real-life Nolan twists. The three aforementioned villains will be modeled off of their movie counterparts, while other villains (such as Mr. Freeze and Harley Quinn) will be adapted myself.
    Other figures will include a Lt. Gordon figure, which I've already made; several Gotham cops, all looking scruffy and possibly bent. (Not literally.) The Batman figure I'm using is the newest one, which looks most like the Batman from the Nolan films (thanks for that suggestion, Laughin'Man!), and most other characters will be created from the ground up.
    I'll also be constructing a formidable replica of several Gotham City sectors for this.
    As you might know from seeing some of my Lego Star Wars films in the past (and you'll definitely know from watching Imperial Inspection, which will be released before the end of September), I make high-quality films. I'm not just going to say, "Hey, this'll be fun!" I'm going to, to the best of my ability, recreate the aura that Chris Nolan invented for his modernized Batman films.
    The plate of Legosfilm Ltd is full. Get ready to eat.
  12. DudeNuva
    Well, I have to go back to school tomorrow. And it stinks, because I haven't done anything over vacation except for slack off.
    Though I did beat LSWII.
    But yeah, I really don't wanna go. >_< I wanna sleep in!
    So I guess my BZP time will once again become constricted, due to my homework and after school stuffs. And my laziness.
  13. DudeNuva
    I need some new voice actors for my Lego Star Wars films, since there are too many parts for myself and my few other actors to completely cover!!!
    If you have a good microphone and would like to voice a character in one (or more!) of my films, please don't hesitate to PM me for more information, and a script, if on hand.
  14. DudeNuva
    "The Emperor rules the galaxy through fear. You must destroy a symbol of that fear."
    -- Darth Vader to his Apprentice
    My Star Destroyer has been completed on schedule.
    I didn't have many shortages; those I did have were in one specific area, and I managed to get around those. All in all, I got some good resources for this project, and they prevailed.
    About half of my Imperial minifigs are now on display in the Star Destroyer's bridge. They look AWESOME, especially because I designed Vader to be taller than the rest. I'll have pics, a ton of them, as soon as my Dad returns from Mexico (business trip) with the camera. Until then, all of you must wait in agony. Like Torhuki. XD
    Soon To Be DudeNuva Again
  15. DudeNuva
    I've got two awesome trailers coming at you today.
    The first; a movie trailer for the upcoming Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End, as seen right here.
    The second; a considerably smaller trailer, made by me, for my new and coming comedy, Crazy Metru Happenings, for those of you who read its prequel. This can be found on my Brickshelf, here.
    Enjoy! And of course, I'd like comments on the CMH trailer.
  16. DudeNuva
    I've recently become a Premier Outstanding BZPower Citizen! (for all of you who couldn't tell from my orange member name, now's your chance to self-check for color blindness. And yes, I got that from Spiderman the Game. )
    So, um... that's it.
    Beware the awesomeness of my new Copper Huna!!!
  17. DudeNuva
    Hello again, BIONICLE fans... I have a few questions:
    Wait! You said you'd let me talk for a few minutes!
    Oh, fine. Go ahead. You have three minutes. I'm timing you.
    Have a clock hidden in that fiberglass armor, Vader?
    Maybe. Two minutes.
    Eek! Well, let's go to it!
    1.) For anyone who reads this, please post in DNComics V1.0!
    2.) The polls for S&T have started, and are the last section in CO. Remember to get there and vote for your favorites!
    Tha'ts enough.
    Now then, to the interesting parts... :wakeup2:
    Last night, I led my legion of troops unto an abandoned planet. There, we found the remnants of a Rebel Base! But... it was just remnants. So, we're in the same situation we've been in; looking for the Alliance.
    Laugh and I kill you.
    Well, this is fun! Maybe those two guys will come back with their pet pickle and reply again!
  18. DudeNuva
    Just picture it.
    My work here is done.
    Nah, so here's the deal, I'm working on a Star Destroyer command bridge for use in my movies and, overall, just to be awesome and have one. It'll be a nice size, good design, lots of high-quality minifigs... it'll be fun to build, too. As soon as I get around some architectural hurtles... XD
    So yeah, when it's finished and stuff, I'll have pics. And of course, you'll see it ASAP in a movie.
    (BTW, Imperial Inspection is still alive. But like the fourth Indiana Jones, you might have to wait 19 years to see it.)
  19. DudeNuva
    ^^ Most misleading entry name! ^^

    How many people have played "Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb"? It's a game from LucasArts. It is awesome.
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