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Manterax Prime

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Status Updates posted by Manterax Prime

  1. Dat avatar! that's what brought me here. Nice to more anime fans on Bzp. Would you be ok w/ me adding you as a friend?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Catra


      yeah dude shes from a video game anyway yeah i dont mind

    3. Manterax Prime

      Manterax Prime

      I know touhou's a game! But still....

    4. Catra


      but i dont really watch anime which is why i pointed that out (im sorry)

  2. First time I saw your profile, it said you were a boy. What's the deal here?

  3. Hey, I've just received a free Minecraft Giftcode!

  4. I was also born in 1992.


  5. Love the Sailor Moon stuff! It's my #1 favorite anime!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Manterax Prime

      Manterax Prime

      I've been thinking about the Sailor V manga but I can't find it. I'm also out of cash so I'm stuck with only having SM Vol. 1-3 for now.

    3. Hahli Husky

      Hahli Husky

      Oh weird; at least they're on Amazon if all else fails. :P Haha I hear you ... I just recently got volume 3 for my birthday, but I've been slowly collecting them. So, the Big Question: fave Sailor Senshi??

    4. Manterax Prime

      Manterax Prime

      Hmm? I'll have to think about that one...

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