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Blog Entries posted by Tak-E

  1. Tak-E
    A long time ago, someone on BZP posted a very interesting blog. I forget the specifics of it, but I remember it going along the lines of the writer (who worked at a department store such as Target or Wal-Mart) telling the readers how much of a help it was when people didn't leave things on random shelves when they decided not to buy them. The writer continued to explain the hassle and time of getting the misplaced items back to their correct spots, and then ended the post by encouraging readers to put items back on the shelves if they decided they didn't want them. Now, mind you, this was over six months ago that I read this.
    So today, as I was walking through Target with my dad - I was getting some toiletries for myself - we decided that we didn't want a certain CD and yet another DVD that we had picked up on the opposite side of the store. My dad instructed me to place them on a shelf as we walked past a few before hitting the check-out aisle. I took the items out of the cart and placed them on some stuff, and we walked away. But something was nagging at me that I couldn't explain. Suddenly, I felt compelled to go and grab the items and return them to their rightful spots, though I couldn't figure out why; and so I did. After I met back up with my dad, I finally remembered exactly what it had been that had urged me to do what I had done. I told the story to my dad, and he enjoyed hearing it.
    Now, I didn't just tell this story for the heck of it, or because it was the only interesting thing that happened today (by far, it was one of the least interesting things of my day). But I wanted to show you guys that your voice, no matter how small, reaches through to some people in the oddest and most interesting ways. So I want to encourage you all to continue offering your sage and seemingly-meaningless advice, because one day it could impact someone in ways you couldn't even imagine.
  2. Tak-E
    Yesterday was just like, the most amazing day of my life, and I still don't understand it all. But today is Saturday, meaning that I was able to sleep in till twelve in the afternoon. (After staying up till 2 A.M. talking on the phone, that is.) My dad is out at work today, since he's leaving for a two week business trip on Tuesday. However, he told me he was hoping that we could hit up the movies tonight, and maybe go to a local sports bar - Champs - for their Guitar Hero night. Back to the movies, however, I think I want to see Iron Man. I mean, why not? It passed BCJ's expectations, which means that it must be 100% better than my previous expectations. Lol.
    And that brings us to today's question of the day. If you could be your own superhero (not an already existing one), what power would you have, and what would your mortal weakness be?
    But that's really all that was on my mind today. This is Taki, and you've just been filled in.
  3. Tak-E
    50 degrees. Fifty stupid degrees. After a week of gorgeous 80 degree weather, you think mother nature would be happy. But, alas, as all mothers, she just bought me a brand new Bionicle, let me hold it, and then stuffed it in a corner for my birthday. Haha.
    So, my question of the day for you guys is what are your opinions on this crazy weather? You like it, you hate it, you don't really care because you don't live in the States? Lol.
    In other news, I'm drinking a bottle of Ice Mountain water <insert promotional information on Ice Mountain water here>, and listening to Avenged Sevenfold's latest single, Afterlife. It's pretty awesome. Some tight rifts, and powerful lyrics. Oh, and The Rev kicks butt on the drums, too.
    Well, I gotta go take a shower and hit the hay. Sorry to those who were expecting me to come online today, but I have to catch up on sleep (I missed my alarm this morning, and can't afford to miss it again ).
  4. Tak-E
    Hey, everybody. Sorry I haven't been very active on the forums or in my blog as-of-late. I've been swamped by schoolwork now that the school year is down to four weeks. I'm so excited, though, I must say. It's been a heck of a year. The only sad thing is that every person that I'm close with there is planning to leave when the school year's terminar (finished, in Spanish). It makes me really ... distraught. I mean, sure, everyone has to split up some time, but why now? The only reason I'd go back to my current school would be if my friends stayed. If they didn't, I wouldn't go back. Lol. Life there is too much of a ###### hole without them. Haha.
    Anyway, it'd be nice to hear some thoughts and comments from you. This has been Taki, and you've just been filled in.
  5. Tak-E
    Well, almost. You see, The All-American Rejects have a new in-studio recording they aired. And they had about seven seconds of a new song.
