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Ever Get Your Hands Frozen In Chocolate?



Vader's in his meditation thingy right now, so I can tell you about what happened 10 minutes ago.


Okay, I was making this sundae thing; with ice cream, and Reeses topping. You know, that bottle of chemically altered Reeses chocolate that freezes itself it under a minute?


Anyway, it says to shake the bottle upside-down for thirty seconds. I started shaking it...


... About 15 seconds into it, the cap popped open, and that stuff came piling out in my hands. And, as the bottle says, it froze quickly. Really quickly.


That stuff sticks to ice cream like tape. Make a mental image of that, and replace the sweet stuff with my hand. It took, like, 5 minutes to chisel it off. :P


And in conclusion, kids; always make sure the cap is tight before shaking it obnoxiously. :)


Comments and taunting laughs are welcome. :)




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I had no idea such things existed. That must have been quite the experience. Was it like when wet cement dries up and makes people stiff in cartoons? :P


I aught to find a bottle of this stuff...

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I had an experience with that sweet (but hazardous) material yesterday. My family had just finished delivering flyers for a church picnic, so everyone went back to the church for ice cream. We were planning to have the exact same Reeses stuff on our ice cream.


The only problem was, they had put it in the refrigerator.


We tried microwaving it, but we only got a little bit of it to come out, and it was extremely thick and sticky. Mostly, it was like a rock.


So there's another lesson on Reeses topping. Never, ever refrigerate it.




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