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Blog Entries posted by DudeNuva

  1. DudeNuva
    Things are going better and more smoothly. I may be allowed return by after this weekend. But not sure, though.
    I apoligize for not answering any PMs prior to my departure. I'll try to get back to everyone as soon as possible.
    Wish me luck.
  2. DudeNuva
    I've recently begun a short stream of new comedies, starting with the epilogue of Crazy Koro Happenings. Then followed up with a horrible news article created by Matau on illegal snowboarding. And finally culminating in a ripoff Ask comedy.
    As I very wisely stated:

    You can view these comedies in the following places respectively:
    The Metru-Nui Cruiseliners
    Illlegal Snowboarding Occurs in Ko-Metru: Ace Reporter Matau Covers the Story
    Ask Tamaru!
    Now, on to the real news here:
    Oh wait, that was the real news.
    My bad.
    You can just, leave now or something.
    ~Captain Antilles~
  3. DudeNuva
    That is all.
    Nah, not really. Here's the more important news; Darth Vader tried to rip my arm off after he found out that Antilles was in the Blog, mainly because he thought I was Captain Antilles risen from the dead to persue an everlasting vengeance on him. That, or he wanted my cookie.
    He's mean. :angry:
    Darth Vader: It had chips in it!
    Shut up, you're in Time-Out.
    ~Captain Antilles~
  4. DudeNuva
    Just got done with my Comedies rounds... reported some spam, wrote some reviews, addressed noobs about the Comedies Standards...
    Anyways, I'll try to write entries a lot more often now. But oncce again, I changed the colors and the name, to fit my new Antilles theme.
    To inform those of you who don't know, Captain Antilles is the leader of Alderaan's Rebellion Fleet in Star Wars Episodes III and IV. He's also featured in Lego Star Wars II as the first player in the game.
    ~Captain Antilles~
    (BTW, I'll only sign off like that in my own Blog and Blogs of others. On the forum, I'm always DN.
    Well, I'm always DN, but...
    Oh, you get the point.
    Talking in parentheses is fun! )
  5. DudeNuva
    ... all know how that turned out last time.
    Anyways, I'm back again, and I'll try my best not to get myself grounded again. I think I've actually learned what not to do this time, though.
    I'm sorry if you've sent a PM to me (or two, TMN) (or three, Turakii), and I'll try to get in contact with you all tomorrow. As of right now, I'm on thin ice, and am only allowed about a half-hour of BZP everyday.
    So, I'll only focus on PMs for the week, then update stuff this weekend.
    As for now, I'll see you around!
    Oh, and when I change my name again, look for someone who still has "Captain" on the front.
  6. DudeNuva
    Hola! Wan Pablo. <insert more Spanish phrases here because DudeNuva is too lazy to write more of what he learned>
    Anyways, I really can't believe I haven't written anything in this Blog for ten days! But as most of you know, I've had limited time, due to more schoolwork and my grounding. I'm aiming for more mass updates in all of my topics this weekend.
    I have two Inika reviews, one Titan review, plenty of DNComics, the first in the new series of CKH Comics, several new chapters in my comedies, and much, much more!
    So be ready for lots of DN awesomeness this weekend!
    Closing question; what would you rather? A 'blog topic' to use for CKH Comics, or a fresh new official topic?
  7. DudeNuva
    As of right now, my daily BZP-visiting time is meerly a half an hour, every day. Don't think bad of me if I can't do something you requested until a few days afterwards, because as of now, my time is limited, and I need its majority to answer PMs.
    Weekends are better, so I'll try to get back on top in a few days.
  8. DudeNuva
    Caution: Do not read if you have severe thrill issues.
    You have been warned.
    To start off this entry, I'll say one thing; my science teacher is awesome.
    We were experimenting with liquid nitrogen today, the hypercooled gas that makes up most of our atmosphere. He poured some into a glass, then put some random things in there to see its effects on the objects.