    Let me say, that seven seconds has me so excited for their new album! Thus, I went and made an MP3 of those seven seconds.
    So, if you want seven seconds of one of AAR's 2008 songs, let me know. I'll email it to you.
  6. Tak-E
    So I had a choice. Either go to a all-nighter church party in Indiana with some friends and my pastor, or go to a morg and see a dead guy dissected on a biology field trip.
    I chose the party.
    So, I get there, and there are about seventy other kids there. It's in a small (but incredibly nice!) Christian school. I didn't sleep at all, of course. We went duckpin bowling, but I didn't do anything, because I didn't know anyone. As the night went on, I had met about twenty new people, and they were all very nice.
    Once back at the school, we had a sermon from the pastor of our denomination's church up in northern Indiana. After that, we all had pizza.
    It was around this time we all split up. Anyone I had originally come with had finally left me with some people to go hang with their own friends. I was sorta nervous, but I had fun laughing and getting free Skittles.
    After a while, I was pretty much hanging out with two girls (I'll refer to them by the first letters of their names, M and V). M went to go play in a dodgeball tournament, so V and I sat on the bleachers and talked for about forty-five minutes. I have to say, it was so incredible hearing about her life, and all the things she has to go through.
    After the dodgeball tournament, we all hung out a bit more, played a game or two. M went to go talk to some other friends, and I was with V and some of our friends by a piano. We were all singing and having fun. But honestly, V has the most beautiful voice I've ever heard. And when we were walking around after that, I told her that. Then I said that I sucked at singing. She said she bet that I didn't, and that I sounded great. Then she told me to sing for her. I did, after a bit of complaining, and when she was done, she said I sounded great. Then she dragged me around and was like, let's find something to sing together. After we finally found a psalm book, we sat around and sang for a bit.
    Now, let me tell you, I don't know a lot of psalms, but I can follow okay if someone starts me off.
    Suddenly, a ton of people came in and started singing all the parts of the psalm we were singing. Bass, alto, harmony, and V and I were covering melody. It was incredible. People actually followed me (till we got to hard stuff out of my range ). And the fellowship I had, the happiness I felt being able to bond with people so fast that I had just met made me feel so loved.
    In the end, I finally believe that I am a good singer. I mean, if someone who's practically a stranger tells you that you have a great voice, and a group of ten to twenty kids is following your lead for melody and not complaining, I finally acknowledge that I, in fact, do not suck at singing, and I actually have been gifted with an amazing voice.
  7. Tak-E
    Born in the plains, a farmer's sons and brothers the same.
    Raised on promises, we'd stay that way.
    As boys we believed summers at the sea we were free to become men of good will.
    Side by side.
    And we were children then, footprints in the sand.
    And where the ocean bends, we made our promises. And those duties we called 1943 we enrolled.
    Together we would be our family's pride.
    And we were soldiers then, our bodies in the sand. And like that sand through our hands, grow our grandest plans. And just to see your face for one more minute, I'd cross the ocean again, the end is not the end.
    And I'll be by your side. On the other side.
    I'll be by your side. on the other side.
    And through the cloud of death, we find our way back home, and though I hold your hand, all must go alone.
    And when you see the face of our maker, you don't have to be ashamed, He knows the promises we made.
    And I'll be by your side on the other side.
    I'll be by your side on the other side.
  8. Tak-E
    Life's been okay lately. I'm on spring break right now. A few other cool things have happened.
    First off, I go to TRU because I got a 20% off coupon and was hoping to maybe get Kopaka or something.
    We, my mom and I, walk into the Bionicle aisle. There's still that buy two get the third one free sale going on. I see Icarax, and I turn to my mom and say, "I'm gonna get this instead." She looks at the tags on the sets and then glances over on me.
    "Why not get them all?"
    Of course, I did a double take.
    More like a quad take.
    Not being one to argue, I shove in all the Matoran, and Pohatu, Kopaka, and Vamprah into the cart (they didn't have the other two Makuta, but that's just fine, considering that I already had Lewa, so I would be wasting money then).
