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Blog Entries posted by Tak-E

  1. Tak-E
    So I walked into my old computer room and saw an envelope sitting on the desk. I have no idea how long it's been there. It was from BZPower. I opened it, and there was my BZPower commemorative brick. I have it now. Took pictures on my camera phone:
    This is making my day. Lol.
  2. Tak-E
    Well, this morning my dad officially left for his two week tri[ to Brazil for his buisiness down there. He'll miss my first day of school and freshman orientation, but mostly I'm happy because I have a friend who I talk to on the phone every night, and she lives in Washington state, so she's two hours behind me. So it'll be like two in the morning over here and I'll be talking to her and it's not as late over there. So I have to be careful with my parents. However, now that my dad's gone and my mom works night shifts at a hospital as a nurse, I'll be able to stay up really late talking to her. Yay.
  3. Tak-E
    Yeah, so it's around eleven o'clock last night and it started raining so I pulled the screen out of my window so I could let my feet hang over the edge and get wet. However, I heard something move in the bushes so I pulled my legs in and leaned over the edge. My window ledge was slippery from the water on it and I, oddly enough, slipped and started to fall out the window. I reached up in vain and caught the edge of the window ledge. And that is the amazing story of my little trip. I'm fine now, but my cold that I have got worse.
  4. Tak-E
    So I recently lost a sister to the deadly grasp of college, and since then I've been depressed and pushing away from people. But I thought that I might let you all in on something that I've been keeping in the dark for a while.
    I love being in a relationship, treating a girl with love and affection, and being loved back. So way back in Feb. I asked this girl to be my girlfriend on Valentine's Day, and she said yes. About two weeks later she wanted to break up with me because people were telling me stuff I was asking her but that she wasn't telling me. After that I had one other girlfriend, who had used me for the sake of saying that she had a boyfriend. It's been about three or four months since I've had a girlfriend now, and I've been on and off depressed. I had a lot of friends before that I was confiding all of this in, but it became so overwhelming and I became so depressed that they wanted nothing to do with me and all pushed away from me, pushing me further into depression. I didn't do anything drastic, but I was very alone. The last remaining friends of mine were starting to spend less time with me and more time with their boyfriends and girlfriends and their other friends. As of right now, I have about three friends who I can really talk to. Other than that, I feel totally alone. And the worst part is that I've longed for a loving relationship and I haven't been able to get one. And it's been pushing me further into depression everyday. And was friends with a lot of girls, but then someone started a rumor that the only reason I did that was for... *ahem* ...yeah. Which was not ture, I just think that a lot of guys are rude and stuff and that girls are more caring and more understanding. So now everything's shot me right down.
    If you're a square because you are professional, then if you're not professional would you be called a circle? And in that case, which is better?
  5. Tak-E
    Today we're moving all of my sister's stuff into her dorm room. My dad and her are out to breakfast right now, but as soon as they get home we're gonna go and fill up the car and head out. Hopefully while we're out I'll be able to pick up the High School Musical 2 soundtrack, which would rock.
  6. Tak-E
    Well, yesterday I landed in Arizona. I'll be here for a week now. But I'll have full access to BZPower, so don't worry. I got some amazing pictures from up in the plane, and some great pictures of the mountains. I'll be posting them for you as soon s I charge my sister's computer and get the photo's uploaded onto there and then from there onto Maj. I'll most likely have them by tomorrow, seeing that today we're gonna go and buy all of the stuff for my sister's dorm. I'll talk to you all later. I nay be available on Skype, but at the least I'll have MSN Messenger. See ya'll!
  7. Tak-E
    So here are the details of my mentioned trip to Arizona. You see, while my eldest sister has moved back into the house for her last year of college, my second oldest sister has been accepted to the University or Arizona. This Saturday we are leaving the house at around 6 A.M. to get to the airport. I'll be down there from this Saturday to next Saturday afternoon. However, unlike most vacationing BZPers, I will have a laptop with me and thusly I will be on the forums. However, if you are trying to reach me on an instant messaging program I only have Windows Live Messenger; otherwise PM me. So wish me a fun trip. I'm gonna go and get breakfast ready; today's my last day of work.
