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Status Updates posted by Hakkums

  1. Happy *late* Easter Nikira. :D

  2. No wai... YOU TOO? =D

  3. Lawl, Da Powah Dat Is a Witch goes BOOM. 8D

  4. How about a witch-hunt, Munki? =D


  6. Don't bug Santa Lazzy. He owes me a destroah! D:

  7. Oh, hey TPTI. How ya like it down here in Other-side-topia? =D

  8. Happy Easter Mout. :)

  9. The gate's slow and I've done all I can do, whereas here I have to worry about relentless harassment from you. :D

  10. I can see my hooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuseeeeeeeeeeeeee... *voice trails off on the other side of the internet*

  11. Can you hear me now? =D

  12. Of course, Panda Master. ^^

  13. Oh no. Setty's back! Beware his awesome awesomness! D:

  14. I like Makuta's name. ;.;

  15. ...Dood, there's a reason your so awesome. Peas ftw. Cookies galore.

  16. TPTI was closer, though not Muppets. I award you some cookie crumbs. :D

  17. *weird accent* OMG HI THAR *slaps with fish*

    ...Anyone who knows what that's from...well...lawl

  18. Woot for random ear landing on someone's shoulder. 8D

  19. Good. Now go eat Cap'n Sets. I laid him out on a silver platter and shoved an apple in his mouth. Munch. :P

  20. LOST IS WIN!1! Too bad I don't wanna talk to you. :|

    j/k j/k =D

  21. Duck, duck, goose. 8D

  22. Maybe the slicing has something to do with it? :X

  23. *glares at Cap'n* Great, he goes emo in my profile just before Valentines Day. Lawl, Cap'n sadz.

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