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Blog Entries posted by Tak-E

  1. Tak-E
    Perhaps that will be my next color? The red reminds me of blood too much. Also, if none of you have heard the song Dark Blue by Jack's Mannequin, I highly suggest looking it up. It's very good.
    Well, after a semi-absence, I've returned to BZP for the last few weeks before school starts. It's pretty...normal, actually. The only thing I'm waiting for is trying to decide what new phone I should get. Lol.
    I'm on T-Mobile, any ideas?
  2. Tak-E
    Lol. I ditched school today under the condition that I rebuild my entire Bionicle Collection which is in the basement. So that's what I'm doing. Lol. I'm doing pretty good, too. I've rebuilt Nocturn, the Piraka, and three Toa Inika. Now for the other forty sets...
    Nothing down here. It's the second post for today.
  3. Tak-E
    Today we're moving all of my sister's stuff into her dorm room. My dad and her are out to breakfast right now, but as soon as they get home we're gonna go and fill up the car and head out. Hopefully while we're out I'll be able to pick up the High School Musical 2 soundtrack, which would rock.
  4. Tak-E
    Yeah, so it's around eleven o'clock last night and it started raining so I pulled the screen out of my window so I could let my feet hang over the edge and get wet. However, I heard something move in the bushes so I pulled my legs in and leaned over the edge. My window ledge was slippery from the water on it and I, oddly enough, slipped and started to fall out the window. I reached up in vain and caught the edge of the window ledge. And that is the amazing story of my little trip. I'm fine now, but my cold that I have got worse.
  5. Tak-E
    I'm really mad right now because my internet won't stay on for more than like ten minutes at a time. It's doing better now, though. So hopefully everything's good. But I'm tired.
    Edit: Well, I've seemed to have fixed the problem for now. But I'm still afraid that if I turn on my other computer that it'll knock me off the net agian, seeing that I've been using my dad's laptop and it's been fine, but I turned off my computer.
  6. Tak-E
    Yay, field trip tomorrow. We're going to Chicago to the Museum of Science and Industry. I'm so happy! Yeah!
    If someone crashes his or her car on purpose, why is it still a car accident?
  7. Tak-E
    I'm off work for the next week, but I've got a lot of stuff to do this week, so I'll still be pretty busy. Also, I've got my party tomorrow, so I probably won't be online for any long amounts of time.
    Here we are, going far, to save all that we love. If we give, what we've got, we will make it through...
  8. Tak-E
    So here are the details of my mentioned trip to Arizona. You see, while my eldest sister has moved back into the house for her last year of college, my second oldest sister has been accepted to the University or Arizona. This Saturday we are leaving the house at around 6 A.M. to get to the airport. I'll be down there from this Saturday to next Saturday afternoon. However, unlike most vacationing BZPers, I will have a laptop with me and thusly I will be on the forums. However, if you are trying to reach me on an instant messaging program I only have Windows Live Messenger; otherwise PM me. So wish me a fun trip. I'm gonna go and get breakfast ready; today's my last day of work.
  9. Tak-E
    I spent the night at a friend's house yesterday. He has this huge collection of LEGO Bricks. I looked through 'em and found a few old Throwbot arms and bodies. He let me have them. I went home and immediately went to work making new adversaries for my Toa in my epic. So now I have Throwbot pieces.
    On a different note, I have over $3000 worth of Bionicles...yet only about $20 worth are put together. In this manner, I have finaly started to rebuild my entire Bionicle collection! What a day!
    Ever read The Toa Nuva Go Crazy? It's a comedy by me. Check it out in the Library -> Comedies.
  10. Tak-E
    Good morning, good morning, it's such a happy day! Good morning, good morning, let's get up and play!
    Have you ever wondered why Trix are only for kids?
  11. Tak-E
    I leave in ten minutes for the graduation ceremony. Just thought that you all might like to see me in my cap and gown. I left my shoes off for a very good reason.

