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Posts posted by Exo-Kahgarak

  1. Inika means 'energy from a star'. Assuming ka=energy/power (not an illogical assumption, considering its presence in Kardas, Kanohi, Kanoka, Ignika, etc.), then ini means 'from a star'. Presumably, -i- is 'from' and either -ni- or -in- is 'star' (or ini is just 'star energy').Either way, Inika has nothing to do with the word for lightning.Also, if Ta-hu means Ta = fire and Le-sovikk/Le-wa means Le = air, does Jo-van mean Jo = magnetism? And Ta-kanuva means Ta = light as well?Not that I dislike the idea of canonizing elemental prefixes, but I would prefer something else.

  2. Let's see:- The transition to sci-fi without any kind of actual attempt at scientific explanation of the sci-fi.- The Heart of the Visorak, which was not even hinted at previously, suddenly being discovered and used to kill every single Visorak... only for Teridax to bring them back a short time later.- GIANT ROBOTS WITH LAZORZ!- The way-too-rushed end to the story.- Teridax, who is the Matoran Universe, dying without, you know, any real damage to the Matoran Universe. I actually would have liked it better if Metru Nui were vaporized when the Core Processor was (but no, the heat in the core processor was enough to vaporize antidermis but not melt through 1/4 mile of rock at most to hit Metru Nui).- Powers being added randomly with no explanation (especially when the story supposedly transitioned to sci-fi).- The serials had way too much going on in way too little space.

  3. Wow. You've put a lot of work into this since the BZP forums started their update. Um... I don't really have any complaints anymore (at least, not that people haven't mentioned). A few balance issues:Toa:Stone stuns you for a really long time. Once I modified a character to have 15 in every stat and I still only survived against an AI Toa of Stone by standing on a healing-pad thing.Once shadow is fixed so that it blinds the AI instead of stunning them, I think it might almost be too weak. In combat with a Toa of Shadow, the screen never really darkens enough to prevent me from aiming at them.Gravity seems very powerful, but this might just be because of Karda Nui's map layout.Lightning also stuns you for a really long time, and you can't even really tell if you're stunned or not.Rahkshi:Disintegration seems really powerful. It destroys weapons and Kanohi and can often get a two-hit kill even against fairly strong Toa.Poison seems slightly weak.Hunger seems too powerful now that it drains elemental energy as well as health. Exo-Pyro is easy as long as there are Toa or Rahkshi near to drain energy from now and then. Toa and Rahkshi are laughably easy to kill because I have a constant source of health and elemental energy while they slowly lose health and die.Quick healing is not so much overpowered as annoying. They have no way to attack you other than melee (which you can usually avoid fairly easily), but their ability to convert elemental energy into health makes them nigh-impossible to kill. It takes over a minute of straight blasting them with elemental powers to kill them, but you usually take almost no damage. Only hunger, with its ability to drain energy, has proven truly effective against quick healing.

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