    The hot dog turned into glass. He dropped it onto the table and starting randomly peting slabs of beef at us.
    But let's not get into that...
    He also froze a water balloon, a superball, his water bottle, and lots of others.
    Then he told us all to go out into the hallway for the best part. He actually dmped the whole tank of nitrogen out into the hallway, where it flooded the whole hall with the gas and made everyone in the other classes scream "Oh my gosh, it's a fire! " Then we laughed when they came outside and saw it was us.
    That's it, really.
    Oh, and in LA, I wrote this story about a guy named Mr. Greene, who was interviewing another guy. My friend said to add more life-like stuff to the story, to replace all the dialogue. So I randomly put in this:
    Suddenly a teacher burst in to the room. "Mr. Greene, your son just died!"
    "Hold on, I'm in the middle of an interview!"
    Other parts like birds flying into windows and cars crashing into trees were later put in.
    That was my random fit for today, now take your laughter and go. :wakeup2:
  9. DudeNuva
    Darth Vader: I am going to destroy DudeNuva. He has not included me in his AC12 entry like he promised.
    Dude, I never said you'd be in it. I said you would be somewhere inside here:

    That be my Death Star final sketch, matey. You like it?
    I think it's horrible. It has not I, nor the Emporer, nor my awesome spaceship.
    And one more thing; look forward to a MOC that will most definitely mark me as 'Obsessed With VeggieTales'!
    ~Cap'n DN~
  10. DudeNuva
    This entry dedicated to all of the brave souls who helped during the crisis of 9/11, and to all the victims of the horrible incident. We salute you.
    Log 9/11:
    I woke up with the meory of one of the greatest dreams I've ever had. Or for all I know, the greatest I can remember. All the same, it was wonderful.
    Of course, it was something that couldn't happen in the real world, unless by very careful planning or by sheer coincidence.
    But that in itself is what makes dreams so great. They take you to a world that's entirely your own, where anything can happen. A place where everything is happy, and it all goes according to plan. Where you can fly to the tallest heights, go to the greatest lengths...
    And when you wake up, you wish it were reality.
    The dream was actually one of the ighlights of my day. What do you expect; it's Monday morning.
    School was entirely normal. I'm glad to say that I'm getting used to it.
    So I found my self sleepwalking into my first class, German... Guten Morgen, Frau WhateverYourNameIs... I'm ready for the only class that's actually interesting on some levels...
    And then the rest of the day was so boring that you should consider it an act of mercy that I'm not blogging it.
    When I got home, I got to spend some time with Trai. That was fun.
    I finally cleaned up my basement, too. A few days ago, it appeared that a bomb hit it, and I dreaded to clean up. There were Lego bricks, container lids, magazines, and tons of other stuff. Mainly the remains of my attempt at an entry for LGD Contest 4. Which I never got done.
    Speaking of entries, I finsihed drawing my Ac12 entry. Now all I have to do is color. But I now face a critical error; my camera is dead.
    Now I have to find someone I know with a scanner before my entry goes to waste. >_<
    Yeah, that's pretty much it. I'm now working on a reviwe for Hahli Inika, so stay tuned over the next few days.
    ~Cap'n DN~
  11. DudeNuva
    I'm going to start taking my Blog for what it's worth and actually write about my day. Matey.
    May day started out simple enough. Wake up at 8:30, look at the clock, and then roll over like nothing happened. The usual.
    When I came downstairs, I powered up Lappy, and then went for breakfast. After realizing that I wasn't hungry, I walked over to look at Matoro Inika for a few minutes, with my AC12 entry in mind.
    After getting on BZP, I read a message from Tahraau. It took me a while for me to notice his Onewa avatar. After it registered, my basic thought was:
    "OMG!!! That was today?"
    I quickly switched by av and banner and left Lappy.
