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Blog Entries posted by Tak-E

  1. Tak-E
    Aside from finishing up the IMD project and my other little secret project (more details in a moment), I was thinking of working on a new project for banners for the High School Musical 3 movie. These will, of course, be non-official images and will most likely have no relationship to the actual movie, but I'm willing to try it out if a few people would use it. However, if no one else wants it, I'll just make a few for myself.
    Anyway, about that secret project. All I can say is that it has to do with this coming Saturday and some sort of "holiday" for some people. Don't guess. Guesses will be edited out of blog posts.
    The last IMD will be posted either Sunday around noon by me or early Monday morning, depending on what time I get home tomorrow.
  2. Tak-E
    Into the Darkness Chapter 1
    Toa Mahri Movie
    Barraki Short Movie
    These are amazing. The first is the first part of the first chapter of Bionicle Legends #8, apparently, read by GregF. The others are downloads to the two movies on Bionicle.com that were given on the site. And that first chapter, while listening to it, is amazing.
    How does Santa get into a house that doesn't have a chimney?
  3. Tak-E
    Yesterday was just like, the most amazing day of my life, and I still don't understand it all. But today is Saturday, meaning that I was able to sleep in till twelve in the afternoon. (After staying up till 2 A.M. talking on the phone, that is.) My dad is out at work today, since he's leaving for a two week business trip on Tuesday. However, he told me he was hoping that we could hit up the movies tonight, and maybe go to a local sports bar - Champs - for their Guitar Hero night. Back to the movies, however, I think I want to see Iron Man. I mean, why not? It passed BCJ's expectations, which means that it must be 100% better than my previous expectations. Lol.
    And that brings us to today's question of the day. If you could be your own superhero (not an already existing one), what power would you have, and what would your mortal weakness be?
    But that's really all that was on my mind today. This is Taki, and you've just been filled in.
  4. Tak-E
    Well, today I was getting out of gym (8th period, second to last class) and my dad met me as I got out of the gym and told me to get outside ASAP and that he had signed me out. So I quickly changed and ran upstairs to grab my bags. I got out to the car and noticed that the freakin' road was flooded! The whole area was flooded from torential rain that hda started about fifteen minutes ago. I got into the car and saw my older sister. Apparently, some person in an SUV crashed going 45 mph into her Toyota Matrix while she was turning out of a McDonalds. So I had gotten out early so we could go home and then go to get her car.
    In other news, tomorrow is See You At the Pole: a day where Christians gather together in the morning around flag poles and pray for our schools, nation, and anything else in general. So if you wanna go, just check to see where you might be able to meet. And if you don't have it going on, call some friends and just find a flag pole.
  5. Tak-E
    So, yeah. Plenty of things happening. Girlfriend and I split up. It's like there's a non-existing two week rule with me, I swear. Also, friends are giving me issues. Not a ton, but a few. And I'm helping another friend out with some problems in her life.
  6. Tak-E
    After a week and a half of suffering in Spanish class, we've discovered who's at the top and who's at the bottom. So, here we are!
    *drum roll*
    And the top of the class is...
    Moi! Yes, I know it's French, I don't really care.
    In other news, I have another new girlfriend. She's a Sophmore and is in two of my classes with me. I've been friends with her for a while, and we just sorta clicked.
  7. Tak-E
    I'm doing another all-nighter tonight.
    P.S. Wanna join in? Let me know if you have Yahoo Messenger or Skype and I may let you join me and my friend.
  8. Tak-E
    New banner and avatar. Plus I'll take this time to post about my classes.
    1st Period:
    Teacher: Mrs. Rosado
    Class: Spanish 1
    View: It's pretty good, but she said every night is like two to three hours homework, so I'm not really looking forward to that.
    2nd Period:
    Teacher: Mrs. Kramer
    Class: Government
    View: Pretty good class, looks like it'll be easy like it's prequel was, Understanding the Times. All the tests are essay, so I'll have no problem again.
    20 minute break for chapel.
    3rd Period:
    Teacher: Mr. Minell
    Class: Philosophy
    View: My favorite teacher and my favorite class. I'm looking forward to this year in here.
    4th Period:
    Teacher: Mr. Fritze
    Class: English
    View: This teacher is the most strict teacher in the school, but makes fun of everyone and I love it. Words can't describe how funny he is. This may turn out to be my favorite class.
    5th Period: Lunch/Recess
    6th Period:
    Teacher: Mrs. Sandburg
    Class: Biology
    View: Looks hard, but at least a science fair project isn't mandatory anymore, and we talked about the trip we'll be taking to the morg. Looks like they'll be a ton of homework, though.
    7th Period:
    Teacher: Mrs. Gardner
    Class: Geometry
    View: I'm not bad at math, so I should be pretty good in here. We can get "No Homework" coupons, so I'll be trying for those.
    8th Period:
    Teacher: Mr. Roland and sorta Mr. Fritze
    Class: Gym
    View: They never really made us do anything in gym now, but with this Mr. Roland guy they hired, he majored in gym and we're afraid he might make us do stuff. So I'm kinda worried but not really cause I'm athletic anyway.
    9th Period:
    Teacher: Mr. Minell
    Class: Study Hall
    View: We start with five lines on the board, and every time we talk too loud we lose one. If we lose four, we can't turn our desks to talk to each other and have to put them back in rows, and if we lose all five we can't talk till the next week. Sadly, on the first day of school we already lost three, on no account of me and my friends.
  9. Tak-E
    So last night I stayed up till 3 in the morning. Not a bright idea on a school day. Lol.
    So I discovered that a friend from school is a member on BZP. That was a cool revelation.
    And speaking of school, tomorrow might be a snow day. We're expecting 10-16 in. of snow by me tonight!
    Any ideas how I could make this blog more desirable to read? Lol.
  10. Tak-E
    Today we're moving all of my sister's stuff into her dorm room. My dad and her are out to breakfast right now, but as soon as they get home we're gonna go and fill up the car and head out. Hopefully while we're out I'll be able to pick up the High School Musical 2 soundtrack, which would rock.
  11. Tak-E
    I leave in ten minutes for the graduation ceremony. Just thought that you all might like to see me in my cap and gown. I left my shoes off for a very good reason.