  12. Tak-E
    Graduation was great, and very sad. All forty-eight of us 8th graders cried at the end because twenty of us our departing from our school and we may very well never see any of them again. We all got our diplomas, and we're all very proud (we're also happy the tassles on the cap are finally gonna come off ). But, nonetheless, it is the conclusion to one of the greatest and trying school years that I've ever had. I made it through with God's help, and hopefully I'll see a lot of old and new friends this coming school year.
    We're going down, down, in an earlier round, and, sugar, we're going down swinging. I'll be your number one with the bullet; a loaded God-complex, cock it and pull it.
  13. Tak-E
    After an absence, I've finally become a full-time premier member! The title is repected (and feared) among many members on the forum. Heck, we can make polls, what's not to fear? I'm glad that I have so many perks (and so much PE ). I'm satisfied that I have paypal. Ah, the joy of life. Enough about me, there's an audience here! Let me think...got it! Well, my collection of 2006 is about to be wrapped up. I have all of the Toa Inika, Doomatoran, and Piraka. I own Axonn and Vezon and Fenrakk. I was actually he second BZPer to own V&F. So I only need three more sets. Brutaka, Irankk (sp?), and Umbra. I'll be looking for these in the Buy/Sell/Trade forum soon if I don't get my hands on them befor Christmas, which is when I get all of the playsets. Well. I'll be signing off now. It's 1:30 A.M. by me right now. I'll be back later, don't worry.
  14. Tak-E
    I recently acquired the new copy of Guitar Hero Encore: Rock the 80's. So here's a review of the game for you Guitar Hero fans.
    First off, the disk and the case. Pretty much everything's normal here, however, if you're used to the directions to playing the game being in the direction booklet, you're in for a surprise. The game comes with a three page booklet telling you safety warnings and stuff, and then it also comes with a poster for the game. On the flip side of the poster all the directions to play the game and anything that should've been in the direction booklet. Other than that, everything else is normal. Here are some pictures of that:
    Okay, so now for gameplay. This game is one of the most addicting and fun games I've ever played. I own all three, and have the fourth one on reserve. I'm also patiently awaiting the release of the Rock Band game, which comes out for the PS3 and the Xbox 360 where you can buy drums, two guitars, and a microphone and rock out. But, anyway, back to the game. Well, if you're just looking for some awesome and fun new songs to play, get this game. However, if you're just buying it for the new venues, characters, game format, and bonus songs and videos, don't get it. Why? Simple: everything in this game is the same as Guitar Hero 2 except the songs. Sure, the venues and characrers have been changed to be given the "80's look," but otherwise it's just Guitar Hero 2. The only other weird thing is everything like the main screen and stuff is in neon blue and white. And the starting video for the game is the same as Guitar Hero 2's except with them in their new 80's style. But there are no bonus songs, no new venues, no new characters, and no videos. Actually, you can buy the Gim Ripper still, but I think he looks the same as always. Only me beating the game on Medium (which I had to use the Hyperspeed cheat on so that I didn't fall asleep playing it because it was so slow and I love playing on Expert) and getting enough money to buy him. Oh, also, there are no new guitars. The bonus guitars and the ones in the shop are the same ones from Guitar Hero 2. Nothing special. And no secondary outfits for the characters.
    In short, this game didn't live up to my expectations, but it does have some kick butt songs to \m/ (rock on) Guitar Hero Encore: Rock the 80's!
    If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?
  15. Tak-E
    Sunday was my birthday, so I'm super happy. I got $121 bucks from some relatives and an Mp3 Player. So I'm doing pretty good. I lost internet over the weekend because I didn't network my new wireless internet computer, but I fixed it after going online at a friend's house and figuring it out. So I'm good now.
    School's out Thursday! And I have my big party then!!!!!!!!! Sorry, I lost my sanity for a few seconds there.
    Do one legged ducks swim in circles?
  16. Tak-E
    That one word that strikes fear into every boy's heart. Homecoming. Ask a girl to the dance; you don't, you're a nerd. Lol. I'm right on the edge of that. My homecoming is pretty late this year. Lol. Really late. Anyways. I'm in 8th geade, so not a lot of girls can date and go to dances and stuff. But lucky me I already have a girlfriend and we're gonna be there all day helping to set up and stuff.