  8. Tak-E
    So I ditched work yesterday because I had an eye doctor's appointment; turns out my left eye is stronger than my right. So I was gonna order new glasses, but I decided on contacts too. So I'm getting glasses for my upcoming trip (more on that later) on Friday, and the contacts will be ready when I come back from my trip. Anyway, so I'm going past the mall and my mom wanted to stop inside to compare the prices for glasses, so while we were there my friend was working at our phone company's booth and I bought a new Razor phone. It's really awesome. I'll get pictures later. Then when we left the mall I'm like, "Mom, let's stop at TRU since it's right across the street." She figured it would be okay and took me over. Lo and behold, they had Toa Jaller and Toa Matoro Mahri, so I bought them. I have to say, I'm pretty disappointed in these sets. Not some of my favoirtes. So after that we went next door to the Sports Authority store because I have those awesome Adidas sandles with the little prickly spines on the soles, and I was growing out of them. So I had to go and grab a new pair, which are awesome, I have to say.
    Well, enough of me ranting on. I'll have to give you guys some stuff later since I'm late for work. I'm just going in late because I have a killer sore throat.
  9. Tak-E
    Well, in contrast to basically having nothing to do for two weeks, I'm now back on BZPower. I have quite a few interesting blog posts to make. Some with giant Hula Hoops, others with little tasks coming up in the next few weeks. So you'll see me around.
    Oh, for you guys that love the Random Question of the Day, I'll give you five later to make up for the missing time.
  10. Tak-E
    I recently acquired the new copy of Guitar Hero Encore: Rock the 80's. So here's a review of the game for you Guitar Hero fans.
    First off, the disk and the case. Pretty much everything's normal here, however, if you're used to the directions to playing the game being in the direction booklet, you're in for a surprise. The game comes with a three page booklet telling you safety warnings and stuff, and then it also comes with a poster for the game. On the flip side of the poster all the directions to play the game and anything that should've been in the direction booklet. Other than that, everything else is normal. Here are some pictures of that:
    Okay, so now for gameplay. This game is one of the most addicting and fun games I've ever played. I own all three, and have the fourth one on reserve. I'm also patiently awaiting the release of the Rock Band game, which comes out for the PS3 and the Xbox 360 where you can buy drums, two guitars, and a microphone and rock out. But, anyway, back to the game. Well, if you're just looking for some awesome and fun new songs to play, get this game. However, if you're just buying it for the new venues, characters, game format, and bonus songs and videos, don't get it. Why? Simple: everything in this game is the same as Guitar Hero 2 except the songs. Sure, the venues and characrers have been changed to be given the "80's look," but otherwise it's just Guitar Hero 2. The only other weird thing is everything like the main screen and stuff is in neon blue and white. And the starting video for the game is the same as Guitar Hero 2's except with them in their new 80's style. But there are no bonus songs, no new venues, no new characters, and no videos. Actually, you can buy the Gim Ripper still, but I think he looks the same as always. Only me beating the game on Medium (which I had to use the Hyperspeed cheat on so that I didn't fall asleep playing it because it was so slow and I love playing on Expert) and getting enough money to buy him. Oh, also, there are no new guitars. The bonus guitars and the ones in the shop are the same ones from Guitar Hero 2. Nothing special. And no secondary outfits for the characters.
    In short, this game didn't live up to my expectations, but it does have some kick butt songs to \m/ (rock on) Guitar Hero Encore: Rock the 80's!
    If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?
  11. Tak-E
    In the new Toa Mahri Movie online, there's an amazing song done by a group called Brinck. However, I coudln't find it anywhere, so I downloaded the movie and turned it into an MP3 file so I could listen to the song. I sounds awesome with the other stuff in it, too. If you want it PM me. Lol. Or post your email. It's great quality.
