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Blog Entries posted by Tak-E

  1. Tak-E
    For fans of the TV show Smallville, you'll know 33.1 to be a scary place...a place which I had the unfortunate experience of visiting. Let me spin you a yarn...
    My dad and my sister Alex (senior in high school) and myself were visiting my oldest college sister, Kathryn (who is in servere pain because she can't eat anything and anytime she does she throws up [please keep her in your prayers]) and we were heading into the elevator. I pressed the button to go to the first floor, and then accidentally leaned against the buttons and pressed the third floor. Since we were on the fourth floor, we stopped at the third floor and got out (not knowing that we weren't on the first floor). No one was around, and very few lights lit the long corridors. We walked along and saw gray doors and signs that said "TESTING FACILITY." We were all freaked out. We still couldn't find anyone, but we heard a tapping. Soon enough, a nurse came walking down the hall. She told us we shouldn't be there, and then led us through the hospital for ten minutes until we came out where we were parked. We thanked her and headed to our car. We're still freaked out. There were some of theose one-way windows there, too. Maybe they were testing us...
    If the sky is the limit, then what is space, over the limit?

  2. Tak-E
    Today during gym some ##### (really mean guy) took my football and started to throw so I jumped and accidentally landed on him when he threw it. I was trying to block the throw. Then I apologized and he punched me twice and then shoved me to the ground twice and swore at me. Then, later on, someone stole my football and I got it back right before school got out...
    How long, how long, will I slide...?
  3. Tak-E
    By the way, I got Bionicle Legends #7 on Tuesday. They had like ten copies of it at my B&N. It's really good. Finished it in one hour.
    Why is it when your almost dead your on death's doorstep, but when your actually dead your not in death's house?
  4. Tak-E
    So I had a choice. Either go to a all-nighter church party in Indiana with some friends and my pastor, or go to a morg and see a dead guy dissected on a biology field trip.
    I chose the party.
    So, I get there, and there are about seventy other kids there. It's in a small (but incredibly nice!) Christian school. I didn't sleep at all, of course. We went duckpin bowling, but I didn't do anything, because I didn't know anyone. As the night went on, I had met about twenty new people, and they were all very nice.
    Once back at the school, we had a sermon from the pastor of our denomination's church up in northern Indiana. After that, we all had pizza.
    It was around this time we all split up. Anyone I had originally come with had finally left me with some people to go hang with their own friends. I was sorta nervous, but I had fun laughing and getting free Skittles.
    After a while, I was pretty much hanging out with two girls (I'll refer to them by the first letters of their names, M and V). M went to go play in a dodgeball tournament, so V and I sat on the bleachers and talked for about forty-five minutes. I have to say, it was so incredible hearing about her life, and all the things she has to go through.
    After the dodgeball tournament, we all hung out a bit more, played a game or two. M went to go talk to some other friends, and I was with V and some of our friends by a piano. We were all singing and having fun. But honestly, V has the most beautiful voice I've ever heard. And when we were walking around after that, I told her that. Then I said that I sucked at singing. She said she bet that I didn't, and that I sounded great. Then she told me to sing for her. I did, after a bit of complaining, and when she was done, she said I sounded great. Then she dragged me around and was like, let's find something to sing together. After we finally found a psalm book, we sat around and sang for a bit.
    Now, let me tell you, I don't know a lot of psalms, but I can follow okay if someone starts me off.
    Suddenly, a ton of people came in and started singing all the parts of the psalm we were singing. Bass, alto, harmony, and V and I were covering melody. It was incredible. People actually followed me (till we got to hard stuff out of my range ). And the fellowship I had, the happiness I felt being able to bond with people so fast that I had just met made me feel so loved.
    In the end, I finally believe that I am a good singer. I mean, if someone who's practically a stranger tells you that you have a great voice, and a group of ten to twenty kids is following your lead for melody and not complaining, I finally acknowledge that I, in fact, do not suck at singing, and I actually have been gifted with an amazing voice.
  5. Tak-E
    Well, it's been an amazing week...an amazingly long week, that is. First, life problems, including playing with cow tongues at the local youth group (long story), then BZP problems. So, banners, avatars, I have a shop. The link's in my sig. I'm working on requests, but people post too fast. Anyways, so, you might have read my epic, Aftershock: After the Toa Nuva. Well, out this fall is coming Aftershock 2, Zota Nui: Island of Vengence. The new epic has taken me weeks to work on. Most of my MOCs for it are still prototypes, considering the fact that I need at least three Toa Inika to make my Toa of fire, water, and air. I've finished my Toa of Ice and Toa of Stone, and I must say they're awesome. The weapons I'm using on them are custom this time, as well as the powers. The masks this year will have a great twist, being that they are native to the new island. New powers, new villians, and new weapons are everything. The new epic should have a more book feel, since I am writing in a free tone. So far I am done nearly with half the storyline, but I face the constant dilema of where I'm going to end up. Beign a youg author, and having two published books that only I have the copis of, I am faced greatly with the challenges. I am also nearly half-way done with my promo video, so hopefully you'll all like that. Well, see you around. I have to go kick some butt on the Guitar Hero video game against my older sister's friends.
  6. Tak-E
    No, I'm joking, but for those Relient K fans out there, you'll recognize this as one of the songs in their new album "Five Score and Seven Years Ago" (which has to do with the fact that they have made five albums in the past seven years[Thanks to Toa Lhikan Hordika for that little nugget of info. ]). So I've just come online to RUB IT IN YOUR FACES!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! *brushes himself off* Okay, I'm good. *twitches* At least I hope so...
    Let me know if I post the same RQotD twice, guys. But for now, I'm starting a new thing: Random Lyric of the Day (RLotD). Basically I'll post one of the lines from one of my favorite songs. Let me know if you can get it right. Lol.
    Quiet, Quiet. Don't let it all come undone. Cause if I dare open my mouth it'll just be to bite my tongue (bite my tongue).
  7. Tak-E
    It's about 2:30 A.M. right now. My dad and my sister went out to my aunt's house to help plan for the wake and funeral (see last entry). But I can't sleep, and I don't know why. Well, I do, but I wish I didn't. My uncle's passing is nagging at something, and I don't know what it is exactly. All I know is that it's something that I wish I had asked him - something I wish I had a second chance at.
    You see, my uncle had a disease known as MS. I'm not exactly sure what it is, or what it does. But even as a man in his thirties (maybe early forties), it rendered him unable to walk and barely able to talk. I remember stories my dad would always tell me about how my uncle was so athletic when he was in high school. He was in track, soccer, basketball, ping pong - and he was in a huge family in the fifties and sixties. After that I know next to nothing about his life, though.
    Whenever I would go to visit my uncle, he would always have a smile on his face - DESPITE the fact that he could no longer do anything that he used to love to do. He couldn't even hold a book up to read. But he was always happy, always laughing and loving, whenever I saw him.
    So the question that I wanted to ask him, today's question of the day that is more rhetorical than the others, is this: How, in the midst of such suffering, such pain and loneliness, did he stay happy and content with himself? What gave him the strength to keep going?
    What made him who he was?
  8. Tak-E
    We'll start off with this.

