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Status Updates posted by Tobi

  1. ...


  2. "I do believe I'm just a bit crazy."

    I'm going to have "Addison" say that eventually.

  3. "It's a freak a-thon!"

  4. "It's neither, really, but both," Jon responded...

    I think I just made the largest single-person post in The Neighborhood...

  5. "That depends on which you are," Jon said...

    Also, Crena gets a part!

  6. "The Infected probably can't rig"...

    Plot twists!

  7. (Howsabout Jiraiya?)

  8. *clueless*



  9. *Dr. Evil voice* Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh... t.

  10. Tobi




  11. *grins* I'm on it now!

  12. *hugs* Glatty! Duuude!

  13. *laughing evilly, my theme begins playing* And I know yours too... kukukukuku...

  14. *laughs* So, what've you been up to?

  15. *nods* Yup, it's my first (good) MECHA!

  16. *powerhug*


    I lost the link. *kicks YAHOO mail* *REPEATEDLY*

  17. *sigh* I wrote a ###### story called "Overkill: Season One" that had you, me (Nostrum Xoder), Bara, Tara, Snow, Overlord, y'know?

  18. Tobi

    *sigh* Yes, Garda, I know. I lost access to my computer. That's why they died.

  19. *smacks* SKULLKID!

  20. *sweatdrop* You've lost it, Gin...

  21. *sweatdrops* Even if I post mine, there's no way I can beat yours... with a bit of tweakage, this could have been Mata Nui's big-arse(nal)-robot-form-pre-cataclysm.

    And what's project ReNEWal?

  22. Ah, okay... what green masks do you have? Sorry to be a pest...

  23. Tobi

    Ah, sorry. Been kinda... busy... lately, and my concentration and nerves are shot. I'll get it to you ASAP, okay? My laptop's in for repairs right now, so I'm having to use my Wii. It should be up again soon, and I'll send it then.

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