    At about 10:00 I went for a bike ride. Overall it was kinda boring, except for the part when I rode my bicycle down a busy 4-lane bridge. In a lane. But you don't want to hear about that, or good ol' DN might get sued for being a bad influence.
    Then I took an involuntary bath after riding past the jetty on the other side of the bridge.
    Eventually I had to go back across, so I did the whole incident over again.
    The next few hours after my bike ride passed in boredom.
    Then I started working on my AC12 entry, finally. My preliminary sketch of the Death Star turned out very well for my expectations.
    Then I had a looooong 2-hour ride home, reading my book, and wondering whtat you'd all think about me riding a bike on a bridge after I told you about it!
    And here I am now. :wakeup2:
    Yep, that's it.
    ~International Onewa Day~
  12. DudeNuva
    ... of room.
    Greetings, fellow cool dudes of BZP.
    I know, I am cool. B)
    Curse these word filters. >_<
    Anyways, DN is going to make a crossover with me for AC12! I'll be a star!
    But we all know that Turakii is going to conquer with her Spork.
    Oh, you mean DJ Funkdaddy McSpork?
    No, don't even talk about that. O_o
    I feel like I'm getting ripped off of a Blog entry.
    Maybe you are.
    Nah, that can't be right.
    Why do I feel like some kind of low-budget cereal-box comic?
    What do you expect, you're a Blog entry.
    Okay, I should end this entry before it gets stock lowerage. For all who care, I'm trying to enter AC12 and AC12b.
    What about-
    ~DudeNuva Ooh Ooh and Darth Vader!~
  13. DudeNuva
    I just thought of a game that will keep Blog-viewers entertained!
    Note: Uncanny resemblance to COT game included.
    Anyways, here's the game. I say a name relating to Bionicle, be it a character, location, object, etc.... for example, DudeNuva. Then you have to come up with a name beginning to the last letter of the last word in that term. For example, Avak.
    In the event we run out of names for a letter, I start the game over. But you have virtually all of Bionicle to work, so I highly doubt we'll run out.
    Okay, let the games begin! We'll start with...
  14. DudeNuva
    I finally saw Dead Man's Chest yesterday, and it was an awesome movie. But I still can't believe how they're going to make the third movie if jack got eaten by a Kraken. O_o
    Anyway, it was really good.
    I like those moments... I like to wave at them as they pass by...
  15. DudeNuva
    Well, summer is over, so that means that we'll all have limited time on BZP. Unless you're lucky, like Turakii and Traku, whom both have homeschooling.
    Especially for me, it will be busy. It's 8th grade, which comes right before High School.
    Therefore, I'll have an extreme decrease in online activity starting on next Tuesday, which is the day after Labor Day. Starting now, I'll have a slowly decreasing activity rate.
    I have quite a few scheduling problems. I now realize I shouldn't have started half the things I've begun. :annoyed2:
    Firstly, relating to my schedule. I'll be online, if at all, at nighttime between 7 P.M. and 9 P.M. If not then, then not at all, but I'll try to get work done before then so that I can get here.
    Secondly, relating to my various enterprises. DNComics will be updated regularly every two days. I ask you to try and get there every few days and check for updates.
    Chronicles of Le-Koro will have a chapter posted, at the most, once every week. And the occasional one-post comedy may appear. For both, reviews would be desired.
    Additionally, I'll try to review your work as much as possible.
    Thirdly, PMs. I know some of us have a busy Inbox and/or schedule, but whether you do or not, please try to send me a PM before my online time each night so that I have something to look forward to.
    Meaning that if, persay, we had been talking the night before and either of us had to leave, just PM me once more during the next day or so to keep in touch. I'd appreciate it, especially from the people whose time is scarce or whose Inbox is cluttered.
    Fourth, on weekends, I'll be able to come on BZP longer, of course, but don't expect a major difference. There's always weekend homework, as we all must know.
    So that's it. Thanks for making this summer so much fun. Wish me luck in school; I wish you all luck, likewise. And keep in touch.
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