    Interesting, eh? I thought so, too. Nonetheless, it's pretty cool I received a thank you for doing that.
    On another topic completely, I have re-opened my banner and avatar shop, Drake's Banners and Avatars. I'm hoping it'll wake up soon. I'm tending to have more and more free time on the computer. So much time, in fact, that I'm making edits from Bionicle movies (link on right). I've got some pretty good ones done right now.
    And, alas, the week is over. A most interesting week. The Blog of the Week is coming up, and I can't wait for it. I wonder if I'll ever get in? Maybe; but for now I'm happy just as a small blog.
    And I'll leave you all with the Random Question of the Day.
    Why are red buttons always the most important?
  9. Tak-E
    Exactly one month ago today, my sister, one of my best friends and favorite people in my life, came back in from college in Arizona. I live in Illinois, really far away from Arizona. I was so happy to see her.
    Today, I stood outside as tears streaked down my face, paving a road for more to follow. My sister left to go back to Arizona.
    I won't see her for six months.
    She's my best friend, I trust her with anything. Sure, we fight. But we're only four years apart, and now that we're both older, we've become closer. And I miss her.
    I wish she would stay.
  10. Tak-E
    New personal pic. Let me know what you think. I was just really bored. Note that the two posts for today are like, really early in the morning.
  11. Tak-E
    As I woke up today and yesterday, I found myself in utter shock that I wasn't leaping up or getting yelled at for not getting ready for school. The feeling itself was bittersweet. For one thing, no more school for three months! (Yes, I literally get three months. I don't go back till September 8th.) For another thing, I get to sleep in all summer. That's an upside, but it doesn't really matter that much; I don't need much sleep - I nap. But then there was one thing that had me in tears even as I was signing yearbook. I live forty-five minutes away from my school, and most of my good friends live out there, or the same distance in the other direction. For the next three months, I'll barely be able to see all of my good friends, or my friends, or my sorta friends, or even my mortal enemies.
    So my question of the day is this: now that school's over, what do you miss about it? Friends, relationships, the funny moments, the inside jokes? The categories go on and on.
    In other news, I'll be changing my main color to red very soon. So keep an eye out for the switch!
    We're in summerland. Let rock be rock, and live and let love.
  12. Tak-E
    It's just about time for me to hit the sack and register about six solid hours of sleep (still operating on winter break time ). So, I thought I'd give you a song.
    So long, farewell, until we meet again!
    I think, you'll like, the small killer pen!
    It'll eat you in your sleep and then you'll wake up and you'll be terrified and scream, "♥TAKi♥!" And then you'll run over to my house and start beating me up with a bendy straw!
    Yeah, I'm confused too...
  13. Tak-E
    As of this exact moment, in this exact day, in this exact week, in this exact month, in this exact year, in this exact decade, in this exact century, in this exact millenia, in this exact universe, in this exact...well, you get the point. So, as of right now, Turakii #1 Lavasufer, Toa Lhikan Hordika, and I are working on a top secret project (Project X). If you would like to help, please post a comment or drop a PM. But there are some requiements, just to let you know. Not everyone will get in.
  14. Tak-E
    The last IMD that the original participants must use the banner for (though it would be great if you continued using them when I do it periodicllay) is here. Our last member has a cool banner and is Seranikai!
    Seranikai was debating whether or not to get Maxilos and Spinax when they other day he bought them, just for those gunmetal gray pieces. Also, Seranikai is a leader of the lemon club. His parents recently out of town, leaving him and his LEGO Bricks home alone for the week. He's made a big mess, but it looks very creative.
    This banner is about 65KB. Make sure you don't exceed 100KB between your avatar and banner.