  12. Tak-E
    So I'm at my friend Steve's house and we decided that, since we burned the Home Run Inn pizza, that we'd walk to the Wendy's about ten minutes away. So we were just about to leave with our food when I looked outside and was like, "Steve, hold up. It's pouring outside. So we sat down inside and ate our food and then it stopped raining for a bit, so I'm like, "Let's run for it!" So we ran out of the Wendy's and charged to the crosswalk, so we stood there and waited for the GO sign for walking to come on. Then Steve's mom pulled up, we were really surprised. So we hopped in, but then we wanted to walk home, so we walked home from there through the park and found out that they're setting up a carnival that will open on Thursday. So we're gonna have tons of fun this week. But I'm not gonna be too active on BZPower this week because my friend really doesn't like BZP, and gets kind of ticked off when I come online. He's only letting me use his computer right now because it's a funny story. Talk to you later.
    Why does it say do not use before work with heavy machinery on the back of childrens tylenol? I mean...really, could we save that many people by getting those darn five year-olds with headcolds off those forklifts?
  13. Tak-E
    86, the infamous number. Well, not really, but it seems to be a number that popped up a bit ago:

    Weird, huh?
    I've been sick today. I fainted this morning and, well, I'll stay out of the details. The short version is that I stayed home all day and -ugh- read. Just kidding!
    aLl YoUr PiEs BeLoNg To ThE fAt GuY.
    And now *drumroll* the RQotD!
    Why is it that if someone yells "duck" they are helping you, but if they yell "chicken" they are insulting you?
  14. Tak-E
    So I woke this morning at 6:15, as usual, and run down to look outside.
    No snow.
    So I go to look at the TV stations to see if my school will be closed.
    I don't see it.
    So I go check the website that tells if my school is closed.
    School's closed.
    At this point, I run around my house screaming that my mom can go back to bed.
    Ironic, no?
    But there's still no snow. I mean, it snowed an inch last night, but there was nothing on the ground. I was so confused.
    So I go back to sleep, and I'm dozing on and off for a bit, but then I finally fell back into slumber.
    Now, my sister, her name's Kitty, she's sick, so she actually drove home and started throwing up in the toilet, which woke me up. Lol.
    So it's 8:40, and I sit up, and look out the window (which is right next to my bed).
    Snow is falling so hard and so fast, I literally am snow bound right now.
    I'm so happy! Lol.
    So I'll be around all day today, drop me a message.
    Oh, also, Turakii suggested a new idea for my blog. It'll be made an entry later. B)
    Edit: Also, how's this color? I'm thinking of switching to it for at least a few weeks. I've decided that every so often, I'll just completely change colors for a little while. Like I did during Christmas.
  15. Tak-E
    Remember those special International Member Days I mentioned, here's one of them. On the birthdays of both Swert and Roa McToa, I present you with yet another IMD.
    As per request by Swert, happy birthday as well to Roa, and I have included her in this. Remember to PM these wonderful folks or to check out their birthday topics, wherever they lurk.
    Here's a sweet banner to celebrate the day.