    Then, last night I got really sick. Bad, bad, bad fever. I was convulsing on the couch, and I couldn't move.
    Well, eventually I had to because I went to throw up.
    Today I was a whole lot better, though.
    So, that's my week. I'll be posting more in this week. I'm on spring break, baby!
  9. Tak-E
    Well, if you haven't noticed, I've changed my color to green. All new pictures, and all new banner and avatar colors.
    In other news, I got the Across the Universe Soundtrack Deluxe Edition today. It's really cool. I also have some new swim shorts that I got for $10. They look awesome. Can't wait to put them to use.
    Also, I got one more thing. I'd like to give a shout-out to Zyglakky Sharky, whose birthday is today! Happy Birthday!
  10. Tak-E
    Why, good morning! I didn't expect to see you here! Why don't you come in? *opens door*
    As you can see, things are a little messy. Be careful not to step on the inflatable clown!
    Too late, I suppose? Oh well. Hmm...how can I entertain you? Oh! I could teach you how to tightrope walk over a pit of lava...
    But...if you didn't get the hang of it the first time, I'm afraid there wouldn't be another chance to try...
    OH! I have another idea!
    Let's go play in traffic!
    You in?
    *opens door and runs out into the street*
    Hey, what's that car have taped onto the window?
    If a doctor suddenly died while doing surgery, would the other doctors work on the doctor or the patient?
    The funny thing is that he's headed toward the hospital...
  11. Tak-E
    Yeah, I had one of those BZP lapses again. (Ya know, the ones usually caused by giant dinosaurs attacking my town.) Luckily, Larry Boy arrived on the scene and saved the city.
    Snow is melting! Yay! It's been raining and warmish lately...but that could be due to the fact that I recently installed a giant heating lamp on top of my house...
    So, you all know what a really good main part of a song is...? I mean, you ever heard an awesome chorus to a song?
    Shut up.
    Okay, here's one!
    Now I'm gone
    It's too late
    You can't fix
    Your mistakes
    I was trying to save you from you
    So you scream
    So you cry
    I can see
    Through your lies
    You're just trying to change me
    (Trying to change me)
    Like it? It's Time to Say Goodbye by Simple Plan. Go get it...
    Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to yell at you like that...
    Would a Random Question of the Day make it better?
    *shoves random question in your mouth like a lollipop*
    If you wear contact lens and you die with them in your eyes, do they take them out?
  12. Tak-E
    A few things. First off, I've picked my new color. It'll appear on everything starting March 9th. So watch out for that. Secondly, I'll also be changing the name of my blog, as well as my hearts for my blog (they'll change to another symbol, unless I get protest about that). And finally, I wrote a free verse poem, based off of a discussion I was having with my friend the other day. Let me know what you think about it...
    What if I’m not meant for this?
    What if I could make a mark in this world?
    The price I pay would be my love.
    But, could it be worth it?
    Not all have love; that is true.
    Is it my reality?
    Is it my destiny?
    I didn’t choose it.
    But that doesn’t matter.
    I know who did.
    And maybe there’s a reason.
    Maybe, in the end, I’ll make an influence.
    One day, I could change the world.
    Just a single price,
    The biggest toll;
    On me, my heart, my life.
    I want the eternal joy.
    But what if I’m not meant for it?
    What if I could save you?
  13. Tak-E
    Yeah, it broke. About a month ago. But I fixed it now!
    What if I change the world..
    If I lead the way?
    What if I be the one..
    That takes the blame?
    What if I can't go on without you?
    What if I graduate?
    What if I don't?
    What if I don't?
  14. Tak-E
    Well, it's Wednesday again. It's one of my favorite days of the week. But Thursday, noooo. Thursday is by far my least favorite day of the week. At least this time around. This is considering that I have a Spanish test on *counts on fingers* twelve chapters tomorrow, and I'm not necessarily good at Spanish. So, keep me in your prayers. Maybe I'll give you a reward this week...
    Why doesn't flavored gum turn your mouth that color?