    You know the rules by now. If not, check out other IMD posts.
  15. Tak-E
    Sorry, but there will be no International Member Day today. Tomorrow the events will resume. Last night I was kicked off of my PC before I had a chance to finish the banner and upload it, so I have to finish it later tonight. Today I've been busy running around, getting all of my school supplies and getting ready for freshman orientation (which is in an hour and forty-five minutes. So in the meantime, just post random comments or comment on this blog post. Thanks.
  16. Tak-E
    After an absence, I've finally become a full-time premier member! The title is repected (and feared) among many members on the forum. Heck, we can make polls, what's not to fear? I'm glad that I have so many perks (and so much PE ). I'm satisfied that I have paypal. Ah, the joy of life. Enough about me, there's an audience here! Let me think...got it! Well, my collection of 2006 is about to be wrapped up. I have all of the Toa Inika, Doomatoran, and Piraka. I own Axonn and Vezon and Fenrakk. I was actually he second BZPer to own V&F. So I only need three more sets. Brutaka, Irankk (sp?), and Umbra. I'll be looking for these in the Buy/Sell/Trade forum soon if I don't get my hands on them befor Christmas, which is when I get all of the playsets. Well. I'll be signing off now. It's 1:30 A.M. by me right now. I'll be back later, don't worry.
  17. Tak-E
    Lol. I ditched school today under the condition that I rebuild my entire Bionicle Collection which is in the basement. So that's what I'm doing. Lol. I'm doing pretty good, too. I've rebuilt Nocturn, the Piraka, and three Toa Inika. Now for the other forty sets...
    Nothing down here. It's the second post for today.
  18. Tak-E
    86, the infamous number. Well, not really, but it seems to be a number that popped up a bit ago:

    Weird, huh?
    I've been sick today. I fainted this morning and, well, I'll stay out of the details. The short version is that I stayed home all day and -ugh- read. Just kidding!
    aLl YoUr PiEs BeLoNg To ThE fAt GuY.
    And now *drumroll* the RQotD!
    Why is it that if someone yells "duck" they are helping you, but if they yell "chicken" they are insulting you?
  19. Tak-E
    Even though Brickshelf and Maj were offline for the first time in a while, they were off for too long. I've officially switched to Photobucket. Getting my stuff off of Maj will be a pain, but it'll be worth it. Maj and Brickshelf have become very unreliable in the past few months because they first went offline a lot and then Brickshelf disappeared and now this. I highly recommed switching right now.
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