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About Rumpelstiltskin

  • Birthday 02/09/1994

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Storybrooke, Maine
  • Interests
    My interests? First and foremost, the To Save the World! TBRPG in Off-Topic Culture; it's the main reason why I still check up on the site. If you like superheroes and have some free time, go check it out. It's awesome.

    I suppose Bionicle would have once topped this list, back when it was still around. I used to be quite obsessive over it, but I think that I've started to drift away from it over time. I would like to see it make a comeback at some point, but I'll probably just watch from the sidelines if it does.

    I have found that I enjoy the process of creating, whatever the medium. I love worldbuilding for the sake of worldbuilding, just for the sheer creativity of it. I also enjoy writing and creating computer art, though I've never considered myself overly great at either.

    I don't watch much TV; there aren't that many shows that appeal to my tastes, which are mainly superheroes and fantasy settings. Can't say I'm much of a sports fan, either, though I can be a bit overzealous about playing soccer.

    My favorite movies are generally of an epic nature: Pirates of the Caribbean, The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, just to name a few. My favorite books are usually the of a similar caliber - The Wheel of Time series, The Sword of Truth series, the Harry Potter series...yeah, I'm sensing a theme here. =P

    As for video games, I can't say that I'm as well-versed as I am in movies and books. The Lego video games are always cool, and they generally cover themes I enjoy anyway. The Legend of Zelda games appeal to me for their epic nature, not that I can ever really finish them. I've got Monster Hunter Tri, too, which is fantastic for blowing off some steam.

    Finally, I'm a self-described avid Disney fan. My family and I are firm believers that everything Disney touches turns to gold, which can only be expected from a company that owns the Muppets, ABC, and Marvel.

    Since you've taken the time to read all of this, I'd like to thank you for having shown interest in what I find interesting. I hope you have a great day. =)

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  1. Hey! greg visited you! That's rare :P

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