  15. Tak-E
    I sit here at my computer, and look out the window.
    ♫Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer♫
    I look at it, tearing away the white blanket which had been folded neatly over the earth for two weeks now.
    ♫Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors♫
    And I meditate on these things, wondering.
    Where is the thunder?
    ♫Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer, you are unlike any other; you'll always be my thunder.
    I said, your eyes, are the brightest of all the colors. I don't wanna ever love another; you'll always be my thunder.
    So bring on the rain.
    And listen to the Thunder♫
    (Thunder - Boys Like Girls)
  16. Tak-E
    So, here's the Ask ♥TAKi♥ for week two.

    1) You are as cool as a rock on Pluto.
    2) My advice is to get out of this Speedo that you're wearing and finding something more comfortable.
    3) I do not suffer from multiple speedo's, no.
    4) You mentioned what it stands for, but I can't help but notice it sounds like Speedo...
    5) Well, since you said that I'm part of your personalities, I apparently have...eleven?
    6) I do have friends in life. I love friends. They tend to be very friendly. And when they're not, then they aren't my friends.
    7)If I knew what the U.S.A.F. (United States Asylum Franchise?) stood for, then I'd probably say yes. And yes, I appreciate all of the contributions Daleks have made. Such as crop circles, World War 1, and grape juice.

    Hi, me! What's up? Long time no talk, eh'? Well, I suppose I can answer your question. My first set ever was Pohatu Mata. I think I bought it because it was the only Bionicle on the shelf. I think that was the reason. I thought that the fact it could kick things was pretty cool, too. This was back in the day when I loathed my siblings.
    Well, that's it for this week, guys. Send some more in, I'd love to hear some questions from you guys.
    Send 'em in!
    Edit: This just in as a last minute question:

    I can tell you, I know how you feel. It's a rough ride when this sort of thing happens. But you can't control this situation. Now, even though this friend likes the same girl as you, this doesn't mean you can't be friends. It's just a pothole in your friendship.
    No, as for not losing in the girl, I suggest making a point in spending more time with her than your friend, if possible. If not, get on her good side, and be a nice guy, and don't talk bad about your friend behind his back. Because eventually he'll hear it, and find out you said it.
    In the end, the only real thing to say is to not give up hope. Your friend liking this girl is just one small thing in this whole issue, and it can be worked around, and maybe even worked to your benefit. Don't worry.
  17. Tak-E
    Man, I can't even sing. But that's better for everyone around me, I suppose.
    New Ask ♥TAKi♥ coming at cha' this afternoon. I spent the night at a friend's house, so I didn't have a chance to post it. But it'll be up in a few hours, no worries. I'm gonna try and fix my PC before that point. Lol.
    Long story.
  18. Tak-E
    Anyone got an adorable valentine's day story about something they did today?
    I'll give you a prize if you tell me one.
  19. Tak-E
    Well, I was sick this morning, so I decided to go back to bed, and I'd call my mom when she got home from the hospital where she works.
    So, I wake up now, and my plan is that I go into school in three hours to take a test and grab my homework, and then leave again ~ I'll be taking my friend home with me, too.
    And then, on the way home, I'm gonna buy the new Simple Plan album, Simple Plan!
    See, told you it was a simple plan. B)
  20. Tak-E
    Would you believe I actually made a MOC? It's been so long since I've made one. But I used to make them all the time. Now I just make them when I have nothing better to do. Like today. So, I'll be posting a link to it in here as soon as I finish uploading the pictures.
    But, one more thing. I'm gonna let YOU name it! Yup, that's right. I'm gonna post a picture in here, and I want you guys to tell me a suitable name for it.
    If you wanna start now, the thing look like a big gorilla.
    Update: Here is the picture. Supply some names, please?
  21. Tak-E
    Woe is me, I'm sick finally.
    It's like the temperature crazy has shaken the days.
    Made me fight for the power to get up at this hour.
    For the peace, the love, the hungry, the poor
    I gotta stop this chemical war.