    You don't have to use it, but it would be awesome if all of you did to awesome these two amazing members.
  16. Tak-E
    Even though Brickshelf and Maj were offline for the first time in a while, they were off for too long. I've officially switched to Photobucket. Getting my stuff off of Maj will be a pain, but it'll be worth it. Maj and Brickshelf have become very unreliable in the past few months because they first went offline a lot and then Brickshelf disappeared and now this. I highly recommed switching right now.
  17. Tak-E
    Oh my gosh. You won't believe this. My uncle came up to me as everyone was leaving my party today, and handed me a very...very late birthday present. A beautiful, polished, new guitar with five picks, a chord progressor, a set of extra strings, and something to help install them. I've got a friend spending the night, so I'll post pics tomorrow.
  18. Tak-E
    Cliche, I know, but at least's something. I decided to go ahead and work on those High School Musical 3 banners and promo images. I'll show you the logo I made for the movie:

  19. Tak-E
    So I had a choice. Either go to a all-nighter church party in Indiana with some friends and my pastor, or go to a morg and see a dead guy dissected on a biology field trip.
    I chose the party.
    So, I get there, and there are about seventy other kids there. It's in a small (but incredibly nice!) Christian school. I didn't sleep at all, of course. We went duckpin bowling, but I didn't do anything, because I didn't know anyone. As the night went on, I had met about twenty new people, and they were all very nice.
    Once back at the school, we had a sermon from the pastor of our denomination's church up in northern Indiana. After that, we all had pizza.
    It was around this time we all split up. Anyone I had originally come with had finally left me with some people to go hang with their own friends. I was sorta nervous, but I had fun laughing and getting free Skittles.
    After a while, I was pretty much hanging out with two girls (I'll refer to them by the first letters of their names, M and V). M went to go play in a dodgeball tournament, so V and I sat on the bleachers and talked for about forty-five minutes. I have to say, it was so incredible hearing about her life, and all the things she has to go through.
    After the dodgeball tournament, we all hung out a bit more, played a game or two. M went to go talk to some other friends, and I was with V and some of our friends by a piano. We were all singing and having fun. But honestly, V has the most beautiful voice I've ever heard. And when we were walking around after that, I told her that. Then I said that I sucked at singing. She said she bet that I didn't, and that I sounded great. Then she told me to sing for her. I did, after a bit of complaining, and when she was done, she said I sounded great. Then she dragged me around and was like, let's find something to sing together. After we finally found a psalm book, we sat around and sang for a bit.
    Now, let me tell you, I don't know a lot of psalms, but I can follow okay if someone starts me off.
    Suddenly, a ton of people came in and started singing all the parts of the psalm we were singing. Bass, alto, harmony, and V and I were covering melody. It was incredible. People actually followed me (till we got to hard stuff out of my range ). And the fellowship I had, the happiness I felt being able to bond with people so fast that I had just met made me feel so loved.
    In the end, I finally believe that I am a good singer. I mean, if someone who's practically a stranger tells you that you have a great voice, and a group of ten to twenty kids is following your lead for melody and not complaining, I finally acknowledge that I, in fact, do not suck at singing, and I actually have been gifted with an amazing voice.
  20. Tak-E
    Lol. I ditched school today under the condition that I rebuild my entire Bionicle Collection which is in the basement. So that's what I'm doing. Lol. I'm doing pretty good, too. I've rebuilt Nocturn, the Piraka, and three Toa Inika. Now for the other forty sets...
    Nothing down here. It's the second post for today.
  21. Tak-E
    So, I'm officially starting my new color for a while. I still have to memorize the code, but I have it saved in various places, so I'll learn it fast.
    In the meantime, however, Turakii gave me a great idea. And so, today is the start of a new and interesting blog thing.

    This is the first installment of Ask ♥TAKi♥! Basically I'm starting an advice column that I'll update weekly. Anyone and everyone is invited to ask for help or for my thoughts on certain things in their lives or just in general. Of course, many people may not want other members to know who it is that's asking the questions. So here are the rules for submitting content and how Ask ♥TAKi♥ will work.
    1) PM me your questions. Title the message Ask TAKi, or something close to that.
    2) I'll take all questions and post a reply in a weekly blog entry. Then, that week's questions will be put into the Ask ♥TAKi♥ content block that will be created.
    3) All questions will be quoted as from Anonymous, unless you state you want your name mentioned. Or if you want a cool name, like Confuzzled Man. Lol. Let me know.
    4) Questions must be proper for BZPower. If they aren't, then I won't answer them. If they're way too obscene or explicit for BZP, I might have to report you, and I don't wanna have to do that.
    5) I do answer MOST questions. If I don't have the answers or help you're looking for, I'm sorry. But one of my best subjects is relationship help. My friends tell me that I should really be a romance counselor when I grow up.
    Okay, you guys got it? The first questions will be posted on Saturday or Friday, not sure. Depends if I get a lot.
    Send 'em in!
  22. Tak-E
    Man, I can't even sing. But that's better for everyone around me, I suppose.
    New Ask ♥TAKi♥ coming at cha' this afternoon. I spent the night at a friend's house, so I didn't have a chance to post it. But it'll be up in a few hours, no worries. I'm gonna try and fix my PC before that point. Lol.
    Long story.
  23. Tak-E
    Got a friend coming over today and we're gonna use my two PCs to place Command and Conquer Generals: Zero Hour against each other. So if anyone out there has the game and would like to join in, PM me or leave a comment.
    Do you need a silencer if you are going to shoot a mime?
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