    Ever have those kids in your class that get you extra homework and have the teachers change the seating assignment weekly? I envy those who do. My class has, no, not one, but six boys who get us extra homework and get the seats changed daily. We get about an average of six detentions handed out to those students each day. Some people...
    And today I start a new tradition. Random Question of the Day.
    Whose cruel idea was it for the word lisp to have an s in it?
  17. Tak-E
    Today during gym some ##### (really mean guy) took my football and started to throw so I jumped and accidentally landed on him when he threw it. I was trying to block the throw. Then I apologized and he punched me twice and then shoved me to the ground twice and swore at me. Then, later on, someone stole my football and I got it back right before school got out...
    How long, how long, will I slide...?
  18. Tak-E
    Not only was my sister able to borrow her friend's electric guitar and an amp, but I wrote two songs. I gotta clean them up, though...
  19. Tak-E
    Since I'm not doing an IMD today, I thought I'd take a break and let you all know what's going on in my life.
    Currently, I start school on Monday. Thursday was my Freshman Orientation, and I got to see a lot of "friends." However, I did see one of my best friends, Heather. We hung out and talked and stuff. Found out some sad news that two of our sophmore friends were pulled out from the school. However, my friend Gabby who had been expelled for one year (don't ask me) is back now. Looking forward to seeing her since I've only had her older brother take home notes over the past year and that's how we communicated. Also, my friend Tyler from work is now going to my school. He used to go to the same school of the girl I asked out on Valentines's Day (not sure if there's a blog post on that...), but he was a grade above her and thus graduated. So now we have the same classes and we'll be carpooling with each other.
    In other news, I am currently waiting for my friend Joey to come and pick me up because I am going to spend the night at his house. He has an Xbox 360 and I had ordered Halo 2 for him off of Ebay (he had Halo but his parents would never take him to a store where he could get the game). So it just came in the other day and he came over and we played it. Right now his Xbox Live router is on the fritz, but I'll fix it once I get to his house and his friend is gonna join us in some fights.
    So, I'll have a laptop (my dad's out of town so I can take his wherever I want) so I may or may not be online at least a bit. If you need to reach me, I'll have Skype and Windows Live Messenger. My Skype name is anewho1 and my Windows Live Messenger account is phillipar33@hotmail.com.
  20. Tak-E
    I'm finally back. After two weeks, I'm back. Last week I had work and I was switched to a different section, and the week before that I hung out with my friend Steve all week and he doesn't like it when I come onto BZPower because he doesn't understand how to use the site and doesn't find it very interesting. But this week I'm gonna come back onto BZPower and catch up with the two weeks of posting I've missed, as well as all the friends that I've missed for the past few weeks. So I'll see you around the forum, guys!
    Do people who use sign language see little hands in their head when they think about what somebody said, or do they hear the words in their head?
  21. Tak-E
    Aside from finishing up the IMD project and my other little secret project (more details in a moment), I was thinking of working on a new project for banners for the High School Musical 3 movie. These will, of course, be non-official images and will most likely have no relationship to the actual movie, but I'm willing to try it out if a few people would use it. However, if no one else wants it, I'll just make a few for myself.
    Anyway, about that secret project. All I can say is that it has to do with this coming Saturday and some sort of "holiday" for some people. Don't guess. Guesses will be edited out of blog posts.
    The last IMD will be posted either Sunday around noon by me or early Monday morning, depending on what time I get home tomorrow.
  22. Tak-E
    Today I officially started using a new signoff term. For those of you who know me well, I've used the ^TZT^ at the end of my posts; not today! Today I used a new phrase: -Taki. It was coined by Turakii the other day and I really liked it.
    In other news, I need your input. I'm thinking of slightly changing my name. I want it to be very close to my personal name, however. Please post your ideas and suggestions in the comments box.
    What shape is the sky?
  23. Tak-E
    I'm thinking of setting internation days for you. You'll get your own banner and every day it's a different member, and everyone can add it into their sig. I need at least seven members in order to do this, so just let me know. All members that join must wear the banners for the days.
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