  12. Tak-E
    Got a friend coming over today and we're gonna use my two PCs to place Command and Conquer Generals: Zero Hour against each other. So if anyone out there has the game and would like to join in, PM me or leave a comment.
    Do you need a silencer if you are going to shoot a mime?
  13. Tak-E
    I'm finally back. After two weeks, I'm back. Last week I had work and I was switched to a different section, and the week before that I hung out with my friend Steve all week and he doesn't like it when I come onto BZPower because he doesn't understand how to use the site and doesn't find it very interesting. But this week I'm gonna come back onto BZPower and catch up with the two weeks of posting I've missed, as well as all the friends that I've missed for the past few weeks. So I'll see you around the forum, guys!
    Do people who use sign language see little hands in their head when they think about what somebody said, or do they hear the words in their head?
  14. Tak-E
    So I'm at my friend Steve's house and we decided that, since we burned the Home Run Inn pizza, that we'd walk to the Wendy's about ten minutes away. So we were just about to leave with our food when I looked outside and was like, "Steve, hold up. It's pouring outside. So we sat down inside and ate our food and then it stopped raining for a bit, so I'm like, "Let's run for it!" So we ran out of the Wendy's and charged to the crosswalk, so we stood there and waited for the GO sign for walking to come on. Then Steve's mom pulled up, we were really surprised. So we hopped in, but then we wanted to walk home, so we walked home from there through the park and found out that they're setting up a carnival that will open on Thursday. So we're gonna have tons of fun this week. But I'm not gonna be too active on BZPower this week because my friend really doesn't like BZP, and gets kind of ticked off when I come online. He's only letting me use his computer right now because it's a funny story. Talk to you later.
    Why does it say do not use before work with heavy machinery on the back of childrens tylenol? I mean...really, could we save that many people by getting those darn five year-olds with headcolds off those forklifts?
  15. Tak-E
    I've been pretty busy this week at work, with all of the kids and all. A lot of them are being very...horrible. We've got it under control. So...yeah. I should be available sometime next week, but I've made plans to basically be with a friend every waking moment of it so I'm not sure if I'll be online much (maybe once a day at the least). So hopefully I'll be active again soon. Sadly, I won't truly be active online again till (checks calendar) the week after August 19th. The week of August 19th I believe I'll be in Arizona helping one of my sisters move to college. I may have to stay at my house so I can watch my pets. So...in total, it'll be a long summer. If you really wanna reach me, I do sign onto AIM and Skype and Yahoo + Windows Live Messenger pretty much every day for at least a few hours while playing Command and Conquer 3 (which I just recently bought along with a new video card for my PC).
  16. Tak-E
    I have made downloadable versions of both the Singing Squid Video and the Toa Mahri Teaser that can be used in music videos. They're .mpg format.
    Singing Squid
    Toa Mahri Teaser
    Hope ya'll enjoy. Don't forget to right click and "save as."
    Oh, by the way, I'm thinking of stoping the Random Question of the Day, thing. I don't feel very funny anymore...
  17. Tak-E
    Into the Darkness Chapter 1
    Toa Mahri Movie
    Barraki Short Movie
    These are amazing. The first is the first part of the first chapter of Bionicle Legends #8, apparently, read by GregF. The others are downloads to the two movies on Bionicle.com that were given on the site. And that first chapter, while listening to it, is amazing.
    How does Santa get into a house that doesn't have a chimney?
  18. Tak-E
    I am so dang mad and depressed and hurt right now I don't wanna even talk about it...
    will someone please help me?
    =( Taki
  19. Tak-E
    I've officially made two songs and my friend asked me to put some of her lyrics to music so I'm writing that tune right now. The recordings screw up the sound of the guitar a lot, but overall the songs are great. If you would like to hear them PM me.
    Why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways?
  20. Tak-E
    Not only was my sister able to borrow her friend's electric guitar and an amp, but I wrote two songs. I gotta clean them up, though...
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