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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Tak-E

  1. Tak-E
    Well, yesterday I landed in Arizona. I'll be here for a week now. But I'll have full access to BZPower, so don't worry. I got some amazing pictures from up in the plane, and some great pictures of the mountains. I'll be posting them for you as soon s I charge my sister's computer and get the photo's uploaded onto there and then from there onto Maj. I'll most likely have them by tomorrow, seeing that today we're gonna go and buy all of the stuff for my sister's dorm. I'll talk to you all later. I nay be available on Skype, but at the least I'll have MSN Messenger. See ya'll!
  2. Tak-E
    Okay, for the third time now, I'm gonna try posting it. Yesterday was amazing. I'll tell you why.
    First off, our 8th grade class of twenty-two students had a poetry slam during Lit. I tied for first and then did I tie-breaker poem and won by one point. I was really happy. Then, I had my first final. I studied for this for five hours and then was allowed to use all my homework that had the answers right there. I was realyl happy but mad at the same time. Then, at the end of the day, I brought home my computer that I built at school. It has Windows and Linux Ubuntu on it. I'm really happy with it. I'm on it right now.
    If when people freak out they are said to be "Having a cow", when cows freak out are they said to be "Having a person"?
  3. Tak-E
    Alas, the week is coming to an end. All of the troubles of school are behind us. Tonight we'll gather 'round the tv and watch Smallville, The O.C., and Supernatural (the advantages of Dish ). Man, I've had a rough week. From homecoming decorating to the school newspaper to making paper in art class; I'm glad it's ending. This weekend I'll be going to the homecoming game and dance, working on a science fair project, and working on an Algebra 1 project. Not much relaxing in that scheduel (sp?), but on Saturday when I lock lips with my beautiful girlfriend (Bionigirl), I'll most likely forget all that. Well, most of you are probably begging for the Random Question of the Day, so here it is.
    If you try to fail and succeed, which have you accomplished?
  4. Tak-E
    Well, it's been an amazing week...an amazingly long week, that is. First, life problems, including playing with cow tongues at the local youth group (long story), then BZP problems. So, banners, avatars, I have a shop. The link's in my sig. I'm working on requests, but people post too fast. Anyways, so, you might have read my epic, Aftershock: After the Toa Nuva. Well, out this fall is coming Aftershock 2, Zota Nui: Island of Vengence. The new epic has taken me weeks to work on. Most of my MOCs for it are still prototypes, considering the fact that I need at least three Toa Inika to make my Toa of fire, water, and air. I've finished my Toa of Ice and Toa of Stone, and I must say they're awesome. The weapons I'm using on them are custom this time, as well as the powers. The masks this year will have a great twist, being that they are native to the new island. New powers, new villians, and new weapons are everything. The new epic should have a more book feel, since I am writing in a free tone. So far I am done nearly with half the storyline, but I face the constant dilema of where I'm going to end up. Beign a youg author, and having two published books that only I have the copis of, I am faced greatly with the challenges. I am also nearly half-way done with my promo video, so hopefully you'll all like that. Well, see you around. I have to go kick some butt on the Guitar Hero video game against my older sister's friends.
  5. Tak-E
    A new thing has come to blogs. Munkies! So far you can adopt either one of them. They need to be placed where people can see them so they may smile and wave. We are searching for other colors as we speak. To adopt, simply fill out the form below: NEW COLORS FOUND! Green, Purple, White, and Black Munkies are available with the Brown ones.
    Munkie Name:
    Left or Right Munkie:
    Munkie Color:
    Your Name:
    Your Blog Link:





  6. Tak-E
    Have a weird need to contact me? Just drop me a conversation on AIM or MSN.
    AIM: OmniPhil33
    MSN: phillipar33@hotmail.com
    And next up, my first art project is up on BZP. You can check it out here. Tell me what you think.
    This was a short one, but still enough time to post a RQotD.
    Why do we sing "Rock a bye baby" to lull our little ones to sleep when the song is about putting your baby in a tree and letting the wind crash the cradle to the ground?
  7. Tak-E
    No, this isn't an entry about Green Day's Time of Your Life. But it is about a band whose Wikipedia entry I was just editing.
    As of July 21st, 2008 - Boys Like Girls has announced that they have a new album slated for this year.
    Added to the albums of The All-American Rejects, Plain White T's, Drake Bell, and the High School Musical 3 soundtrack, it sounds like I'll have no lack of music this school year.
  8. Tak-E
    I was so bored today. My mom had me help her clean out our basement (which may as well be a storehouse for the junk of the world ). So I was pretty bored, except when I was able to slip away and MOC in my Lego room (yay! ). So it was a long day, which is why I wasn't on BZP much.
    Did you ever notice when you blow in a dog's face he gets mad at you, but when you take him in a car, he sticks his head out the window?
  9. Tak-E
    We'll start off with this.

