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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Tak-E

  1. Tak-E
    Hey, new picture of me put up for a personal photo. . Hope ya'll like it. And if you wanna find out more about me, wanna leave me a message, or check out the photos that document my life, check out my website (it's just a Freewebs, but I love it because I've got so much to say).
    Why when people ask you ,"What three things would you bring with you on a desert island?," does no one ever reply, "A BOAT!"?
  2. Tak-E
    There's a new MOC...well, it's two sets in one. It's called Blastox and Huxard, and it's one of my better set of MOCs to date. Let me know what you think.
    No RQotD because I already posted before today and it's of the Day, not of the Post. XD.
  3. Tak-E
    Ah, the "sweetest" holiday in the year. I wish I partook of it. Sadly, I don't go trick-or-treating. I always go to a party with some friends. So hopefully I'll have a fun time tonight. But yeah, contest: Post a short (100 words) story, or a poem, about Bionicles doing Halloween stuff. Winner gets a special Halloween aproval image from me.
  4. Tak-E
    So apparently I have about three hundred more songs on my computer thanks to my friend Joey, including Paramoure's Riot! album and the Jonas Brothers' album Jonas Brothers.
  5. Tak-E
    Perhaps that will be my next color? The red reminds me of blood too much. Also, if none of you have heard the song Dark Blue by Jack's Mannequin, I highly suggest looking it up. It's very good.
    Well, after a semi-absence, I've returned to BZP for the last few weeks before school starts. It's pretty...normal, actually. The only thing I'm waiting for is trying to decide what new phone I should get. Lol.
    I'm on T-Mobile, any ideas?
  6. Tak-E
    Just got back from a football game with my friend at her school. They won, 39-7. Lol. I'm so tired. I just made a 11:01 minute mix song of the main verses of about ten or fifteen of my favorite songs. Lol.
  7. Tak-E
    Well, The All-American Rejects's first single was released today from their new album When The World Comes Down. But you can't download it yet...
    However, I got it. I do that a lot, don't I? I can't say the name of the single, but for the next 24 hours, if you're a member on their site, it's streaming on there. I ripped a pretty clean version of the song, so if anyone wants it, post a comment or drop me your email.
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