    I made that up just now, like it? Lol. But yeah, I am sick. Woke up with a sore throat, and I begged my mom to let me stay home, since I wanna try and contain this before it gets worse. I wanna be able to go to youth group on Wednesday, and if I miss school on valentines day, I'll miss all the candy. Lol.
  22. Tak-E
    So, this is the first week of Ask ♥TAKi♥! I got a lot of questions, so I'll answer them, and then I'll be adding them to the new content block, along with my answers.


    Yes, it is quite enough, I think. I'll answer these in order.
    1) A long time ago, back in 2001, I used to do farm-related things with a group called 4-H. Some of our friends there were close to my older sister Kitty, who was involved in the club as well. But one time, our friend who was about 14 at the time came over, and he had Lewa and Onua. And he was showing them off. and I took the masks off, and he got mad, because he was like, "Those are really hard to put back on!" But I just snapped it back in place. And from that point, I wanted to try and get more Bionicles than him (which I succeeded in doing ). But I haven't seen him in years. I merely collect and follow the story because I like it.
    2) 2001, pretty much just read answer 1 again.
    3) I got into Code Lyoko when I randomly saw the ending of a few episodes of the show, and then one time caught a full episode (this was back in season one, mind you). And I managed to catch a marathon of it, and I thought it was the coolest show ever. And then, the season one finale aired in the marathon, and I totally thought that was the end of the show, and I was so sad I cried! So when I found out that wasn't the end of it, of course I was hooked. Lol. So, it was the summer of 2004, considering that the show started in the fall of the year before I got into it.
    4) I origianlly discovered BZP in 2004, I'd say right about when the 2005 set images surfaced. I had been linked there from BIONICLE.com. Lol. I joined twice. The first time, it never went through, so I got tired. But then I saw that there were cool discussions going on, and I wanted to be a part of them, so I rejoined again in 2005, and I've been here ever since.
    5) Now, that's a hard question. I do like the new Bionicle sets, I won't deny it. But I dislike them somewhat. I mean, what makes me like a set 100% is when I see it, not have a clue what the storyline around it is, and I immediately fall in love with it. And I haven't had that feeling since the Piraka and Toa Inika. To me, that was truly the last "great" year of Bionicle (because it was the last real year of carefree childhood I had before becoming a teenager). So, I think the sets are pretty good, but not like the sets of old (2001, 2002, 2003, and 2006). However, I love the storyline. Even if I stopped buying the sets finally, I'll always follow Bionicle's storyline. It's just hypnotic in a way that draws you in like no other. It's unique, special, crafted with care. I love the direction it's taken, since I like things where I can be involved, and be proud to have knowledge from the story's past so I can bring it into play when needed.
    6) So, to the alien question. I am from another planet. However, not Krypton. I am not powered by our yellow sun, and my arch-nemesis is not a bald businessman. I actually have a whole day-dream that, to this very moment, is a story in progress about a planet called Train, and its evil version Moldar. And there are these little crystals and all this cool stuff...*voice fades away to the shadows*
    7) Favorite TV show is tied between a few, but I'd go for Chuck, currently. If not that, then Supernatural, Smallville, Reaper, The O.C., That 70s Show, Boy Meets World, or Code Lyoko
    8) I don't really have a favorite book, but it might by The Messenger, by Lowis Lowry (sp?).

    1) I'ms doings fines. How's ares yous? (Couldn't resist. Tee hee.)
    2) I have hearts in my name for the most amazing and unbelievable reason in the entire known universe: I like hearts.
    3) I actually put them there. Same like I put in here the ♫'s and this bowtie: ►◄

    If I had the chance, I'd like to be a Reference Keeper. Mostly because I envy TLH, and he's one of my best friends, but also because I think I'd like to earn my way up the ranks, not just cheat into one of the positions.
    Well, that's all for this week's edition of Ask ♥TAKi♥! Send in your questions for next week. But not just about me, I'll help with your personal issues that you wouldn't mind having mentioned in my blog. Remember, all identities will remain Anonymous unless you don't want it to be Anonymous. That's my promise to you.
    Send 'em in!
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