    Interesting, eh? I thought so, too. Nonetheless, it's pretty cool I received a thank you for doing that.
    On another topic completely, I have re-opened my banner and avatar shop, Drake's Banners and Avatars. I'm hoping it'll wake up soon. I'm tending to have more and more free time on the computer. So much time, in fact, that I'm making edits from Bionicle movies (link on right). I've got some pretty good ones done right now.
    And, alas, the week is over. A most interesting week. The Blog of the Week is coming up, and I can't wait for it. I wonder if I'll ever get in? Maybe; but for now I'm happy just as a small blog.
    And I'll leave you all with the Random Question of the Day.
    Why are red buttons always the most important?
  10. Tak-E
    Well, in contrast to basically having nothing to do for two weeks, I'm now back on BZPower. I have quite a few interesting blog posts to make. Some with giant Hula Hoops, others with little tasks coming up in the next few weeks. So you'll see me around.
    Oh, for you guys that love the Random Question of the Day, I'll give you five later to make up for the missing time.
  11. Tak-E
    Well, most of my friends have started school by now. But I still haven't. I'm not home schooled or anything; I just start school on September 8th instead.
    So I just wanna ask as a question of the day - How is school going for you? Is it better or worse than previous years, and do you have high or low expectations for it?
  12. Tak-E
    I recorded the Barraki Mini Movie from Bionicle.com and then added the music and sounds from files another member had gotten. It's pretty well done, but not near good enough for a music video. I'm working on getting a better version up. You can download it here. Yes, it is WMV format.
    Also, please keep Bionigirl in your prayers. Her family has three kids; two girls and one boy. The boy and Bionigirl were twins. Her parents put Bionigirl and her little eleven year-old sister up for adoption and moved to Europe with the brother. The two girls were put into the foster program and went to live with a family. At the end of their visit, the family decided that they wanted to keep the little sister and put Bionigirl back into the foster program. So they did. In the wake of this, she lost her cell phone because she couldn't pay for it herself. She has no internet connection, though she does have a laptop. I haven't even been able to locate her lately. She and her sister have been seperated from any family, so please keep them in your prayers.
    And now for the RQotD. I'm gonna decide how to spell that right eventually.
    Can you truly cry underwater?
    Edit: Post edited for new a official download of the movie. Still made by me, though.
  13. Tak-E
    I'm in BBC #42, so vote for Colinrahk here! Lol. I need support. That's all I wanted to say.
    Did another one really bite the dust?
  14. Tak-E
    And black mail. I told a friend a secret (well, my ex-girlfriend who doesn't know how to be a good friend, how to keep secrets, and has twisted ideas of jokes, very horrible person). Well, I told a friend a secret, and then she blackmailed me into doing something I really didn't wanna do (no, I'm not saying what it was). So I got her to stop, but now she says she was kidding the whole time, even after me doing the thing. You don't kid around like that, just a warning to everyone. So she really hurt me and now I'm very mad and a little on the edge.
    Why is the show called unsolved mysteries? If they were solved, they wouldn't be mysteries, would they?
  15. Tak-E
    Well, this morning my dad officially left for his two week tri[ to Brazil for his buisiness down there. He'll miss my first day of school and freshman orientation, but mostly I'm happy because I have a friend who I talk to on the phone every night, and she lives in Washington state, so she's two hours behind me. So it'll be like two in the morning over here and I'll be talking to her and it's not as late over there. So I have to be careful with my parents. However, now that my dad's gone and my mom works night shifts at a hospital as a nurse, I'll be able to stay up really late talking to her. Yay.
  16. Tak-E
    In the new Toa Mahri Movie online, there's an amazing song done by a group called Brinck. However, I coudln't find it anywhere, so I downloaded the movie and turned it into an MP3 file so I could listen to the song. I sounds awesome with the other stuff in it, too. If you want it PM me. Lol. Or post your email. It's great quality.
  17. Tak-E
    I've been pretty busy this week at work, with all of the kids and all. A lot of them are being very...horrible. We've got it under control. So...yeah. I should be available sometime next week, but I've made plans to basically be with a friend every waking moment of it so I'm not sure if I'll be online much (maybe once a day at the least). So hopefully I'll be active again soon. Sadly, I won't truly be active online again till (checks calendar) the week after August 19th. The week of August 19th I believe I'll be in Arizona helping one of my sisters move to college. I may have to stay at my house so I can watch my pets. So...in total, it'll be a long summer. If you really wanna reach me, I do sign onto AIM and Skype and Yahoo + Windows Live Messenger pretty much every day for at least a few hours while playing Command and Conquer 3 (which I just recently bought along with a new video card for my PC).
  18. Tak-E
    So I walked into my old computer room and saw an envelope sitting on the desk. I have no idea how long it's been there. It was from BZPower. I opened it, and there was my BZPower commemorative brick. I have it now. Took pictures on my camera phone:
    This is making my day. Lol.
  19. Tak-E
    It's finally here.
    France - August 20, 2007
    US - June 4, 2007 7pm

    This is from the official Code Lyoko webiste. This is so exciting. I'm jumping up and down right now.
    Who's really gonna lick a tootsie pop for that long?
  20. Tak-E
    Congrats to Turakii #1 Lavasurfer (my amazing friend) for getting into the Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens group!
  21. Tak-E
    No, I'm joking, but for those Relient K fans out there, you'll recognize this as one of the songs in their new album "Five Score and Seven Years Ago" (which has to do with the fact that they have made five albums in the past seven years[Thanks to Toa Lhikan Hordika for that little nugget of info. ]). So I've just come online to RUB IT IN YOUR FACES!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! *brushes himself off* Okay, I'm good. *twitches* At least I hope so...
    Let me know if I post the same RQotD twice, guys. But for now, I'm starting a new thing: Random Lyric of the Day (RLotD). Basically I'll post one of the lines from one of my favorite songs. Let me know if you can get it right. Lol.
    Quiet, Quiet. Don't let it all come undone. Cause if I dare open my mouth it'll just be to bite my tongue (bite my tongue).
  22. Tak-E
    Friday was my school's dinner/dance. Wonderful thing given by the Seniors to us 8th Graders to welcome us to high school. As a gift, they gave us Starbucks gift cards for our first cup of High School coffee. Thank you so much! Lol. And then afterwards there was a dance. Sadly, I wasn't able to go because I had no way to get home at 1:30 A.M., but I enjoyed the after-party a lot.
    One night and one more time, thanks for the memories, even though they weren't so great. He tastes like you, only sweeter! One night, yeah, one more time! Thanks for the memories, thanks for the memories. He, he, tastes like you, only sweeter!
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